Sentences with phrase «diagnostic yield»

We found that genetic sequencing tests have a very high diagnostic yield, much more than some of the other tests that are routinely performed in initial work - up of early life epilepsy.
Genetic testing was found to have substantial diagnostic yields regardless of the child's clinical features.
Having the images taken or at least reviewed by a board certified veterinary dentist will improve diagnostic yield.
Stephen W. Scherer, Ph.D., of the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, and colleagues performed chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) and whole - exome sequencing (WES) in a group of 258 unrelated children with ASD to determine the molecular diagnostic yield (the percentage of subjects with a genetic alteration [mutation] that may contribute to the features of autism spectrum disorder) of these tests.
«The current report highlights that a smartphone application can outperform the current standard of care and provide incremental diagnostic yield in clinical practice,» writes Dr. Hibbert, with colleagues.
Berg and colleagues found that a genetic test called chromosome microarray, which is used more frequently in evaluating seizures, has a much lower diagnostic yield than the more precise genetic sequencing tests.
• Microfilaria testing: This test has a very poor diagnostic yield.
Based on our own regional data, we will show the effect of the genomic SNP array testing and these two NIPT approaches on the diagnostic yield within the last 9 years.
Title: The diagnostic yield of dental radiographs and cone - beam computed tomography in cats with dental disorders
The diagnostic yield of this procedure is quite high (approximately 70 % to 75 %), but because Greyhounds have very thin bones, the bone may fracture (break) around the area of the biopsy.
The Scoop on Poop - Maximizing the Diagnostic Yield of The Faecal Examination Stanley L. Marks, BVSc, PhD, DACVIM (Internal Medicine, Oncology), DACVN University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine, Davis, CA, USA
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