Sentences with phrase «developed sense of history»

Cowper - Coles has had a distinguished career in the diplomatic service, is sociable, politically aware, and has a highly developed sense of history.
But in the mythological world ancient man had not developed a sense of history.
Nonetheless, it is important that we develop a sense of history in these matters.
We have already seen, however, that the very same men of Israel who were responsible for developing a sense of history, were those who began to lead men's attention away from the sanctuary.

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The teaching of church history is sometimes made the occasion for developing a sense of alienation from other groups rather than for developing a sense of unity.
It is to see in history a process in which term - making achieves significant results through the struggle of men of different persuasions with the stubborn facts of human life guided by a developing «sense of injustice».
Generally speaking, the more the sense of history developed and turned Israel's attention to the human scene, the more the elements of ancient mythology were discarded.
The mental picture of the risen and ascended Christ, which the imagination of the Christian believer developed from the memories of the crucified Jesus of history and from the initial apostolic experience, expressed the sense of faith, hope and victory to which the believer had been led.
It is significant to note that the discipline of the history of religions, in the sense the term is used in the present article, did not develop in America until a relatively recent date.
Besides helping our students improve their grammar, knowledge of history, and understanding of basic geometry, we give them the tools they need to develop a sense of leadership and independence.
Avis has always believed that when students study their history, they develop a sense of pride in their race, background, and culture.
Because I have a whole range of interests (and I'd like to think a well - developed sense of humor and fun), I have also authored a «brief history of disco / dance music» called HOT STUFF, and a collection of my newspaper columns and feature articles focused on eastern Connecticut (sometimes nicknamed «the other» — poorer, working - class, more rural and typically «New England» — Connecticut) called TOUGH LOVE.
Also, things are the way they are — setting aside the politics (for recieving nations) and psychological costs (for those moving), it would make sense to some extent for people to move toward places set up for efficient wealth generation rather than to spread the wealth among the people whereever they are, so it wouldn't make sense to try to wipe the slate clean of the advantages gained from history let along geography, although the later does bring up the issue of climate change refugees, and some wealth generating capacity is spread out (land), and of course some clean energy resources are rather abundant in the developing world or parts thereof, and energy needs differ geographically even for the same lifestyle — see above... this whole paragraph should reference itself....
Please forgive me for stating the obvious: there are mountains of scientific evidence, plenty of sound reasons and abundant common sense imploring the leaders of India, China, the US and the rest of the over-developed and under - developed world to consider that the seemingly endless, global expansion of large - scale industrialization and production capabilities, now overspreading the surface of Earth, could be approaching a point in history when these unbridled big - business activities could dangerously destablize frangible global ecosystems, irreversibly degrade the environment, recklessly dissipate Earth's natural resource base and, perhaps, destroy our planetary home as a fit place for human habitation by our children.
I possess a strong journalism background via education and work history, overseas experience, a sense of creativity, highly developed organizational skills, along with a healthy attitude for the work atmosphere.
Caused by a history of unresponsive and insensitive caregiving environment, an insecure attachment can lead children to develop poor emotion regulation skills and a negative sense of self, both associated with internalizing problems.
WINNER — Queanbeyan Public School (Queanbeyan) have developed deep and broad relationships with community, creating a palpable sense that Aboriginal and Torres Strait peoples, histories and cultures are an integral part of the school and its environs.
Personal factors that may compromise a parent's responsiveness include depression, perception of the parent's own child - rearing history as negative, or beliefs and attitudes that detract from a parent's sense of importance in his or her child's life.19 However, other factors, such as higher levels of social support from friends and family, can buffer some of these negative social - personal factors13 as well as predict which parents move from a non-responsive to a responsive style with intervention.20 This is an encouraging finding, as parenting interventions can be developed to provide a level of social support mothers from high - risk social backgrounds need in order to develop responsive parenting styles.21
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