Sentences with phrase «development of many diseases»

Research shows obesity is often a major risk factor for development of disease, significant disability, and premature death.
While development of the disease typically occurs in older dogs, dogs of any age can be diagnosed.
Dogs may show clinical signs at any stage of development of the disease, although many dogs with hip dysplasia do not show overt clinical signs.
Immediate treatment by a doctor after exposure may include post-exposure rabies vaccinations and will prevent development of the disease.
Dreij's lab studies the biological consequences of transcriptional errors with the aim to understand how misincorporation during transcription affects the expressed protein and downstream processes involved in development of diseases such as cancer.
Given that they developed atherosclerosis anyway, Thomas said, it becomes even more important to take measures to forestall development of the disease as long as possible, including stopping smoking, eating less red meat and losing weight.
For example, our gut bacteria has the potential to produce harmful metabolites associated with development of disease or beneficial metabolites...
Up to now researchers thought that the astrocytes migrated towards the amyloid plaques and devoured them, so that reinforcing their activity could be a good remedy against development of the disease.
It will be the first large - scale study of cell phone use that starts tracking people before they are ill, she says, «So we can tell whether phone use truly preceded development of disease
Importantly, the fusion of the TEL and AML1 genes is not sufficient to cause development of the disease, known as «common acute lymphoblastic leukemia,» the researchers said.
However, much of the research conducted to date has been post-mortem, which does little to help researchers understand the early development of disease.
Diagnosed early, dog pancreatitis and its associated diseases are much easier to treat than late developments of the disease.
«The peanut genome project will lead to reduction in production costs through development of disease - resistant varieties and improved yield for farmers, speed of selection and release of new varieties for breeders and potential for improvement of nutritional value of peanuts for consumers,» Nwosu said.
Approximately 42 % of children in the study with MRI findings of MS developed the first clinical symptoms of the disease about two years after the abnormal MRI, which shows a faster development of the disease than has been reported in adults.
There are currently limited treatments to prevent or delay declining cognition or dementia due to vascular disease, but if risk is identified early, then development of these diseases might be slowed with lifestyle adjustments and treatments for risk factors like blood pressure.
The adoption of a structured, mindful eating pattern largely consisting of real food will give you the ability to experience your highest level of health, prevent the future development of disease and potentially even play a role in the treatment of a chronic disease if you are presently suffering.
Environmental contaminants and toxins can build up in the intestinal tract contributing to the development of disease and cancer.
Baby soaps and shampoos, especially those with fragrance and which contain sodium lauryl sulfate, are factors in the development of the disease.
New research tells us that the microbes that are present during pregnancy, birth and postpartum can have an effect on the development of diseases such as asthma, diabetes, lupus, colitis, and celiac disease.
Luby added that the study could alter the way doctors and researchers think about the development of disease.
«Population studies have consistently supported a protective role of nuts against cardiometabolic disorders such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, and we know that inflammation is a key process in the development of these diseases,» said corresponding author Ying Bao, MD, ScD, an epidemiologist in BWH's Channing Division of Network Medicine.
Scientists have shifted from studying single molecules to investigating large complexes of interacting biological macromolecules involved in processes such as metabolic pathways, gene expression, and development of disease.
This in turn predisposes to the development of disease.
Szyf has been a pioneer in linking epigenetic changes to the development of diseases.
In a proof - of - concept study, published in the journal Neurobiology of Disease, the drug nortriptyline, which has been used to treat depression and nerve pain, stopped the growth of abnormal proteins that can build up in the brain and lead to the development of the disease.
Professor Fitt continued: «We know that the weather plays a big part in the development of the disease on the wheat crops — the incidence of the disease is determined by temperature and the occurrence of wet weather at the flowering or anthesis of the wheat crops.»
The study shows showed that the PSC patients had lower coffee consumption both currently and in the early adulthood, suggesting that coffee consumption could protect against the development of the disease.
A team at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago reports that isradipine (brand name DynaCirc), a drug currently prescribed to reduce high blood pressure, may block the death of neurons in patients with advanced cases of Parkinson's and may also be able to prevent the development of the disease.
BUSM researchers also discussed in Genetics & Epigenetics (May 2014) how epigenetic modifications play a role in the development of diseases including cancer, cardiovascular, metabolic, neurologic and pulmonary disorders.
But people with MS have trouble making new oligodendrocytes and so, «central nervous system insults can lead to the development of the disease
However, the role of this deletion in the development of the disease remained unclear going into this study.
Prof. Mandelboim and his research collaborators found that the NKp46 receptor present on Natural Killer or NK cells (an essential part of the immune system) play a critical role in the development of the disease in mice.
It not only makes existing heart conditions worse but also contributes to development of the disease.
If confirmed by clinical research, the data points to the possibility that early pharmaceutical intervention could make a significant difference in the development of the disease.
An active international research has been carried out for several years in order to identify candidate genes which explain the origin and development of the disease.
These techniques are key to understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying cell function in healthy and diseased individuals and the development of diseases like cancer.
Genotoxicity is associated with the development of diseases and is a critical mechanism responsible for many types of cancer caused by smoking and secondhand smoke exposure.
In this way, the development of the disease, too, could be traced back to its genesis.
Dr Dumas emphasises that, as this is an observational study, the findings can not show that disinfectants cause COPD, only that there is an association between some disinfectants and the development of the disease.
Nonetheless, some ERVs may still retain the ability to become reactivated and are implicated in the development of diseases.
More research would be needed to see if dietary patterns or taking the supplements earlier in the development of diseases like Alzheimer's would make a difference.»
The researchers injected live malaria parasites into the test subjects, at the same time preventing the development of the disease by adding chloroquine — which has been used to treat malaria for many years.
Past research had revealed the presence of OPTN defects in people with both inherited and sporadic forms of ALS, but scientists were not sure whether and how OPTN was involved in the development of the disease.
«Since allergies often debut during childhood it is of particular interest to study if children's environment and lifestyle affect the development of these diseases,» says study leader Anna Bergström, researcher at the Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet.
Recent years have brought about the discovery of the fundamental contribution of epigenetics to the development of disease.
«The role of these mutations in the onset and development of disease is still unknown,» says Johan Tisserand, postdoctoral research and co-author of the study who is continuing with the project.
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