Sentences with phrase «dial in»

It will really dial you in.
The Vitamix «Total Nutrition Center» has two main switches - one to take it to maximum power on the right of the machine, and the on switch on the left which allows you to choose your speed easily and smoothly using the dial in the middle.
Weekly coaching, personalized meal plans, and a plethora of educational tools will help you improve your consistency, get professional insight on what and how much you should be eating, dial in your daily routine that works with YOUR schedule, learn more about nutrition, and be held accountable to take fast action.
And then if we have issues, we can — we can progress the carbs, operate it and dial it in.
In fact, it's actually better to undershoot at the outset because that will ensure that you'll dial in on the bare effective minimum by upwardly adjusting to it.
Eating and training like a bodybuilder helped Team USA athlete Hakeem Abdul - Saboor dial in his preparation for the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Games.
It's a free app that we put out there that helps you use your heart rate in order to determine whether you might have eaten something that you're sensitive to which is kind of a cool way to do this, just to dial in on it.
Most «no calorie counting» weight loss advice is terrible because it misses the singularly important part of any * viable * weight loss strategy: how to systematically dial in a calorie deficit.
Here's how to dial in your basic bird dog:
The questions on the following pages will help me collect the information I need form you so I can personalize and dial in your programming to ensure it is an ideal fit for your situation, goals, and schedule.
Dial in your vibration to the frequencies that magnetize to you the romantic partnership that you desire.
But dial in the dose.
I have heard that diet is 95 % of success and I guess I am still trying to dial it in for myself.
When you dial in the right resistance, you are good to go after that.
Our hormones offer us a multitude of benefits when we are willing to dial in, such as:
And yet, when we have supported cyclists to really dial in their nutrition we have seen amazing things happen.
It's time to flip that bar off your back, put it onto your upper chest and dial in on those quads.
By adding a towel, you can get an extended range of motion that will really help you dial in your form.
It also helps you to focus and dial in by ramping up cognitive abilities and reducing fatigue.
Start slowly and with a light weight until you really dial in your form.
So try it out, ask questions, we're going to dial it in for you, get you up to your best self.
Dial in your macro / calorie targets and you'll start seeing your muscles as the fat drops.
A common inquiry I get from athletes who are trying to dial in weight or ensure they have enough calories on board is the question of whether or not being hungry is a bad thing.
And then we'll have our patients tell us that way we can dial in a little bit more specifically faster.
So we have to dial that in and we have to know who is our audience and why is that person getting results over the other and if someone who is getting results on a higher carb diet, that's not gonna be, you know, the gold standard for everyone.
It talks about how fat loss works, what the most commonly egregious behaviors are that lead to caloric overconsumption, and how to change them, one by one, such that you eventually dial in on a bare effective minimum dose.
Almost everything else, you can dial it in.
That's when they start relying on techniques like paused reps, 1.5 reps, and slow negatives, which make light weights feel more challenging and force you to dial in your lifting technique.
So let's dial in with some of the things that you use to help improve heart rate variability.
Dial in your eating with whole foods that burn fat naturally and keep your metabolism fired up — use my 30 - day Eating System for great nutrient balancing information and how to apply it with a 4 - week meal plan!
Summer is close, so it's a great time to really dial in your motivation for getting fit and looking your best.
Often times, «out of sight, out of mind» causes us to dial in our attention on the muscles we can look at — like our biceps or our abs.
The # 1 think you CAN do while you're healing from anything — from a cold to knee surgery is DIAL IN YOUR NUTRITION.
But it's the way you're looking at your movie RIGHT NOW that you can dial in, adjust and bring into a new focus.
Say for example I set the goal for myself this year to dial in my eating and add better nutrition to my life.
With 4 weeks worth of Meal Plans, this plan is an excellent resource for both the beginner learning the fundamentals of healthy eating as well as the seasoned healthy - eating veteran looking to dial it in around a specific goal or result; after all, we can all use a little reminder of the basics from time to time!
My naturopath tested my blood and gut biome to help me dial in my food and supplement intake so I could really optimize my health.
Once you have your food foundation, it's time to dial in your workout plan.
She has helped thousands of clients improve their digestion, sleep, and mood; dial in a regular bodymind practice, and step into the next version of themselves.
In the world of sports, where hundredths of seconds can make the difference between a gold medal and no medal, the best of the best dial in their diet down to individual calories.
For instance, I did the 23andMe genetic test and it provided a lot of information that really helped me dial in my health issues (thyroid, mthfr, etc) but that isn't a test that is traditionally recommended or given in regular panels.
Actually THC helps to maintain focus and helps you to really dial in and focus on your reps and form.
Look at any guy who does train legs on a regular basis — almost all of them sport well - balanced physique and have the respect of other bodybuilders because they dial in all that hard work that chicken - legged dudes are scared of.
When you know how your macros work, the next step is to learn how to dial in them appropriately, but this should in no way make you feel deprived.
The road to fully rounded, shirt - busting delts has never been simpler — now it's up to you to dial in the work.
Really dial in your diet, nutrients, and lifestyle factors so your immune system operates optimally when the season kicks in.
[Response: The way the radiation is written in the Uvic model — which is typical for energy balance models of this sort — you can dial in whatever sensitivity parameter you want.
To listen, you will have to dial in to CompuServe and download a computer file, containing a digital version of the sound, over the telephone line.
Vocally Infinity When connected to a phone, this device will retain up to 60 phone numbers and will dial them in response to a spoken name.
«Researchers dial in to «thermostat» in Earth's upper atmosphere.»
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