Sentences with phrase «developing lung problems»

The BioBag could improve human infant mortality rates and lower the chances of a premature baby developing lung problems or cognitive disorders.
For example, one of the lambs his lab cloned soon after Dolly developed lung problems that caused it to hyperventilate and regularly pass out.

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People are developing lung cancer today because they were exposed to asbestos particles in and around shipyards during World War II.26 Technology creates environmental dangers, and knowing about these dangers confronts us with problems; we must make choices that did not exist before.
Kathryn developed severe hydrops caused by TTTS, and developed heart and lung problems.
The exceptions to this are those who smoke, because the carcinogens exhaled through the night increase the risk of problems for a developing baby's lungs.
This entry was posted in Pen and Cob's Corner and tagged growth, developing body, lung problems, heart problems, gland, appetite, human growth hormone, importance of sleep, child sleep, growing up, baby sleep, sleep on January 16, 2015 by Swanling Marketing.
Also, if some of the stomach contents get into the nose or lungs, a baby with GERD might develop respiratory problems like pneumonia, a cough at night, or sinus or ear infections.
The lungs of premature babies are still developing, so they may suffer from respiratory problems such as respiratory distress syndrome.
Despite much effort, no one has managed to develop an effective form of gene therapy to treat the lung problems of people with cystic fibrosis.
Babies in the high - risk group died or developed serious complications such as infections, bleeding, and lung and heart problems.
Nearly half a million babies are born at least three weeks premature in the United States each year, and those that survive potentially fatal lung problems in the first month may later develop retardation or cerebral palsy.
They more often had allergic reactions associated with severe and persistent asthma and developed problems with lung function.
«For premature babies who weigh less than 1,000 grams (about 2 pounds, 2 ounces), one of the problems is that their lungs and other organs are still developing when they are born.
The two projects are facets of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Bench to Bassinet Program, a major effort aimed at learning more about how the heart develops and why children are born with heart problems.
Despite these successes two major problems remain: first, the majority of lung cancer patients have tumours without mutations in targetable genes and; second, all patients eventually develop resistance to treatment with these targeted agents.
The ACR tells doctors to look for butterfly and discoid rashes; photosensitivity (meaning a skin rash that develops due to sun exposure); mouth or nose sores; arthritic pain with tenderness or swelling in two or more joints; swelling in the lining of the heart or lungs; a neurologic problem (such as seizure or psychosis); a kidney disorder (such as excessive protein in the urine); a blood disorder (such as anemia); and other blood abnormalities.
I developed and was granted an American patent for an artificial heart and lung for neonates, then I was asked to take care again of acquaintance nutrition problems in the US, I did this consultation on saturdays, with the presentation in 2006 then my main concern in the US is to see a food regulation to prevent diseases and with the casualties growing to take the technology for rescue to mass production and market to save innocent lives.
However, a big part of the reason your speed is so slow isn't about how developed your aerobic system is; the problem is that less air is getting into your lungs and bloodstream.
My question is, I have developed hypoxia now but no underly8ng heart or lung problems.
Just after graduating high school I switched because of various strange health issues — one of which landed me in the ER with fears of heart problems and / or severe lung problems (never smoked in my life), which is strange having just entered adulthood, but thankfully turned out to be extremely bad acid reflux mixed with the flu — and I got all these strange illnesses and severe sharp stomach pains (which I was terrified could be appendicitis developing, as the location was always that area) despite being in great physical shape my whole life and generally avoiding junk food.
Cats can develop respiratory problems, lung inflammation, and asthma as a result of secondhand smoke.
Heart Lungs and Circulation Many older dogs and some older cats develop heart problems.
If you could lessen your cat's risk of developing heart, lung, or kidney problems simply by cleaning his teeth, wouldn't you want to do it?
The problem is that the chronic form develops over time, and the scarring that occurs in the lung is irreversible, permanently reducing your lung capacity and causing other respiratory problems.
If successfully validated, the panel could become an early diagnostic tool to help veterinarians identify and treat cats with asthma before they develop serious lung problems or suffer from an acute asthma attack.
He may inhale the liquid and develop pneumonia or other lung problems.
Just as important, many of the standard exams that veterinarians rely on to direct them to the source of the problem (reflexes, heart and lung sounds, vision, balance, pain sensation, etc.) yield less information in neonates because these systems have not yet developed fully.
Symptoms in pets: Most cats develop immunity, but kittens are more vulnerable and can experience diarrhea or more serious problems, like lung, liver, or nervous system damage.
Fat rabbits are more likely to develop foot infections, insulin resistance, diabetes, heart and lung problems, arthritis, and depression.
Heart, kidney, lung and liver problems can develop when bacteria from an infected mouth enters the bloodstream.
Orr discussed how she became an activist when her young son developed problems with his lungs because of the air pollution in the region.
Children's lungs are still developing, and when they are exposed to elevated levels of these pollutants, children have an increased risk of developing asthma, respiratory problems and other adverse health effects.»
So if you have a family history of a certain illness (like cancer) or work in a place where you are vulnerable to develop a disorder (lung problems due to working in a coal mine), it is a good idea to buy this kind of a plan before the tragedy strikes.
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