Sentences with phrase «dialectical theology»

The reigning tendency of current Protestantism, the so - called dialectical theology, denies every revelation of God outside the Christian Bible and looks upon the non-Christian religions as mere attempts at self - apotheosis which are under the judgment of God.
Though he himself is skeptical of some of these recent readings of Barth, McCormack's work clearly shows how the dialectical theology of Romans continues into the Church Dogmatics as well.
These methods are semi-existential because no dialectical theologian has been open to a contemporary form of Existenz, for dialectical theology has retained the Kierkegaardian thesis that authentic human existence culminates in faith.
From one point of view, we might say that dialectical theology culminates in a simple contradiction.
From another, we might rather say that dialectical theology refuses to be truly dialectical, it refuses both radical transcendence (biblical or eschatological faith) and radical immanence (contemporary Existenz), and thus is forced to reach a non-dialectical synthesis between a partial transcendence (Tillich's Unconditioned and Bultmann's Word of faith) and a partial immanence (an Existenz whose Angst can only be answered by «faith»).
The correction to liberal theology made by the dialectical theology of the early 20th century scarcely improved Protestant approaches to Aquinas.
The more I have struggled to formulate a dialectical theology the more I have recognized its overwhelming difficulty.
Or is it impossible for dialectical theology to go beyond Luther and Kierkegaard?
To blame dialectical theology for contemporary atheism strikes me as excessive, but that is a question for another time.
This statement is at total odds with natural law theology... The Thomistic synthesis, which Hittinger clearly represents when he connects natural law to a doctrine of God, unearths the far - reaching background behind the rise of contemporary atheism in dialectical theology's placing these two revelations in opposition.
Or — and here is one of the seventeen greatest words in the language of dialectical theology: an epiphany.
The language of dialectical theology, I'm proud to say, is not.
Though Barth often claimed in his later career to have moved beyond the spirit and method of dialectical theology, his theology continued to affirm the dialectical movement of God in self - revelation.
Since Barr tells us he once believed in dialectical theology himself, perhaps his relentless attacks on it, and on Childs as its foremost exemplar in the biblical field, derive from the convert's scorn for his past orientation.
Inevitably such a dialectical theology falls back upon a dogmatic and non-dialectical form of faith or belief, thereby foreclosing the possibility of reaching a coincidentia oppositorum.
I would suggest, rather, that scholasticism apprehends the abstract potency of the Godhead, while a radical and dialectical theology is in quest of the meaning of the final actualization and realization of that potency, and therefore in quest of the meaning of the ultimate victory of Christ.
Barth famously called the analogia entis «the invention of the antichrist,» but it would be truer to say that it is the Catholic version of Barth's dialectical theology.
So it is that eschatological faith became existential intensity, and thus was established the existential school of Protestant dialectical theology.
This is the third part of Moltmann's dialectical theology of play - his prescription.

Not exact matches

The theology and philosophy of Edward Holloway stands alone as a contemporary synthesis which on the one hand rejects any dialectical tension at the heart of being and at the same time upholds the real distinction between matter and spirit.
He applies this dialectical — some might say ambiguous or even contradictory — principle to the whole of his philosophy and theology.
Yet their methods are partially dialectical, and we may hope that their dialectical methods have saved theology from the temptation of the «positivism of revelation» (Bonhoeffer's words) of the Barth of the Church Dogmatics.
Nor does Tillich's theology of correlation effect a dialectical coincidentia oppositorum.
Thomas J. J. Altizer, «The Sacred and the Profane: A Dialectical Understanding of Christianity,» in Altizer and Hamilton, eds., Radical Theology, p. 146.
Dogmatic theology is dogmatic precisely insofar as it's not dialectical, or not in response to the pressing or fashionable questions of the day.
Today theology is faced with the overwhelming task of establishing a dialectical synthesis between a radically profane «subjectivity» (Existenz) and an authentically biblical mode of faith.
Karl Barth met this «scandal,» and thus founded crisis theology, by adopting Kierkegaard's dialectical method, a method which led him to posit an antithetical relationship between the Word of God and the word of man.
Although Altizer's terminology is somewhat different, the dialectical method is ever present and strong; indeed, it is here more fully developed than it ever was in the German dialectic theology.
Clearly at these points and others di - polar theology stands to gain immensely by the employment of Hegelian dialectical thinking.
When the Creator disappears from the boundary of finitude, and Eternity is swallowed up by time, then theology must lose its ground in a dialectical tension between the here and the Beyond.
There are disagreements about just how philosophical, public and dialectical practical theology should be.
To read Barr on Childs, one would have great difficulty guessing the identity of the perceived weakness in the older liberal theology that accounted for the rise and rapid spread of the dialectical alternative.
Having discarded as exaggerated the dialectical theologians» division between theology and the history of religion, Barr is less than convincing in his own efforts to prevent biblical theology from collapsing into the history of Israelite (and early Christian) religion.
is presented as the true resolution of a contradiction in Eliade's understanding — a contradiction deriving from an only partially dialectical understanding of Christianity in Eliade, the latter arising from the nondialectical ground of the historical expressions of Christian theology.
His penchant for polemic against both secularist and saint made his theology dialectical rather than systematic.
The advocacy scholarship of liberation theologies corresponds and contributes to the hermeneutical and dialectical shifts toward praxis now Occurring in what are called post-empiricist philosophies of science (BOR, TKH).
If we miss the dialectical nature of his theology we miss the whole point.
The dialectical tasks of liberation theologies, therefore, make imperative critical collaboration among the various liberation theologies dealing with the diverse forms of domination in classism, sexism, racism, technocentrism, and militarism (CLT).
This is important, I believe, in order to contextualize the real import of liberation theology as calling for a new realization of social justice in dialectical contradiction to conservatism and liberalism.
Bruce McCormack rightly emphasizes that the dialectical Paulinism of Barth's Romans commentary remained key to his theology.
Most obviously, such inadequate approaches include those whereby creation is seen as in a dialectical tension with the Creator, such as forms of Process Theology and Panentheism.
Within the various theologies of liberation movements, the symbolic construction of justice seeks to express the dialectical movement within the function of Christian symbols: justice enables us to name faith, and faith symbols reconceived as justice allow us to envision new spaces of life together.
3 In speaking of the two basic elements as «poles,» I mean to accept the classical distinction of subject («noetic») and object («ontic») rather than any so - called dialectical analysis such as that provided by Paul Tillich in speaking of «polarities,» (Systematic Theology, vol.
Bolz - Weber's ministry is the end - result of the dialectical approach to Lutheran theology, especially by way of Forde.
Equally important, the two foci of each dimension of practical theology — one in the church and one in the world — help to encourage a dialectical relationship between the Christian faith community and other perspectives and efforts to shape our common life.
Through collecting and reworking many of his previously published articles, Ford will attempt in this new book to formulate the requisite complementary natural theology for Whitehead's cosmology in historical conversation with, and in dialectical opposition to, a number of contrasting perspectives on creativity, temporality, immutability, theodicy, and technical (internal) problems in process metaphysics put forth by Robert Neville, Norris Clarke, Donald Sherburne, and other colleagues over the years.
The merely dialectical approach to Lutheran theology severed itself from a significant part of classic Lutheran theology.
The Descent Into Hell, however, appears to be a concentrated effort to construct a theology which is fully dialectical.
In his most recent book, The Descent Into Hell (J. B. Lippincott Company, 1970), Altizer admits that even his own theology has not been sufficiently dialectical.
Will Brunner be remembered merely as one of several dialectical theologians, or as the one who debated Barth about natural theology?
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