Sentences with phrase «developmental biologist»

A developmental biologist is a scientist who studies how living things grow and change over time, from birth to adulthood. They study the process of development in organisms, including humans, animals, and plants, to understand how they form, develop their organs and body parts, and ultimately function. Full definition
It is written by developmental biologists for a wide audience.
However, the failure of developmental biologists to confirm this raised doubts that it was the same bone, and even that birds came from dinosaurs.
«At a time when other developmental biologists were taking a broad, traditional approach, he was taking long - term effects into consideration,» she says.
The find will force developmental biologists to reconsider some of their basic assumptions about how certain proteins shape growing tissues.
The findings show «there can be pretty minor changes in the genome that can account for very big specific changes,» adds James Hanken, an evolutionary developmental biologist at Harvard University.
The work «confirms once again that very likely all mammals can be cloned once the reproductive biology and physiology of the particular species is understood and taken into account,» says developmental biologist Davor Solter of the Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology in Freiburg, Germany.
«This study is really impressive,» agreed Greg Wray, an evolutionary developmental biologist at Duke University.
I trained as a cell and developmental biologist as a doctoral student; I was thrust into a hardcore biochemical lab as a postdoctoral fellow.
Now, developmental biologists from Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, have created a novel way to test whether transplanted eyes see as well as to determine how far away from the brain visual ability can extend.
MDI Biological Laboratory scientist Dustin Updike, Ph.D., is mentioned in this interview with developmental biologist Susan Strome, Ph.D., of the University of California, Santa Cruz.
But developmental biologist Fredrik Lanner of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm is the first researcher to publicly acknowledge editing genes in viable human embryos.
Those experiments, led by developmental biologist Kathy Niakan at the Francis Crick Institute in London, will inactivate genes involved in very early embryo development, in hopes of understanding why some pregnancies terminate.
Developmental biologists study the manifold molecular, cellular, and physical processes in development, and how they intertwine to produce the adult organism.
The team hasn't proved that the new cells are truly stem cells, says Harvard developmental biologist Yuval Dor, a co-author on Melton's paper.
All these problems suggest that in cloning, the donor nucleus is not properly reprogrammed to resemble that of a freshly fertilized egg, says developmental biologist Davor Solter of the Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology in Freiburg, Germany.
That question has bedeviled developmental biologists for decades, and more recently, it has vexed clinicians who practice assisted reproductive medicine.
Instead of swapping bad mitochondria for good ones, a team led by developmental biologist Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, California, decided to alter transmission of the organelles» DNA.
Microscopic view of a colony of undifferentiated human embryonic stem cells being studied in developmental biologist James Thomson's research lab at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.
In previous work Tufts University developmental biologist Michael Levin found that patterns of electrical potentials in the earliest stages of an embryo's development can direct how an animal's body grows, and that manipulating those potentials can cause a creature to sprout extra limbs, tails or functioning eyes.
Now developmental biologist Michael Clinton has an explanation that is a bit more scientific, if nearly as bizarre.
But the group also includes plant developmental biologist Dominique Bergmann, a newly minted associate professor at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California — she also originally trained as an animal biologist before turning to plants.
«We're trying to explain evolution through developmental studies,» says Harvard University evolutionary developmental biologist Arhat Abzhanov, who, with colleagues, describes the work this week in Evolution.
When he was a postdoc, developmental biologist Thomas Lecuit spent many evenings and weekends hard at work on his research, in the lab and at home.
In a recent editorial in Le Monde, several Nobel Prize winners (including French biologist Francois Jacob, Swedish biochemist Bengt Samuelsson, British biochemist Aaron Klug, and Italian developmental biologist Rita Levi Montalcini) called for a massive restructuring that would double support for science with a renewed focus on basic research, and fund centers of excellence that would be regional and not national.
In 1957, developmental biologists first discovered that they could insert the nucleus of adult frog cells into frog eggs and create dozens of genetically identical tadpoles.
To find out if that happens in the face, a team led by developmental biologist Jill Helms of the University of California, San Francisco, applied a molecule that blocks the retinoic acid receptor to the head region of developing chicks.
«Were cloning to accelerate aging, we would have seen it in this group,» said developmental biologist Kevin Sinclair of the University of Nottingham, who led the study published in Nature Communications.
«Noninvasive measurement of cell death is a super exciting area with endless applications,» says developmental biologist Yuval Dor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Independent, energetic, enthusiastic and creative molecular and developmental biologist seeking research position, in laboratory or leadership capacities.
Our data on the evolutionary conservation of digit development are in support of the views of many developmental biologists that the identity of the digits in the wing of birds can not be homologous to the identity of digits in the forelimbs of their hypothesized dinosaur ancestors, unless the identity of digits in theropods is erroneous.
An exception, together with Sewall Wright, was C.H. Waddington, the British developmental biologist and geneticist.
The mechanistic developmental biologist thought an organism developed in complexity from a single fertilized egg to a complex living organism in the way a motor car is built up from individual bits and pieces.
But then she took a technician job in the lab of developmental biologist Carol Wicking at the University of Queensland.
Upon finishing her Ph.D., McGlinn headed to the United States to work with Harvard University developmental biologist Cliff Tabin, who discovered sonic hedgehog.
Testing Jost's hypothesis wasn't what reproductive and developmental biologist Humphrey Yao and colleagues set out to do.
Academic developmental biologists gained some ground, however, earning 7 % more than last year, compared to a 2 % average raise for Ph.D. toxicologists.
Molecular geneticist Cheng Chi Lee, developmental biologist Gregor Eichele, and their co-workers at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston have isolated a gene in mice and humans that shares 44 % of the amino acid sequence of the period (per) gene of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.
When Spanish developmental biologist Eduardo Moreno, 37, set to provide an explanation for an observation that had puzzled scientists for 30 years, he certainly was taking a gamble.
The first clue that digits and penises might be birds of a feather came in 1991, when a team led by developmental biologist Denis Duboule of the University of Geneva and Pierre Chambon of the Institute for Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology in Strasbourg, France, found that some mice with a mutated gene, called hoxd13, had abnormally small digits and malformed penises.
Developmental biologist Paul Sharpe of Guy's Hospital in London suspected that genes called Bmp - 4 and Barx - 1 were key to tooth shape.
The work is the first time anyone has been able to remake a developing tooth's identity by adding certain proteins, says developmental biologist Irma Thesleff of the University of Helsinki in Finland.
Developmental biologist Ji Wu and her colleagues at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China took germline stem cells from the ovaries of a 6 - day - old mouse, cultured them in a petri dish, and then transplanted those cells into the ovaries of sterilized adult mice.
UC Berkeley developmental biologist Nipam Patel uses Crispr - Cas9 to edit the genomes of butterflies, crustaceans and other animals to learn how an organism forms.
Developmental biologist Francesca Peri of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany, and colleagues created genetically engineered versions of the animals that produced microglia labelled with green fluorescent protein, a glowing compound frequently used in laboratory research.
But because the transplanted beaks weren't fully formed, developmental biologist Joy Richman of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, wasn't satisfied with that explanation.
Developmental biologist Neil Hukriede of the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania switched to irisnote about 5 years ago, mostly as a way to manage digital images.
This work has «uncovered an important piece of the puzzle» of how platelets form, says oncologist and developmental biologist Ramesh Shivdasani of Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts.
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