Sentences with phrase «developing flat spots on their heads»

My son had something called torticolis and couldn't turn his head one way, so he developed a flat spot on his head, he now wears a helmet called a star band.
Tummy time will also help your baby avoid developing a flat spot on her head from being on her back.
Tummy time is meant to help strengthen the muscles in babies» necks and keep them from developing flat spots on their heads.
She was developing quickly, meeting her milestones, and she wasn't developing any flat spots on her head.
Founded in 1986, Cranial Technologies is the only company in the world solely dedicated to treating infants with plagiocephaly, a condition where a baby develops a flat spot on the head.
Some babies are prone to developing flat spots on their head.

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If your child is always on their back, the back of their skull is always touching the floor, which can lead to developing flat spots on the back of the head.
You should also try to change your baby's head position each night so he doesn't develop a flat spot on either side.
It will help to shape your baby's head naturally and prevent from developing a flat spot on either side of your baby's head.
Tummy time will also help prevent them from developing a flat spot on the back of their head, which can sometimes be the product of laying on their back for a long time.
If nothing is done to help babies turn and stretch their head and neck to both sides and in all directions, it is possible for them to develop torticollis and / or flat spots on their heads.
According to Mayo Clinic, when a baby is in a car seat for too long, a flat spot on the back of the head can develop and the symptoms of reflux can become worse.
It occurs when a baby's head develops a flat spot due to pressure on that area.
Because babies spend so much time lying on their back, for example, they may develop a flat spot where their head presses against the mattress.
One problem with putting your baby on her back so much is that she may develop a flat spot on the back or side of her head.
Sometimes known as «flat head syndrome,» plagiocephaly (pronounced play - jee - oh - sef - uh - lee) is a relatively common condition where an infant develops a flat spot on the back or side of the head.
If your baby has a preferred head position or has developed a flat spot, strategically place toys only on the opposite side of the gym to encourage head turning in his non-preferred direction or away from his flat spot.
We've discussed in Part 1 how helpful baby stations can be for giving your baby a variety of body positions to experience sensations and movements (as well as to prevent flat spots from developing on the head and neck tightness from developing or worsening) AND how helpful baby stations are for giving you a few minutes break from baby holding!
In addition, awake time on the stomach may help prevent flat spots from developing on the back of the babyís head.
Babies developed flat spots on the backs of their heads and mild delays in gross motor skills, like rolling over and pulling up.
Babies developed flat spots on the backs of their heads -LSB-...]
And if you're worried about your baby getting flat spots on their head, tummy time reduces the chances of flat spots developing.
To reduce the risk of plagiocephaly, or flat - head syndrome, in which a baby develops a flat spot on the back of her head, make sure your newborn isn't always looking in the same direction.
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