Sentences with phrase «diabetes study»

But, diabetes studies estimate that even this 1 % reduction of that marker can lower the risk of diabetes - related death by a whopping 21 %.
UKPDS - Implications for the care of people with Type 2 diabetes The United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS), the largest clinical research study of diabetes ever conducted, has provided conclusive evidence that the life threatening complications of Type 2 diabetes (non insulin dependent diabetes) can be significantly reduced by appropriate treatment.
Referring to a recent diabetes study that focused on Indians (and used different methodology), he says, «The percentages in the Silicon Valley sample seem much higher.
Formally known as juvenile diabetes studies have showed a link between lack of breastfeeding and insulin dependent type I diabetes.
Linda Birnbaum, director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, said the new diabetes study «shows that in Anniston there is an association [between diabetes and PCBs], especially in women, and especially in young women.»
Still, the work breaks ground by identifying likely signs of type 1 diabetes studies earlier than ever, says Kevan Herold, an endocrinologist at Yale University, who studies ways to prevent the condition.
The PaTH to Health diabetes study team received the Outstanding Collaborative Research Award for 2017 at Penn State College of Medicine.
Marshall JA, Hamman RF, Baxter J. Highfat, low - carbohydrate diet and the etiology of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: the San Luis Valley Diabetes Study.
Target setting in intensive insulin management is associated with metabolic control: the Hvidoere Childhood Diabetes Study Group Centre Differences Study 2005
According to results of the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study, people with type 2 diabetes who lower their blood glucose through intensive therapy are at reduced risk for neuropathy.
«As a community, we are just in a mess,» said Shirley Carter, a community organizer and former nurse who had a big hand in the diabetes study.
«This was a community of sharecroppers and the production waste was thrown into the ground, into the floodplain,» said Allen Silverstone, a PCBs expert at State University of New York Upstate Medical University who was lead author of the diabetes study.
The study was named the CROSSROADS trial (Calorie Reduction Or Surgery: Seeking to Reduce Obesity And Diabetes Study).
Its members alleged that DNA, originally collected for a diabetes study, was used more broadly than they thought it would be — including for studies of schizophrenia and ancestry to which tribe members later objected.
«No medication works by itself,» says Patrick O'Neil, a clinical psychologist at the Medical University of South Carolina and lead author of the diabetes study.
Janne Tolstrup with the National Institute of Public Health at the University of Southern Denmark was lead author of the alcohol and diabetes study.
In the diabetes study, for example, Tolstrup and her co-authors could only theorize why wine lowered diabetes risk more than beer or liquor — polyphenols in wine seem to aid the body's management of blood sugar.
The diabetes study was funded by The American Diabetes Association and the Johns Hopkins Institute for Cell Engineering.
While updating my database of human clinical trials using expanded human umbilical cord mesenchymal cells I came across a new article (April, 2016) describing a 36 - month safety in subjects given intravenous cells for in a type 2 diabetes study.
Gender differences in the progression of target organ damage in patients with increased insulin resistance: the LOD - DIABETES study
This was the large UKPDS (UK Prospective Diabetes Study).
Later, Mr. Tutty spotted a notice recruiting volunteers for a diabetes study that asked, «Would you like the opportunity to reverse your condition?»
The United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes study, known as the UKPDS, was going to be the study that would prove the benefits of intensive blood glucose control.
The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial and the U.K. Prospective Diabetes Study have emphasized the importance of achieving optimal glycemic control in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes through strict adherence to medications, glucose monitoring, diet, and exercise in order to minimize long - term complications (1,2).
The present research was planned as part of the Brazilian Type 1 Diabetes Study in order to evaluate the impact of T1D on family functioning and child - rearing practices from parents» point of view, to assess parents» health - related quality of life and to explore the relations between psychosocial variables and diabetes care outcomes.
Glucocorticoid treatment and impaired mood, memory and metabolism in people with diabetes: the Edinburgh Type 2 Diabetes Study.
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