Sentences with phrase «development patterns»

He traces population growth and economic development patterns related to fisheries and concludes that sustainable fisheries can only exist within a sustainable economic system.
Tax production per acre is one half of the equation for making economic comparisons between different development patterns.
Doing the math means taking a fresh look at how development patterns drive a community's tax revenues.
Read more about milestone development patterns and how to use the information in this section to understand your individual child's growth.
And when you go through a change like this, your historical information and your typical loss development patterns are no longer appropriate to use.
They will be using the same development pattern with their cat personality - matching quiz as they did with their dog one because it was so successful.
Urban heat islands are another consequence of standard development patterns and practices.
On the one hand vulnerability to climate change is framed and strongly influenced by development patterns and income levels.
• Screen and evaluate medical findings in terms of health development patterns and vision and hearing problems.
Understanding development patterns is of prime interest to property investors because it can help them anticipate the path of future growth and thus locate sites with significant appreciation potential.
The study estimates the carbon implications of recent changes in the country's economic development patterns and role in international trade since the global financial crisis.
The release of Losing Ground: Planning for Resilience, the fifth edition in Mass Audubon's report series on land development patterns in Massachusetts, has been getting some attention from the media:
2017 Debbage, N., and J.M., Shepherd 2017: The influence of urban development patterns on streamflow characteristics.
The gallery aims at creating an international stage for presenting good arts and communication between artists; at the meanwhile, helps establish new development pattern for contemporary Chinese art and expands its influence and recognition all over the world.
Beyond the induced demand caused by commuters who change driving habits due to new roads, Price argues that road - building will lead to even greater demand over the long run by opening up formerly rural areas to new development and changing development patterns on existing serviced land.
While these strategies represent a marked improvement over land development patterns over the past decades, they tend to rely on minimizing human impact on the environment, striving only to be «less bad.»
Commito's work has long referenced architectural archetypes and the layers of urban development patterns.
My work finds similar development patterns in the mixed - use neighborhood of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, where I have lived and worked for the past ten years.
Software Developer Tired of the Singleton Pattern I think this one is my favorite that I've thought of since it can be understood even if you're not familiar with development patterns.
It can be harder to influence development patterns in such places, according to Karen Seto of Yale University, a specialist in urbanization and land use.
Originally South - Eastern [sic] Bible Institute - «SEBI» in my day the school has exemplified a predictable development pattern, becoming South - Eastern Bible College (four - year) in 1957 and shifting to a now regionally accredited Southeastern College («of the Assemblies of God») in 1977.
Gifted children do not always follow the typical developmental path, following instead an asynchronous development pattern.
Joe Minicozzi, Principal with consulting firm Urban3, will share the results of his 3 - month study on the impact of our past development pattern on tax base, quality of life, and overall economic health and viability of Buffalo Niagara.
In particular, Rockland's lack of transit access and weak development patterns pushes the metro area to achieve this poor ranking.
Green fluorescent protein labeling allowed them to see the early development pattern and show that lncND, which ordinarily is not present in mice — lncND is present only in some primates including humans — had a functional effect on development.
For more than a century, researchers thought that these mirror - image snails resulted from mirror - image development patterns.
With access to new statistical approaches and long - term follow - up with participants, in some cases over more than a decade, the researchers were able to describe brain development patterns associated with schizophrenia.
«It's possible that women with the diagnosis of gestational diabetes were more careful about weight and diet, which might have changed the amount of weight gain and offspring development patterns, but other studies need to replicate the finding to be able to conclude that there is an association,» Kubo said in a Kaiser news release.
NET development patterns including 3 - tiered architecture, master pages, themes, standard user controls and CSS.
Louv notes a number of trends that have converged over decades to create the modern indoor - centric family: Residential development patterns have consumed the bits of forest and empty lots where young baby boomers used to meet and play.
«Subways are not an affordable transit system to service low - density areas,» says Grant, who has studied Canadian development patterns for a decade.
The vulnerability is almost entirely the result of fast - paced, cost - cutting development patterns in tornado hot zones, and even if there were a greenhouse - tornado connection, actions that constrain greenhouse - gas emissions, while wise in the long run, would not have a substantial influence on climate patterns for decades because of inertia in the climate system.
Sprawl consumes more resources than other development patterns.
After reading yesterday's piece on strategies for limiting losses in climate - related disasters, Robert Kates, a scholar studying human development patterns and a longtime source of mine, offered the following summary of lessons on building resilient communities derived from the history of New Orleans (the photograph of the flooded city is by Vincent Laforet / The New York Times):
Four families of socio - economic scenario (A1, A2, B1 and B2) represent different world futures in two distinct dimensions: a focus on economic versus environmental concerns, and global versus regional development patterns.
The support provided by governments clearly influences technological development patterns: for example, wind farms in the USA and the United Kingdom and single machines (or clusters of two or three) in Denmark and Germany.
If an SCS is unable to reach the CARB target, the bill requires the MPO to show how those greenhouse gas emission targets would be achieved through alternative development patterns, infrastructure, or additional transportation measures or policies, as specified.
If current climate change and development patterns continue, by 2100, hundreds of millions of people are predicted to be displaced if adaptation measures are not in place, especially in Asia.
But hey, given development patterns in the U.S. over the last 50 years, who are we to judge?Amazingly, the gargantuan project was completed in under five years, and is supposedly designed to last 100 years.
Particularly in the United States where uniformity in supply of many things — crops, clothing, culture, civic development patterns — has become more and more prevalent.
The Environmental Protection Fund has been increased, getting the state closer to the goal of $ 500 million annually in the fund, a figure that Scenic Hudson believes will help New York manage sprawling development patterns and address the impending impacts of global climate change.
Developed an animation application showing city development pattern using ArcGIS, VBA and ArcObjects.
Keneski, E., Loving, T. J., & Neff, L. A. And this relationship is just right: Applying the Goldilocks Principle to relationship development patterns.
Developmental psychopathology is just as interested in an individual who has not followed a normal development pattern but does not exhibit disorders as it is in an individual who exhibits abnormal behavior because of developmental deviations.
«Over time, we'll see a return to a more compact, metropolitan development pattern,» Phillips said.
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