Sentences with phrase «development of antibiotics»

The analysis suggests that alternative therapies for certain mild infections — which may be easier to develop — could indirectly slow development of antibiotic resistance in more dangerous bugs.
This makes honey especially important as there is widespread development of antibiotic - resistant bacteria and honey is consistently affective against these strains in trials.
Furthermore, antibiotics can cause side effects and lead to development of antibiotic resistance.
That suggests that phages in the gut may be partly responsible for the emergence of dangerous superbugs that withstand multiple antibiotics, and that drug targeting of phages could offer a potential new path to mitigate development of antibiotic resistance.
The new development of antibiotic - resistant bacteria produced a considerable challenge to Dr. Ohhira and his team.
In the next decades research into antiaging diets took a backseat to more influential medical advances, such as the continued development of antibiotics and coronary artery bypass surgery.
This steady stream of antibiotics contributes to the development of antibiotic - resistant bacteria and superbugs that can not be killed by standard antibiotics.
This steady stream of antibiotics contributes to the development of antibiotic - resistant bacteria and superbugs that can not be killed by standard antibiotics.
One of the infectious agents the research team studied was the organism that causes tuberculosis (TB)-- a disease that is a huge problem in many countries of the world and getting worse because of the development of antibiotic - resistant strains.
The animal health sector wants to limit the development of antibiotic resistance by promoting responsible use of antibiotics in order to preserve them for future generations, for example through the work of RUMA (Responsible Use of Medicines in Agriculture) Alliance, which produces best practice guidelines.
Taking antibiotics when they are not needed creates additional health risks as it increases the chance a patient will experience an adverse drug reaction, and also leads to the development of antibiotic - resistant bacteria which affects everyone in the community.
They used an evolutionary framework to analyze data from these studies and determined that widespread use of antibiotics against certain mild infections may contribute significantly to the development of antibiotic resistance.
In America alone this accounts for at least 23,000 deaths each year, as an abuse of antibiotics promotes the development of antibiotic - resistant bacteria.
«Very few, if any, medical discoveries have had a larger impact on modern medicine than the discovery and development of antibiotics,» said senior author Ronald C. Montelaro, Ph.D., professor and co-director of Pitt's CVR.
Her lab later came up with structures for penicillin, which influenced the development of antibiotics, and for vitamin B - 12, which her group determined with the aid of one of the first electronic computers.
The recommendation of seven or fewer days of antibiotics for most of these infections reflects a change from previous guidelines to ensure safe and effective treatment while limiting the development of antibiotic resistance.
The possibility of increased virulence and transmissibility as the plague cycles in humans makes the development of an antibiotic - resistant plague by Russian bioweapons scientists terrifying.
Further, the widespread use of antibiotics to keep livestock healthy on those overcrowded CAFOs has led to the development of antibiotic - resistant strains of bacteria that threaten human health and the environment in their own right.
Macrolides appear also to contribute to the development of antibiotic - resistant strains of bacteria.
«The biggest problem with using antibiotics when they're not needed is the development of antibiotic resistance, which is when bacteria survive by outsmarting the antibiotic,» she says.
Macrolides appear to promote also the development of antibiotic resistance, as the resistance to these antibiotics was elevated in the microbiota of children who had used them.
She adds that increased antibiotic exposure, even at low levels in the environment, can lead to development of antibiotic - resistant microbes and a general weakening of antibiotics» abilities to fight bacterial infections in humans.
And the hundred or so years that have elapsed since Pasteur and others discovered microbes in the late 1800s have contributed to the development of antibiotics and have saved numerous human lives.
The selective process that favored broad - spectrum activity over adaptation to specialized pathogens likely influenced the development of the antibiotic cocktail and led to it remaining mostly unchanged for millions of years.
Such facilities may be especially prone to the development of antibiotic - resistant organisms simply because of the kind of care they provide to a very vulnerable and immobile population with weak immune systems.
The hope is that the technology will not only save lives but also reduce the development of antibiotic resistance by offering prescription only to patients who would benefit from the treatment.
A large proportion of these preventive, or prophylactic, prescriptions also were for broad - spectrum antibiotics or combinations of antibiotics, or were for prolonged periods, which can hasten the development of antibiotic - resistant bacteria and drug - resistant infections.
They found the bismuth - based metallodrug to effectively paralyze multi-resistant superbugs, e.g. Carbapenem - resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) and Carbapenem - resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKP) and significantly suppress the development of antibiotic resistance, allowing the lifespan of currently - used antibiotic to be largely extended.
«This mechanism may drive the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria and cancer in human cells,» she explains, hinting at the work's potential medical implications.
Nevertheless, the development of antibiotic resistance far outruns the approvals of new antibacterial agents.
Now, scientists from Queen's University Belfast are developing a patch that they believe could slow the development of antibiotic - resistant bacteria.
International and public — private collaboration in the development of antibiotic and antiviral drugs (collaboration between government, non - governmental organisations, academic science and the pharmaceutical industry).
One way to provide correct treatment and slow down the development of antibiotic resistance is to assay the susceptibility profile of the infecting bacteria before treatment is initiated and let this information guide the choice of antibiotic.
When you buy beef that's been certified organic by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), you're not only cutting out those hormones, you're also avoiding the massive doses of antibiotics cows typically receive, which the USDA says may lead to the development of antibiotic - resistant bacteria in people.
By understanding this concept, we can see that the key weapon to prevent the development of antibiotic resistance is to reduce the use of antibiotics.
While it might sound useful to keep clothes germ - free freshly washed clothes are already plenty clean, and overuse of quats may lead to development of antibiotic - resistant superbugs.»
The paradigm of medicine as a semi-useless and semi-horrifying profession began to shift with the development of antibiotics — starting with penicillin in 1928.
Farms often use low doses of antibiotics to get their chickens to market weight faster, and low dose antibiotic use in food animals has been linked to the development of antibiotic resistant bacterial strains.
Bragg's Law is one of the most famous equations in science and has played a vital role in many subsequent discoveries, from the development of antibiotics to the uncovering of the double helix in DNA.
In addition to needless expense for owners, and antibiotics potentially having their own adverse side effects, unnecessary administration of antibiotics may lead to the development of antibiotic resistance which may further complicate therapy in the true «Lyme - ill» patient.
In addition to needless expense for owners, and antibiotics potentially having their own adverse side effects, unnecessary administration of antibiotics may lead to the development of antibiotic resistance which may further complicate therapy in the true «Anaplasma - ill» patient.
In addition to needless expense for owners, and antibiotics potentially having their own adverse side effects, unnecessary administration of antibiotics may lead to the development of antibiotic resistance which may further complicate therapy in the true «Ehrlichia - ill» patient.
Background What a miracle the development of antibiotics truly was!
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