Sentences with phrase «diabetes who»

Letters of invitation were sent to all adolescents with diabetes who were ∼ 11 — 13 years of age and attending Children's Hospital (n = 307).
To me, it's analogous to prescribing Tylenol for a child with diabetes who needs insulin to survive, and then absolving yourself of responsibility once you do.
Evaluation of psychological interventions for women with type 2 diabetes who are overweight or obese: protocol for a systematic review
About Blog I am a Severe Asthmatic and also have Steroid Induced Diabetes who tweets and blogs about Asthma.
If you have diabetes, but show that you otherwise lead a healthy lifestyle, you are going to have lower premiums than a person with diabetes who also is a smoker.
The best life insurance rates will be given to those with well - controlled diabetes who were diagnosed later in life.
Life insurance for people with diabetes who are over age 60 actual becomes more affordable.
In addition, there are some who possess adverse health conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes who may not qualify for a standard life insurance plan.
An analysis of American insurance claims, published in November in the journal Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, focused on people with Type 2 diabetes who were taking a diabetes drug other than insulin.
He used sweat and breath from people with diabetes who had either normal or low blood glucose to train the dogs in what he calls scent discrimination — similar to how trainers teach dogs to recognize the scent of drugs or explosives.
It is not uncommon to have an obese cat newly diagnosed with diabetes who can be converted to a non-diabetic state just by altering the diet.
Put simply, these dogs are similar to a person with diabetes who requires insulin — their body just doesn't make something it requires to function properly.
Researchers compared two groups of people with type 2 diabetes who were fed different amounts of high fiber foods.
I personally know someone who had diabetes who moved to a plant based diet and within one week, they felt a big difference and never went back.
Another study, published in 2011 in the journal Diabetologia, found that people with Type 2 diabetes who followed an extreme diet of extreme diet of just 600 calories a day saw their blood glucose levels return to normal in about a week, and most were still diabetes - free three months after they stopped the diet.
Join a small group of women with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes who will implement a low - carb natural whole - foods diet over 8 weeks and receive weekly online support, guidance, and accountability.
Anyone with diabetes who is reading this can commiserate at what a challenging life lesson having this disease can be.
Those with diabetes who do develop cancer and take metformin, are less likely to die from it.
The study found that eating legumes may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease in patients with type - 2 diabetes who follow a low glycemic diet.
People with diabetes who take insulin can use carb counting to help them determine the exact dose of insulin they need at meals.
When insulin is administered to people with diabetes who are fasting, blood glucose concentrations falls.
Studies have demonstrated modest reductions blood sugar and hemoglobin A1c (a reflection of the previous 90 days» blood sugar) in people with diabetes who use erythritol in place of sugar.
Overweight adults with type 2 diabetes who ate one - quarter cup of walnuts daily had significant reductions in fasting insulin levels compared to those who did not, and the benefit was achieved in the first three months.
In some studies people with diabetes who have taken unsweetened psyllium appeared to delay the absorption of carbohydrates from foods.
Jason, I compiled this list of some of the people with type 1 diabetes who have inspirations to us and the «secrets to their success».
There is much more data on people with diabetes who take metformin with the majority of the evidence showing metformin decreases B12 levels.
They randomly assigned 48 overweight and obese participants with Type 2 diabetes who were, on average, 59 years of age, to one of three diets that contained the same number of calories.
Honest question, what confused me the most is how people with pre type 2 diabetes and type 2 diabetes who on a low carb and high fat diet get improve.
Green tee may also help people with diabetes who have insulin resistance and high blood levels of glucose.
This is also why most patients with type 2 diabetes who end up taking insulin also end up gaining weight.
Patients with type 2 diabetes who go on a low fat whole plant diet need to monitor their sugars closely as their medications can lead to low blood sugar.
However, clinically it causes alot of confusion with my patients with diabetes who assume they should consume low glycemic foods.
People with type 1 diabetes who receive excess insulin predictably gain weight, whereas those treated inadequately with too little insulin lose weight, no matter how much they eat.
One small clinical trial found that women with Type 2 diabetes who followed a diet rich in monounsaturated fats, including those from avocados, had lower triglyceride levels.
And in a separate study, blood sugar levels dropped in 74 people with type 2 diabetes who took 600 mg or more of alpha - lipoic acid daily.
We have many customers with diabetes who regularly take our B - 12 without problems.
But I have a friend with Type 1 diabetes who swears that low carb high fat diet makes it easier to control her blood sugar.
Over the years I have had many friends and family members with diabetes who wanted to know what kinds of exercises they could do to relieve their diabetic complications.
This finding is similar to the decrease reported in a 1 - mo study of hyperlipidemic people without diabetes who consumed a 27 % - protein diet in which 11 % of total dietary energy from starch was replaced with vegetable protein (50).
A study in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that obese patients with type - 2 diabetes who went keto for just two weeks improved insulin sensitivity by 75 %.
Fig leaves, interestingly, have been studied for their antidiabetic properties - they can actually reduce the amount of insulin needed by a person with diabetes who takes injections.
Fig leaves, interestingly, have been studied for their antidiabetic properties - they can actually reduce the amount of insulin needed by a person with diabetes who takes... [Read more...]
Research reveals that individuals with type 2 diabetes who received self - donated bone marrow stem cell transplants needed less insulin following the transplants, in comparison to a control group of individuals with type 2 diabetes who didn't receive transplants.
Additionally, there's concern that drinking aloe vera juice may cause low blood sugar for people with diabetes who are taking medication.
In a new study, almost half of patients with type 2 diabetes who followed a strict low - calorie eating plan had a remission for at least six months after the diet was over.
That's the finding of Canadian researchers who analyzed muscle samples from young adults with and without type 1 diabetes who did more than the weekly amount of exercise recommended by Diabetes Canada.
Research has revealed that individuals with diabetes who ate a diet consisting mainly of avocados, which is high in monounsaturated - fat, had much better management of their blood glucose and triglycerides in comparison to individuals who ate a high - carbohydrate, low - fat diet.
I actually found accounts by diabetes who had been able to go off insulin by doing hoe - downs after every meal.
According to results of the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study, people with type 2 diabetes who lower their blood glucose through intensive therapy are at reduced risk for neuropathy.
Taking lots of daily medications can become confusing, especially if you're among 3 out of 5 people with diabetes who also have high cholesterol, high blood pressure or both — and you're taking medicines for those conditions.
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