Sentences with phrase «dhogaza re»

dhogaza re: Take - home image for people like Jim Steele who like pictures unfettered with context.
dhogaza, BPL, et al: You guys are the ones guilty of the charge dhogaza is laying on Aaron (et al) You say we are guilty of repeating a litany of «young» climate science, yet it is you all that are oft repeating a «sounds like» religious litany of a long - established climate science.
dhogaza is extremely pissed off that Gavin's view was misrepresented in the New Scientist?

Not exact matches

As dhogaza has mentioned, Joe Romm has picked it up, though, so CP might be a better place, if she's still there.
As Hank and dhogaza suggest, your opinions will be better informed if you rely on peer - reviewed articles and sites such as Real Climate that are based on, and cite, them.
Steve Metzler, Your comment is similar to dhogaza — misinterpreting in order to discredit.
dhogaza says: 14 Nov 2013 at 4:28 PM ---------- Steve: «So... here is my impression.
dhogaza, Is that the same sky fairy that is consuming the excess CO2 that is being pumped into the atmospherIs that the same sky fairy that is consuming the excess CO2 that is being pumped into the atmospheris consuming the excess CO2 that is being pumped into the atmospheris being pumped into the atmosphere?
dhogaza: If deniers have taught us anything, it is that if you cook data long enough, you can make it say whatever you want.
Re 637: Just so, dhogaza.
dhogaza: paleoclimatology is a logical extension of dendrochronolgy.
189 dhogaza said, «Did you read what they're actually passing?
In which case, the nature of «anomaly» would seem to be irrelevant, and we could make dhogaza happy by letting this go — since (I think) the main question, that of «acceleration,» has been adequately dealt with.
[Lucia:] dhogaza — which is to say the official press release communicates the idea the scientists and «murderers, tyrants and madmen» are in two distinct groups.
dhogaza: While the state has a huge and obvious vested interested in CAGW being believed, the same is not true of perpetual motion.
As to the first accusation, it should be clear now if it weren't already (as one Eli Rabett and dhogaza have both shown) that Briffa did not have control, or the right to distribute, the raw data.
actually, being a pretty good psychologist, that just shows me you nipped, very fast, to try and get a quote and, strangely, it didn't fit into your narrative, so you tried to force it in and you failed, hey, dhogaza, hey?
dhogaza, I'm not «into» the US press, but I had the impression that USA Today was a tabloid.
I am not posing as anyone, or I would have actually called myself «dhogaza».
Liling calls 20 % of the 125 year trend in just 6 years as being «a glitch», but rather than deal with that, dhogaza complains about Dr. McIntyre instead!!
Timothy Chase in particular must have put in a lot of work, and I was particularly impressed with dhogaza's example of PCA application in Physics.
We're free to point out when his answers to those questions are cr*p» — dhogaza
For what it's worth I didn't interpret dhogaza's comment as saying that you were ordered by DoJ to preserve data «on your PC».
To me, it's dhogaza's rather typical reply to the above, that is like what Mosh has understood.
dhogaza, McIntyre has now added new lows, by discussing Lasaga, a convicted pedophile who once was a scientist at Penn State...
Hi folks, I see that lots of my old acquaintances are commenting here, Snapple, dhogaza, Marco, adelady, even dear friend Ian Forrester.
(Assuming you're the same dhogaza...) Did it violate your expectations when you read the journalism which convinced you that «Lindzen is on record as saying he doesn't believe in what might be labeled «catastrophic tobacco smoking».»?
dhogaza: Lying when off the company dime shouldn't be a problem for tallbloke.
re # 52 dhogaza «bullet to the head... the fallacy that if event A can cause consequence C, then no other event can possibly have similar consequences.»
dhogaza, IMO this sentence «The IPCC report for instance is very clear in stating that the detection and attribution of climate changes is only clearly possible at continental scales and above.»
dhogaza, I believe the Supreme Court could have their ruling reversed (just an opinion — not very likely, though), but that is not what the Texas lawsuit was about.
A great thread; VS has developed what David Stockwell has done at his site on the subject of cointegration and the statistical fallacy of the CO2 / temperature correlation; pity about dhogaza and his anger and sod who is a spoiler from way back; even eli has had to pull up his socks, or are they pressure bandages, poor old dear that he is.
The only thing that spoils this thread is this «dhogaza» person.
dhogaza: Tamino outed himself as Grant Foster at RC when as «guest poster (sic)» on 16 September 2007 he proceeded to plagiarise (if he was not one of the authors) the paper by GF, Annan, Schmidt and Mann which had been submitted to JGR on the 10th; the paper attacked Stephen Schwartz» paper in JGR before that had even appeared; Tamino's graphs required direct access to the data in GF et al, and it would certainly be very odd for Gavin Schmidt to commission the guest posting if not from his co-author, who at one point uses the term «we» confirming that «Tamino» was the lead author.
First, your parenthesis is I fear wrong (enough so for dhogaza to be very rude about you if he understood it himself, but he does not!).
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