Sentences with phrase «developing greater awareness»

Thoughtful teachers also know they must support their students in developing greater awareness and social emotional competencies so they can successfully navigate the challenges they'll face inside and outside the classroom.
It also recommends additional student space and clear procedures about using the space, amendments to the Student Code of Conduct that provide for student rights, better communication with students, including about their achievements, more effective enforcement of policies related to personal and community safety, the creation of an office to increase cultural awareness and provide anti-racism training, exclusion of external groups who are disruptive and anti-oppression training for everyone (an unfortunate term that one hopes really means developing greater awareness of differences).
Her focus is in supporting leaders and teams develop greater awareness of visible and invisible patterns that compromise their effectiveness and growth.
Flamboyan decided to publish a Directory of Foundations so that the Puerto Rican public could develop a greater awareness and understanding of philanthropy and its potential as a catalyst for social change.
You will also be able to develop a greater awareness of your emotions and keep them in check.
In his later years, he developed a greater awareness of his Jewish heritage, which found expression in his works, with reference to the Holocaust and influences from Jewish writers such as Kafka and Walter Benjamin, and he came to consider himself to be a «wandering Jew».
The legal profession needs to develop greater awareness of disability issues in order for wheelchair access to be improved, says Raquel Siganporia
As we work together we will focus on developing a great awareness about our feelings and developing a new set of skills; in doing so the focus is on becoming closer to our partners and the people we care about and love.
The expectation is for the residents to obtain sobriety, develop a greater awareness of the impact that drugs and / or alcohol have upon their lives, and create a plan to prevent future relapses.
I provide a safe supportive environment for adults, young adults to develop greater awareness of themselves.
I help clients develop greater awareness of their role in the relational web of their life.

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Little by little, however, Klein's campaign team was building a following and developing some brand awareness, first in Greater Toronto, then southern Ontario, Quebec and finally British Columbia's lower mainland.
Instagram is a great channel for generating awareness and developing existing relationships with prospects and customers.
Develop Awareness Programs Too often companies invest heavily in creating a great product that satisfies a problem in the market, only to be disappointed when sales volumes fall far below expectation.
There never was a time in History that atheists exist, only in this present stage of our intellectual developement that they deny His exisrence, but it can be easily explained that they are just part of the dialectical process of having to have two opposing arguments or forces to arrive to the truth, The opposing forces today are the theists or religious believers of all religions and the other are the atheists who denies religion, The reslultant truth in the future will be Panthrotheism, the belief that we are all one with the whole universe with God, and that we Had all to unite to prepare for human survival that will subject us humans in the future.Aided by the the enlightend consevationist, environmentalists, humanists and all of the concerned activists, we will develop a kind of universal harmony and awareness that we are all guided towards love and concern for all of our specie.The great concern of the whole conscious and caring world to the natural disaster in the Phillipines,, the most theist country now is a positive sign towards this religious direction.Panthrotheism means we will be One with God.
From the Enlightenment scholars began to ask questions about the history of those texts and to develop a greater historical awareness.
The culinary team has developed meaningful relationships with growers, ranchers, fisherman and local artisans, and believes that no other region offers greater agriculture abundance and environmental awareness than that of the Puget Sound and Washington state.
Developed in 1996 to celebrate the art and science of brewing, this global competition continues to create greater consumer awareness about different beer styles and flavor profiles while promoting international brewing excellence.
«There's a lot of great product out there that we can leverage, and we just need to better develop our message, build our awareness, and allow the product then to speak for itself.»
And the knowledge, self - awareness, and problem - solving skills children develop through years of hands - on inquiry is of far greater value to them as learners and as human beings than anything they could have picked up by sitting at a screen.
Blocks are great for developing spatial awareness, critical thinking skills, encouraging pretend play, and so on.
Sing Songs — Songs and Nursery Rhymes offer children a great deal of exposure to rhyme and repetition as well as help to develop phonemic awareness.
Your baby is developing a stronger sense of self and a greater awareness of her surroundings.
It is the time period when you are experienced a great deal of difficulties, and when you are needed to develop your awareness and comprehension of the earth.
Remote control cars are great for developing spatial awareness and hand - eye coordination.
Events like these help them to develop a broader awareness of civil society, and give them greater opportunity to have their voices heard, now and in the future.»
«If a greater awareness enhances the use of TEE in the operating room, surgeons may better develop strategies to both help prevent these lesions and to consider revising their operations before the patient leaves the operating room if an intramural VSD exists.»
However, people with a higher socioeconomic status seem to have a better awareness of their own needs and a greater capacity for developing their sexuality in a way which is satisfying for them, as well as having greater control over the use of contraception.
And all it takes to get there is to develop a greater body awareness and have a bit of patience with yourself.
The Skater Squat is a great way to develop single leg strength by bringing awareness to the rotational elements of your body.
A student might not even be able to understand or explain how yoga is helping, but will continue to come back to his or her mat and will develop better self esteem, improved self regulation, increased strength and / or flexibility and body awareness, greater confidence and reduced anxiety.
Developing greater mind - body awareness has given me a strong desire to help others find this important connection between their minds and their bodies.
Behind the neck movements, like the ones below, are a great way to develop the neurological awareness and muscle necessary for proper barbell placement in the overhead position.
Such interventions can include: developing «mindfulness» and greater awareness of one's physical and emotional presence using relaxation and meditative techniques; movement, in order to promote a deeper physical awareness and to expand one's capacity to feel and express emotions; breathing techniques to increase awareness of and improve functioning of the breath and expressive verbalizations; specific exercises or routines to help eliminate certain physical tensions or «blocks»; etc..
However, engaging these inner, deep muscles by learning to draw in the belly button helps to develop them leading to a greater awareness of the posture and the body.
ChildLight Yoga & Mindfulness for Children & Teens with Special Needs Training (18 hours, certification required) Regardless of our challenges, with practice, each human being is uniquely able to develop greater body awareness, physical and mental strength and well - being.
To advance from one progression to the next you must develop greater strength, flexibility, awareness, and control.
Beginners and advanced practitioners will find an open, welcoming space to develop greater attention and awareness using the vast tools of Yoga.
A great way to push yourself and develop new awareness's to take with you into public classes.
It is a great way to develop single leg strength by bringing awareness to the rotational elements of your body.
AHOEC centres are at the forefront of delivering innovative, real, and exciting experiences to young people across the UK, its key aims being to promote all - round personal development through outdoor education and residential experience; to develop, establish and maintain good and safe practice in outdoor education; to encourage awareness of, and active respect for the environment; and to foster greater confidence and regard for others through a series of adventurous challenges requiring cooperation set in the outdoors.
However, this biodiversity is threatened by habitat loss, identified this issue of great moment seeks to provide solutions through education because it has vast resources to develop educational experiences through awareness.
Aim is to develop greater understanding of feelings and to begin to develop awareness of other's feelings, also turn taking and attention and listening.
By strengthening relationships, developing social and emotional skills, using restorative interventions, and increasing cultural awareness, we aim to create a positive climate for learning and address the root causes of suspensions and discipline disparities, leading to greater student engagement and success in school.
Basic Competencies: Students should have the ability to use all forms of information, especially current media and technology; develop a greater cultural awareness of their country and others; have the ability to work with others of different backgrounds; and develop skills to analyze multiple sources of information that can be used to solve real problems.
In contrast, behavior management systems seek to control student behavior through external inducements that do not teach deficit skills nor develop greater self - awareness in students.
In the four years that the Bolt Lock brand has been in the automotive aftermarket industry, Garcia has focused on developing significant market share gains and greater awareness for the product line.
It can eventually lead to great income, a portion of which will be passive as age, brand awareness and backlinks develop.
Focus Proofing is a great class to develop your dog's balance and body awareness to maximize athleticism in your dog.
This exploration has raised my awareness of the way our perception of a subject develops over brief slices of time, specifically the impact that each passing moment has on the fidelity of our greater visual comprehension.
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