Sentences with phrase «development of the individual»

But, in addition, the ethical & spiritual development of each individual is essential for the happiness of that individual.
It also points to new mechanisms at work in the brain development of individuals and in species like humans over evolutionary time.
It has negative consequences for the moral character and ethical development of individuals, families, and societies, necessarily and inevitably.
Most researchers, however, have concentrated on the birth and development of individual stars as this is more straightforward.
Aside from its wonderful benefits, it is also responsible for maintaining a proper biological development of every individual.
We value all - round development of the individual, through arts, sports, leadership opportunities, enrichment and community.
This study examined the occurrence and development of individual profiles of depressive symptoms, anxiety and sleeps problems and investigated them in relation to catastrophic thinking and cognitive avoidance.
Advanced understanding of negative effects of misused spirituality in development of individuals, families and communities.
About Blog The focus is upon the educational development of individual children, their skills and abilities, and the social and emotional factors which affect their learning process in the classroom.
THE STEWARD AWARD: Creating College Access Talent Michigan College Access Network values the professional development of individuals working in the college access field — including high school counselors and college advisors.
Continue to establish myself as a well - rounded District Manager; one who is committed to the professional development of the individuals within my area of influence, and who will create and maintain an environment that fosters exceptional customer service, growth and retention.
The National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) is a nationwide consortium to enhance the training and career development of individuals from diverse backgrounds who are pursuing biomedical, behavioral, clinical, and social science research careers (collectively termed biomedical research careers), through enhanced networking and mentorship experiences.
In this article, we discuss examples of how career professionals can adapt concepts and tools from the field of project management to promoting the career development of individuals, and supporting managers to become more effective in developing their employees.
About Blog The focus is upon the educational development of individual children, their skills and abilities, and the social and emotional factors which affect their learning process in the classroom.
-- Encourages the continuing professional growth and development of individuals practicing in marriage and family counseling and therapy.
The GOALS model is designed to capitalize on field experiences and to initiate and reinforce the professional development of individual teacher candidates through observation and collaboration with diverse master teachers.
The De La Salle Spartans basketball camps will also aid in further development of individual skills through instruction, individual / multiplayer drills, as well as interaction with players off the court in a great camp setting.
A look at the intergenerational nature of literacy and life - span development of individual family members
You contribute to the design and development of individual combat features and take them through a full development cycle from high - level design to shippable quality.
Cheng will spearhead the group's overall strategic branding and communications to further strengthen awareness and market positioning, drive revenue and enhance development of the individual brands.
Assisted with the overall supervision and organization of a nationally competitive field hockey program, including on - field instruction, skill and tactical development of individual student - athletes and team, and preparing dialing training sessions
Over the years Luise and Jens Faurschou have assembled a substantial art collection and their ambition is to present highly esteemed contemporary art to the public - out of a belief in the potential of art to create meaning for the self - understanding and development of the individual as well as society.
CPSEL can help schools, districts and organizations by providing explicit instruction, ongoing, detailed feedback regarding performance, and «in - the - moment» support to guide development of individuals or small groups.
Learning at the Waldorf School is a dynamic process, permeated with the power of imagination and working with spiritual, emotional and physical development of the individual within the social context.
They also make it clear that the best work comes when we can combine «the full development of individual potentials with commitment to a greater whole.»
Agylia's bespoke eLearning creation services include the design and development of individual courses or entire programmes covering a wide range of subject areas, including induction, compliance, leadership development, and staff and community engagement.
The State Personnel Development (SPD) program provides grants to help state educational agencies (SEAs) reform and improve their systems for personnel preparation and professional development of individuals providing early intervention, educational, and transition services to improve results for children with disabilities.
Assists with the overall supervision and organization of a nationally competitive field hockey program, including on - field instruction, skill and tactical development of individual student - athletes and team, and preparing dialing training sessions
New experiences, challenges, and opportunities inherent in biographical transitions are expected to foster the psychosocial development of individuals.
Nurture: We support the growth and development of individuals through trusting relationships.
From Public Speaking events at the Rotary International Club or Chamber of Commerce to Science club field trips to Midland Dow, a huge employer in the county, it represented a racial disparity that wasn't reinforced due to imposed racist intent, it was a direct result of social conditioning and misperception on role development of the individual.
Provide an immersion in the PSCPL Framework and design strategies while enabling team planning towards the design and development of individual school PL plans.
Toward the end of their talk, the conversation turned again to the museum's role in the early development of a individual's sense of self, as the two discussed the historicization of Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns, and their closeting by historians and museum curators.
The MST is not only a movement which is looking to procure land for peasant - farmers who don't have any, it is also essentially a family movement, i.e. a movement arising out of the efforts of men, women and children who are seeking to promote an integrated development of the individual.
Reminiscent of Kierkegaard's development of the individual before God, Niebuhr sets the self as caught between finitude and freedom, seeking to escape vulnerability and anxiety.
I would also be wary of calling most communists humanists, as humanism typically stresses development of the individual, but I believe some could be considered humanists.
Enlarged tonsils are a major contributor to upper airway resistance and sleep disordered breathing - which in turn are major contributors to physical and psychological development of an individual.
Last week our highlight focused on a central aspect of a Waldorf school, supporting the conscious development of each individual in the community.
The category development of the individual in the group includes the sub-categories parenting role, confidence and learning.
There has been a long controversy over the factors determining caste development of individuals in social insects.
The author asserts that the most effective means of revitalizing schools is nurturing the personal and spiritual development of individual educators.
Rationale: District wants to create better classroom protocols and utilize school culture to foster development of individual responsibility and positive behavioral interventions.
Research and writings in the 1950s and 1960s by cognitive psychologists provided powerful evidence that early childhood was crucial in the cognitive development of an individual.8 This conclusion led to designing new opportunities to engage children in early learning.
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