Sentences with phrase «diagonal position»

When you breastfeed, you can push the appendage down on either side, depending on which breast you are feeding, so that your baby is supported in a diagonal position and more upright on your breast.
Pregnancies for those who lived were otherwise uncomplicated and birth was C - sections because of breech position (N ° 1), Baby not finding the exit (N ° 2), Baby in a diagonal position AND 2 previous C - sections (N ° 3)
Position your butt on the side of your elevated surface, if you are using a weight place between your feet and lean your body back so you are in a diagonal position.
Lastly are the floating circle enemies that can block your attack from any diagonal position depending upon where it moves its shields (they are opposite each other).
A newspaper account described it as consisting of «brightly colored T - squares, triangles and rulers in horizontal, vertical and diagonal positions».
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