Sentences with phrase «develop national economies»

Building resilience to climate impacts is critical and clear signals from governments and investors are necessary to develop national economies in a climate - resilient way, safeguarding the wellbeing of their citizens.
[ND - GAIN] also show [s] that the most developed countries are not doing enough either, which raises serious public policy questions no matter how well - developed a national economy may be,» Hellmann said.

Not exact matches

«They should then be empowered to develop a collaborative strategy that will include the long term funding needed to deal with the significant risks to the Lower Fraser River, the region, and entire the national economy
If we continue to move from a national economy to a global one, then we must either develop much stronger concentrations of international political power or else accept a world governed by naked economic power.
One week later, the CENTURY challenged politicians to develop «an adequately planned national economy» (March 11, 1931), one that would enable federal policies to curb the excesses of capitalism.
East Asia developed successfully around national economies, just as did the United States and most European countries.
But if we succeed in making a step - change in transport connectivity between the great northern cities, easing congestion, increasing capacity and reducing journey times, then ministers succeed when it comes to the Holy Grail of rebalancing the national economy and developing a much - needed counterweight to London and the south - east.
However, throughout the second half of the 20th Century, national debt and public sector borrowing emerged as a structural problem in most developed economies, with large deficits being run year after year, as the role and «size» of the state has grown.
Britain has one of the highest top marginal tax rates, and one of the highest combined top marginal income rates (including national insurance contributions), in the developed world, and the highest of the major developed economies.
Data dissemination and workshops to develop national fuel economy policies with key stakeholders are on the consortium's agenda, too.
This has significance and potential impact for agriculture and the national economy in the form of developing potential biofuels feedstocks, understanding host - pathogen interactions, and improving crop plant biomass.
According to the National Research Council, modern - day students must develop and consistently hone their computational skills in order to compete in a global economy....
The National Center on Education and the Economy, which developed the plan, compares the wave of innovation that could result from such an initiative to the sweeping experimentation in welfare reform that states engaged in prior to...
The move is an essential step in supporting the national curriculum for computing, helping students develop the knowledge and skillsets needed to address the current digital skills gap in the UK economy.
I'm pleased to announce that ASCD has become an endorsing partner of the Common Core State Standards Initiative, a state - led effort spearheaded by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Governors Association (NGA) to develop a common core of state standards that prepare our children for college, the workforce, and success in the global economy.
The main focus of the commission is improving Michigan's education system to better prepare students for a global economy and positioning Michigan as a national leader developing talent.
Empowered Educators: An Unparalleled View of Teaching Quality Around the World from Linda Darling - Hammond Funded and supported by the National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE), NISL's parent organization, leading education researcher Linda Darling - Hammond's new book Empowered Educators gives groundbreaking insights into how seven high - performing jurisdictions across four continents constructed coherent systems to recruit, develop and support high - quality teachers.
This report argues that over the next decade and beyond, U.S. national, state, and local policy must focus on developing sustainable biofuels — rather than just more biofuels — that can play a role in the emerging new energy economy.
Despite the continuing difficulties in the global economy, two thirds of national tourism organisations in developing countries increased their budgets last year the report finds.
So in connection with the major economies process we launched, we're urging each country to develop its own national goals and plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The CTF will aim to promote low - carbon economies by helping to finance deployment in developing countries of commercially available cleaner energy technologies through investments in support of credible national mitigation plans that include low - carbon objectives.
The question I would like to ask Tom is this: Why would China, India and the remainder of the under - developed world stop growing their national economies, just as the US is growing its economy now, while the US, the predominant leader of the over-developed world, remains intransigent and unwilling to so much as openly discuss the necessity for stopping what it is doing now.
All -LCB- developed country Parties -RCB--LCB- all Annex I Parties and all current European Union (EU) member States, EU candidate countries and potential candidate countries that are not included in Annex I to the Convention -RCB--LCB- Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries, countries that are not OECD members but whose economic development stages are equivalent to those of the OECD members, and countries that voluntarily wish to be treated as developed countries -RCB--LCB- shall -RCB--LCB- should -RCB- adopt legally binding mitigation commitments or actions including economy - wide quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives16 for the period from -LCB- 1990 -RCB--LCB- 2013 -RCB--LCB- XXXX -RCB- until -LCB- 2017 -RCB--LCB- 2020 -RCB--LCB- XXXX -RCB-, while ensuring comparability of efforts among them, taking into account differences in their national circumstances.
All three are among more than 20 national and sub-national governmental agencies around the world that have incorporated voluntary climate - change solutions into their formal strategies — creating in the process a means of developing the tools and procedures that will be needed in a low - carbon economy.
In the developing world, where national incomes depend heavily on agriculture, such productivity effects are likely to have a large impact on the economy.
The development of a vibrant solar industry in the western regions is also consistent with the national «Go West» policy of developing China's interior western and remote regions that have traditionally lagged behind the coastal economies.
This need is not lost on the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate — a group of national finance ministers, former heads of state, and leading global economists — who called in 2015 for international financial institutions to develop a package of $ 1 billion over five years to support the world's 500 largest cities in reducing climate pollution and building urban resilience.
Subtitle H: Energy and Efficiency Centers and Research -(Sec. 171) Requires the Secretary to implement a program to establish Energy Innovation Hubs by: (1) leveraging the expertise and resources of the university and private research communities, industry, venture capital, national laboratories, and other participants in energy innovation to support cross-disciplinary research and development in areas not being served by the private sector in order to develop and transfer innovative clean energy technologies into the marketplace; (2) expanding the knowledge base and human capital necessary to transition to a low - carbon economy; and (3) promoting regional economic development by cultivating clusters of clean energy technology firms, private research organizations, suppliers, and other complementary groups and businesses.
These can enable the transport systems of developing countries to play their part in the attainment of national goals: to develop economies, to create jobs, to reduce poverty and inequality, to produce more food, to improve health and education, and in general to ensure that citizens can live healthy and satisfying lives.
The shift also will staunch the outflow of dollars for oil, keeping that capital at home to invest in the new energy economy, developing national renewable energy resources and creating jobs here.
China and other developing countries are unlikely to agree to binding emissions reductions, and the «national schedules» that some have proposed to take their place are unlikely to appease domestic constituencies in the United States and elsewhere concerned that domestic emissions - reduction commitments will further exacerbate the economic advantages that China and other developing economies have on their competitors in the developed world.
The Alliance letter complained that California's «rushed effort toward a state rulemaking is not in the spirit of a collaborative effort to develop a single national program for fuel economy / GHG standards.»
Since the fishing is presumably intended for animal feed in the developed world, rather than human consumption, surely this could be stopped by international agreement without disastrous effect on any national economies.
The statement developed by Virginia - based organization Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) urged for «a more balanced and durable multilateral framework guiding and strengthening national efforts to address climate change,» committing to not only reduce emissions but also establish «strong transparency to hold countries accountable,» facilitate international carbon pricing, and «decarboniz [e] the global economy
This legislation would develop a national action plan to identify dead zones and harmful algal blooms and work to reduce their impacts on our economy and ecosystem.»
(12) the establishment of such a vehicle fleet and distribution system would provide a large market that would mobilize private resources to substantially advance the technology and expand the production of alcohol fuels in the United States and abroad; (13) the United States has an urgent national security interest to develop alcohol fuels technology, production, and distribution systems as rapidly as possible; (14) new cars sold in the United States that are equipped with an internal combustion engine should allow for fuel competition by being flexible fuel vehicles, and new diesel cars should be capable of operating on biodiesel; and (15) such an open fuel standard would help to protect the United States economy from high and volatile oil prices and from the threats caused by global instability, terrorism, and natural disaster.
In addition, the administration is helping the National Development and Reform Commission to design policies that are expected to develop circular economies across the country, he added.
Equity is a great way to grow a national economy and an excellent means of capacity building in developing countries.
The authors argue that the fragmented status of public international law with respect to the limitations period doctrine is attributable to (i) the wholesale importation of national - domestic law on limitations into public international law without having considered the policies and aspirations of international law, and (ii) the economic agendas of industrialized states to the exclusion of the interests of developing states and economies in transition.
Business Development: Brokering various business dealings that further the diversification of Indian economies Developing and accessing commercial financial programs and services for tribal governments, including tax - exempt offerings and federally - guaranteed housing loans Serving as issuer or underwriter's counsel in tribal bond issuances Ensuring tribal compliance with Bank Secrecy Act and other federal financial regulatory requirements Handling federal and state income, excise, B&O, property and other tax matters for tribes and tribal businesses Chartering tribal business enterprises under tribal, state and federal law Registering and protecting tribal trademarks and copyrights Negotiating franchise agreements for restaurants and retail stores on Indian reservations Custom - tailoring construction contracts for tribes and general contractors Helping secure federal SBA 8 (a) and other contracting preferences for Indian - owned businesses Facilitating contractual relations between tribes and tribal casinos, and gaming vendors Building tribal workers» compensation and self - insurance programs Government Relations: Handling state and federal regulatory matters in the areas of tribal gaming, environmental and cultural resources, workers» compensation, taxation, health care and education Negotiating tribal - state gaming compacts and fuel and cigarette compacts, and inter-local land use and law enforcement agreements Advocacy before the Washington State Gambling Commission, Washington Indian Gaming Association and National Indian Gaming Commission Preparing tribal codes and regulations, including tribal court, commercial, gaming, taxation, energy development, environmental and cultural resources protection, labor & employment, and workers» compensation laws Developing employee handbooks, manuals and personnel policies Advocacy in areas of treaty rights, gaming, jurisdiction, taxation, environmental and cultural resource protection Brokering fee - to - trust and related real estate and jurisdictional transactions Litigation & Appellate Services: Handling complex Indian law litigation, including commercial, labor & employment, tax, land use, treaty rights, natural and cultural resource matters Litigating tribal trust mismanagement claims against the United States, and evaluating tribal and individual property claims under the Indian Claims Limitation Act Defending tribes and tribal insureds from tort claims brought against them in tribal, state and federal courts, including defense tenders pursuant to the Federal Tort Claims Act Assisting tribal insureds in insurance coverage negotiations, and litigation Representing individual tribal members in tribal and state civil and criminal proceedings, including BIA prosecutions and Indian probate proceedings Assisting tribal governments with tribal, state and federal court appeals, including the preparation of amicus curiae briefs Our Indian law & gaming attorneys collaborate to publish the quarterly «Indian Legal Advisor ``, designed to provide Indian Country valuable information about legal and political developments affecting tribal rights.
«But it should develop in such a way that the national economy can not be put under attack, but rather make it stronger.»
As the leading advocate for homeownership, the National Association of REALTORS ® will host a summit of policy makers, industry leaders, and government stake holders to develop strategies to help stabilize and revitalize the nation's housing market and economy.
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