Sentences with phrase «diagnostic imaging techniques»

Our specialists at Cascade Veterinary perform and interpret a variety of diagnostic imaging techniques including:
Veterinary cardiologists have extensive training beyond veterinary school which includes extensive training in diagnostic imaging techniques and inverventional and medical treatments for heart and vascular diseases.
Ultrasound is a painless and non-invasive diagnostic imaging technique that allows us to see inside the heart, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, intestines and other organs.
complex lameness examinations (complicated cases, cases that require advanced diagnostic imaging techniques or when a surgical treatment might be indicated)
After major trauma was ruled out via diagnostic imaging techniques such as radiographs and ultrasound, treatment for suspected rodenticide intoxication was initiated immediately by the Livestock Medicine and Surgery Service.
As part of their training program, veterinary cardiologists receive extensive training in a variety of diagnostic imaging techniques, including veterinary echocardiography and angiography.
Three years of advanced cardiology training (residency), including extensive training in a variety of diagnostic imaging techniques (radiology, echocardiography and angiography) and interventional cardiac procedures.
These diagnostic imaging techniques should be performed on cats that show signs of abdominal pain or have recurrent episodes of hematuria or straining.
These diagnostic imaging techniques should be performed on dogs that show signs of abdominal pain or have recurrent episodes of cystitis.
As part of their training program, board certified veterinary cardiologists receive specific and extensive training in a variety of diagnostic imaging techniques (including echocardiography and angiography), as well as interventional and medical treatments for heart and vascular diseases.
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