Sentences with phrase «developing painful conditions»

As pets age, they may develop painful conditions such as arthritis.

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Moms can develop painful breast conditions such as breast engorgement, plugged milk ducts, or mastitis.
Minister for Life Sciences, George Freeman, MP said: «Eczema can be a painful and distressing condition and by investing in funding for research to develop a better understanding of the link between water hardness and eczema, I hope we can help prevent further suffering for thousands of children.
Its symptoms, including rash, fatigue, headaches, muscle pains, and swollen and painful joints, appear to be generally mild, but during an outbreak in French Polynesia that started in 2013, some patients developed a serious neurological condition named Guillain - Barré syndrome.
Doctors believe the woman developed a condition called compartment syndrome — a painful and potentially serious condition that involves increased pressure within an enclosed area of muscle — worsened by her skinny jeans.
Known as diabetic neuropathy, this often very painful condition tends to develop in people who have had uncontrolled diabetes for a long time.
I developed a very painful condition called vulvadynia.
Psoriasis can appear anywhere on the body and up to 30 % of people with psoriasis will develop psoriatic arthritis, a painful condition in which joints are inflamed and stiff.
Our dogs develop these painful and dangerous conditions, too.
This is a painful condition that develops when the dog is between three and eight years of age.
Unfortunately, Portuguese Water Dogs can inherit or develop a number of different eye conditions, some of which may cause blindness if not treated right away, and most of which can be extremely painful!
If we can start catching these diseases before laminitis and founder develop, it will save the horses from the painful condition of laminitis and save owners a lot of money.
Hereditary footpad hyperkeratosis is an autosomal recessive skin condition found in certain breeds of dogs in which the foot pads become hardened, losing their normal elasticity, developing painful cracks that are prone to infections that can lead to lameness.
Large breed puppies are more prone than smaller breeds to developing painful bone conditions, such as hypertrophic osteodystrophy and panosteitis, while they're still growing.
You may also know that if left ignored, anal gland problems can develop into a painful medical condition.
housecats)... We have multiple large breed long - term fosters who were developing health issues a yr ago who are now amazing our vets with their energy & vitality - a rescued 15yo sibe who's now keeping up with 2yo pups in the play yard, a 9yo dane mix with considerably less gas & better body condition, less painful arthritis... To those of you with bad experiences, I'm very sorry & truly wish you & your fur - babies the best.
We also have a greater chance of developing stomatitis, which is a painful gum condition that humans think is autoimmune in nature.
Dogs with droopy ears tend to develop ear infections quite frequently, although any dog breed can end up with this painful condition.
Obviously there is going to be some «normal wear and tear» in that area as the puppies crawl around fighting for position and then enthusiastically nursing, but if any of the glands become uncomfortably painful, hard, or hot to the touch, your dog could be developing an infectious condition called mastitis and should be seen by your veterinarian.
In addition, the infection that is eating away at the bone from below can eventually make its way into the skull and jaw bone causing a chronic painful condition caused osteomyelitis that can take several months of antibiotics to eradicate, and in some cases, can weaken the bone so much that cats can develop what is called a pathologic fracture, where the bone breaks with the slightest bit of pressure.
Distichiasis is a painful condition that causes the dogs eyelashes to grow back into the eye, and prompt medical care is required to prevent more serious eye problems developing.
So, don't wait until your ferret's mouth is painful and he or she is not eating (or worse, develops some more even serious condition from infected teeth or gums)!
This is a condition of adolescent large or giant breed dogs where they develop painful areas near the growth plates of their long bones.
Because of the unsanitary conditions they are forced to live in, most develop painful illnesses, such as burns on their skins and paws caused by the uric acid due to urine build - up, respiratory issues from the ammonia, matted fur and long ingrown nails, infected wounds, and hearing or sight loss due to infections.
The research will hopefully lead to an improved understanding of this painful and blinding disease, and will enable us to develop a genetic tool that breeders can use to help eliminate this serious condition from the breed.
Sometimes injuries that don't seem serious right away can develop into a condition that is very painful and severe.
Partners learn in relationship counseling how to hold something painful even if uncomfortable until a better time, work together on other things even while holding feelings about a matter not being discussed and sort out who will step up to insist that the conditions aren't right and how the relationship can develop the capacity to follow that leadership.
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