Sentences with phrase «development in the womb»

Because iodine is essential to healthy brain development in the womb.
All of these things will be what will give baby the best chance at healthy development in the womb.
fetus The term for a mammal during its later - stages of development in the womb.
The pace of expanding scientific knowledge is already producing a public demand for reviewing policy more frequently: 95 per cent in the 2005 study felt abortion law should be kept under regular review, and 61 per cent agreed that abortion law has not kept up with our knowledge of early development in the womb.
Mammals use a form of RNAi to fine - tune the expression of hundreds of genes that coordinate development in the womb, says the study's senior author, Benjamin tenOever, PhD, Fishberg Professor in the Department of Medicine and Department of Microbiology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
Even when a puppy or kitten's development in the womb goes terribly awry (wrong), many youngster's reach birth.
Sheltie Eye Syndrome: Collie Eye or SES is an inherited disorder that affects a Collie or Sheltie's eye development in the womb.
There is also genetic evidence relating to a protein called neuregulin 1, which is involved in brain development in the womb.
fetus (Adj. fetal) The term for a mammal during its later - stages of development in the womb.
«A unique, three - dimensional week - by - week look at baby's behavior and development in the womb» is the subtitle of this collection of 3 - D and 4 - D ultrasound scans of living unborn babies.
The 9 months of baby's development in the womb are now over and you as a new mom are about to give birth.
Prematurity disrupts a baby's development in the womb and often stunts the growth of their most critical organs; preemies are susceptible to a variety of illnesses and infections, especially during the winter months.
They actually start their development in the womb.
They may limit a baby's development in the womb, which may lead to low birthweight.
Epigenetic mechanisms give tortoiseshell cats their markings, but are also involved in our development in the womb and the day - to - day regulation of our genes
Development in the womb We use sheep to help us understand the effects on an individual's health in later life of poor oxygenation during development in the womb.
Foods like healthy fats, organ meats, broth, fermented foods and an abundance of vegetables all play an important role in a baby's development in the womb and deficiencies in any of these can have drastic consequences.
I think these deformities could have occurred during or just after the birth process if not within the birth sac during her development in the womb.
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