Sentences with phrase «devout religious»

Regardless of a scientist's view on their origin, they say, discovering the laws of nature requires the same scientific methods and techniques whether the researcher is a devout religious believer or an atheist.
Now I was a young and particularly earnest devout religious... What was I to think of such words?
I understand why some, including some devout religious conservatives, argue that they recognize the moral and temperamental unfitness of a man such as Trump for the nation's highest office, but feel they must cast their ballots for him in an effort to forestall the very real perils of a Supreme Court increasingly hostile to the most basic of religious freedoms and constitutional restraints.
No one is saying the president, or any politician, needs to be an atheist, just that they need to keep and open and secular mind... that means accepting other religions as valid... which is something that devout religious people tend to be unable to do.
Devout religious people are more than willing to go out and kill and maim in the name of their god and religion.
Thank you for helping to demonstrate the sheer rambling idiocy that is the devout religious person.
That is more than I can say of most devout religious people I know.
In not many years, the evidence of evolution will be too complete for even devout religious people to deny.
Crusaders are busybodies who are mixing their devout religious beliefs in a matter that is a psychological condition and that these unlicensed people are trying to provide therapy whilst pushing their anti-port crusade is unconscionable.
Ultimately, there is every reason to believe that an atheist can be just as moral, if not more so, than the most devout religious follower.
But in reality no one, not even the most devout religious leaders in the land believed that for a second.

Not exact matches

@truth If you live in one of the more devout bible belt states you would find many of the state laws are greatly influenced by the religious beliefs that are prevelant.
(For debated reasons, high fertility correlates with stronger religious commitment, and recent immigrants in America are among the most likely people to be devout.)
The «religiously devout» is important, for Geck puts to death the notion, prominent from the early 1960s through the 1980s, that correct dating of Bach's cantata production proves that his interest in writing liturgical music was a professional obligation only and that Bach had no abiding commitment to the religious texts he was paid to set.
Johan also reports the influence of his grandfather, a devout Christian, whom he saw as «the most religious man I knew.»
An overly long article describing how the devout struggles over something no one cares about, and a professional opinion from BU telling us that these religious nutjobs are taking things way too seriously.
I also have a copy of Jewish religious texts, Islamic texts and a few other faiths texts and can speak intelligently with the devout of any of them and have done so.
For examples see some of the posters here who wish to force others to stop being religious; they mostly seem to say they grew up quite devout.
Interesting, has the good and devout «religious» pastor ever simply thanked God for what he does have, or even prayed for those Christians in the world who go unnoticed and for God's glory not their own?
All religious orthodoxy appears to him as a kind of mental zombism, as in this strange passage: «Devout Catholics, orthodox Jews, fundamentalist Protestants, or Shiite Muslims... are told what to do and they do it.
Tebow, who has become a religious figure because of his late game heroics and devout Christian faith, led the Broncos to the playoffs this year.
A conservative comedian (They fear these people the most because if they use their «Alinsky» principle of ridicule on them, they'll get as good as they give) 6 A religious person (Even though, ironically, most lower income democrats, like the mexicans, are devout catholics 7.
Asking whether citizens should be permitted to rely on religious convictions in addressing moral issues will seem to the devout a bit like asking whether horses should be allowed to run in the Kentucky Derby, or whether participation in symphony orchestras should be open to musicians.
They are not atheist, godless people, but are quite devout, religious people.
So if you find my beliefs wrong — then atleast know I am doing my best to keep distance from those that feel they are religious and devout — but their behavior, words and action > speak different.
What strikes one about the ubiquity of such religious artifacts is how rarely the devout are offended by what they should regard as blatantly obvious assaults on their devotion.
While I commend Beck for advocating charity (even if he does it mostly to make political points), if people like Beck and Santorum are such devout, outspoken Christians, why were they not vocal in support of the long - standing Vatican and Christian position that the War in Iraq violated Christian Just War Criteria from the beginning, and vociferously denounce the draft - dodging, war profiteers and religious hypocrites who started it?
Hence while someone might not himself have received a religious vocation, nonetheless on encountering a truly devout nun that person may well be touched by the nun's fervour and thereby inspired to a deeper devotion to Christ.
Though many were either illiterate or not very religious, many others could write and were indeed devout» men such as Colonel Patrick Guiney of Massachusetts, who lost his eye and his health at Chancellorville and wrote to his wife, «God rules in Peace and War» in the circumstances and the catastrophe.»
I grew up in a very religious home and was a devout Christian for over fifty years.
Quite a contrast with the hubbub below of milling crowds of religious pilgrims, devout Jews from everywhere, Phrygia, Egypt, Cappadocia, Judea, Libya --
He's studied the religious patterns of immigrants into Canada and found that when people migrate into a Western society — for example, Buddhists from Southeast Asia — they either become much more devout or much less devout.
According to a new study, that simple act could decrease your religious conviction — even if you're a devout believer.
Just thought I would ask, not very religious myself although my family are all very devout Sikhs, I follow the teachings as well and consider myself Sikh but I do not partake in what I personally believe are more cultural influences on Sikhism.
I am a devout non-believer and I will put my humanity above the FAITH of any religious zealot.
Such churches, respecting the difference between church and state yet recognizing the cultural and practical interconnection of civic and religious life, can serve as schools for civic as well as personal virtue, for public - spirited citizens as well as for devout believers.
«A devout individual may want his child to be even more religious and resistant to temptation.»
Vocations are up in many parts of the world, including America, particularly among the devout and traditional religious orders.
He damns the religious structure in which the fervent hymns of praise and the devout symbols of dedication were matched by a fervent immorality and a devout pursuit of vanity; in which Yahwism was enthusiastically endorsed at the sanctuaries but — as Amos saw the Yahweh faith — blatantly violated in business, domestic, and personal relationships.
And while one Oklahoma City pastor says he appreciates the Twitter prayers, some religious scholars say devout petitions require more than moving your hands across a keyboard.
If the person vibrates to such concerns, the chord is religious whether or not it manages to resound in the temples and prayer houses of the devout.
@Mass Debater «Hitler believed himself a devout Christian who did what he did based on his religious beliefs, albeit from a drug adled syphilitic brain» @Chad «Raymond Aguilera thinks he is God, does nt mean he is.
Well, it is still in these richer animistic and dramatic aspects that religion delights to dwell, It is the terror and beauty of phenomena, the «promise» of the dawn and of the rainbow, the «voice» of the thunder, the «gentleness» of the summer rain, the «sublimity» of the stars, and not the physical laws which these things follow, by which the religious mind still continues to be most impressed; and just as of yore, the devout man tells you that in the solitude of his room or of the fields he still feels the divine presence, that inflowings of help come in reply to his prayers, and that sacrifices to this unseen reality fill him with security and peace.
Tell yourself whatever you need to get through the night, but you know thats total bullshlt so cut the act, Hitler believed himself a devout Christian who did what he did based on his religious beliefs, albeit from a drug adled syphilitic brain.
Religious, I mean, even devout.
While I commend Beck for advocating charity (even if he does it mosty to make political points), if people like Beck and Santorum are such devout, outspoken Christians, why were they not vocal in support of the long - standing Vatican and Chrisitan position that the War in Iraq violated Christian Just War Criteria from the beginning, and vociferously denounce the draft - dodging, war profiteers and religious hypocrites who started it?
devout diˈvout adjective having or showing deep religious feeling or commitment: she was a devout Catholic a rabbi's devout prayers.
If you identify as a an «atheist» (and to many religious people, there's very little inclination to make fine nuanced distinction between «nones», «non-affiliated», «agnostic», «atheist» - they all get conceptually lumped together as «unbelieving atheist heathen» (tm) from the point of view of someone highly devout in a monotheistic Abrahamic tradition), there's plenty of strongly religious people who - according to polls - would refuse to vote for you.
Admittedly he is arguably more socially conservative in connection with his devout Roman Catholic religious beliefs than many people who would classify themselves a libertarian.
Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, used functional MRI to evaluate brain activity in 15 devout Christians and 15 nonbelievers as the volunteers assessed the truth or falsity of a series of statements, some of which were religious («angels exist») and others nonreligious («Alexander the Great was a very famous military ruler»).
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