Sentences with phrase «diabetes at normal rates»

Some insurance carriers will not approve policies for individuals living with diabetes at normal rates.

Not exact matches

Men who had high BMI levels at 21, but had lowered their BMI by the time they were 50, had similar or lower rates of diabetes as people who were normal weight when younger, the results showed.
Research has clearly demonstrated that expert diabetes care that keeps blood glucose near normal can reduce the risks of developing complications, and can markedly slow the rate at which complications progress.
Essentially, if you have a clean medical history (no history of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, etc.), a clean motor vehicle record (max 2 tickets in the last 3 years), and any prescriptions you take or have taken are for normal «run of the mill» sicknesses and not for things that pose a health risk, then you have a great shot at a preferred plus or preferred rate class.
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