Sentences with phrase «development of resistance»

To be able to prevent further development of resistance developing, it is important to understand where and how antibiotic resistance in bacteria arises.
Helicobacter pylori is rapidly inactivated by medium - chain monoglycerides and lauric acid, and there appears to be very little development of resistance of the organism to the bactericidal effects (Petschow et al 1996) of these natural antimicrobials.
Dr Jan Clarke, the president of BASHH, told the BBC News website: «We're really pleased that the chief medical officer has stressed that gonorrhoea needs this approach to treatment due to the rapid development of resistance.
To be able to prevent further development of resistance developing, it...
It could in future allow the PARP inhibitor olaparib to become a standard treatment for advanced prostate cancer, by targeting the drug at the men most likely to benefit, picking up early signs that it might not be working, and monitoring for the later development of resistance.
Most monophasic salmonella from pigs are multiresistant to at least four families of antibiotics, but the long - feared development of resistance to modern cephalosporin antibiotics in salmonella has already been found as well on at least one British pig farm.
The reason for the rapid development of resistance was that these fungicides were single site inhibitors of fungal microtubule assembly during mitosis, via tubulin - benzimidazole - interactions.
To be able to prevent further development of resistance developing, it is important to understand where and...
In some places, you can still find it used by itself, which can encourage the development of resistance.
Although proteasome inhibitors are very efficient in selective killing of cancer tumor cells grown in a dish (in - vitro), their success in the clinic has largely been undermined by the development of resistance — mechanisms of which are poorly understood.
Nor has there been much incentive for companies to develop new mosquito - killing insecticides, which could be used in tandem with existing ones to slow the development of resistance.
The numerous advantages of adenoviruses will likely help to tackle one of the greatest problems of cancer medicine: The development of resistances against drugs.
The only profit is in maximising sales — but this inevitably speeds up the development of resistance.
As predicted yesterday in a ScienceInsider preview, the European Parliament voted this morning to approve proposed legislation revising pesticide regulations, despite intense last - minute lobbying by farmers and researchers concerned about crop yields and the development of resistance to remaining pesticides.
Another strategy, she says, is to vary the recipe of the phage cocktail — to add another phage or take one out, in order to limit the development of resistance.
It's this rivalry that could encourage the development of resistance.
Allowing younger mosquitoes to continue reproducing reduces the development of resistance while keeping infection rates low.
This means that the increase in biodiversity with competitors and predators of harmful organisms will reduce the development of resistance.
A unique selling point is their host specificity, meaning little or no collateral damage to neighbouring («good») bacteria, and they do not drive the development of resistance in non-target bacterial species.
The main problem in connection with combating these using biocides and antibiotics is the risk of the development of resistance.
Granting a licence for Rifater, which is widely used in Britain, would «obviously stop the development of resistance» in the US, said Davies.
This would have multiple goals of killing cancer cells, creating a hostile biological environment for their growth, reducing toxicity from the drug regimen and avoiding the development of resistance to the cancer drugs being used.
Given that infections are highly prevalent in spinal cord injured patients, orthodox antibiotic treatments start to lose their effectiveness with time due to the development of resistances.
The impatient gene It's long been known that evolution sometimes happens very quickly — as in the development of resistance to antibiotics in bacteria — but the discovery that lizards on two islands in Croatia evolved significant differences in body type and social structure in the span of fewer than forty years is shocking enough to warrant publication in a top - shelf journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.
Together with co-lead authors Antonina Kurtova, a graduate student in the Translational Biology and Molecular Medicine Program at Baylor, and Dr. Jing Xiao, research assistant in urology at Baylor, Chan and his team sought out to identify mechanisms underlying the development of resistance in bladder cancer that has invaded the muscles.
In addition, municipal water treatment systems are unable to filter antibiotics, and are being studied for their impact on the development of resistance in the environment.
Developing new ways of treating infectious disease has become more pressing with the development of resistance to antibiotics.
Combining gene drives and a tool such as CRISPR may enable the development of novel strategies to reduce or eliminate insect - borne diseases, remove invasive foreign species, and even reverse the development of resistance to insecticides and herbicides, in an economically viable and environmentally friendly manner.
Though they can induce dramatic responses, they tend to lose their effectiveness after nine to 14 months of treatment because of the development of resistance.
The accumulation of mutations in the human genome is at the origin of cancers, as well as the development of resistance to treatments.
The new trial tested Sweeney's hypothesis that immediately hitting the cancer with chemotherapy in addition to hormone treatment would impair the tumor cells» ability to repair damage, delaying the development of resistance.
Researchers identified novel chromosomal mutations and described their role in the development of resistance of Escherichia coli (E. coli) to broad - spectrum antibiotic fosfomycin, according to research presented at the 28th...
«But overuse can lead to adverse advents including the development of resistance
The use of antimicrobial drugs is associated with: • Changes in the normal bacterial flora • Development of resistance • Clostridium difficile infections • Adverse effects and interactions • Nosocomial Infections • Costs
To this end, his work often relies on anthropology and human history as much as it does on genome sequencing and computation, in order to decipher the subtle genetic signatures that appear when species undergo major events such as population bottlenecks, large - scale migration or dispersal events, or the development of resistance to disease.
Therefore, we can help prevent the development of resistance by affecting meal timing (the question of «When to Eat»).
This prevents the development of resistance as detailed in the previous post.
This example shows how varying the levels of light can prevent the development of resistance.
In the normal state insulin is released only occasionally, and this prevents the development of resistance.
Across populations, kiwi is used in the preparation of antimicrobial products to reduce the development of resistance towards the conventional medications for fungal and bacterial infectivity.
The results of this study show that there has been no development of resistance to these products over time.
While increased use of a drug usually is implicated in speeding the development of resistance in target parasites or pathogens, the canine heartworm may be different.
Even if your pet feels better, the entire treatment plan should be completed to prevent relapse or prevent the development of resistance.
Overuse of a drug, whether it is an antibiotic or an antiparasitic, is one of the key contributors to the development of resistance.
You also will reduce the development of resistance, which will prolong the effectiveness of our current dewormers.
Adopting a targeted deworming program will reduce the development of resistance to our current dewormers.
It is important to note that with the advent of popular top - spot treatments for fleas, special attention should be paid to the development of resistance to these products.
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