Sentences with phrase «dialogue with scripture»

Thus, rather than place the insights of contemporary society in dialogue with Scripture and tradition in a way that maintains Biblical authority, she has compromised the sole authority of Scripture by qualifying it from feminist perspectives.
Our Christian lives will involve a continuing dialogue with Scripture.
Equally telling was the second sentence of the preface to the 1991 study, which began by announcing that it intended to «stimulate reflection and dialogue with Scripture

Not exact matches

Confessional Protestants — those whose churches explicitly hold to one of the great Protestant confessions of the sixteenth or seventeenth centuries and who value classical orthodox formulations as being faithful to scripture — should focus their ecumenical energy in dialoguing and working with those denominations which share their most basic commitments, especially to the Nicene Trinitarian identity of God.
As I read the dialogue between Moses and Yahweh in the Hebrew scripture, I envy Moses» intimacy I with the Holy One.
... the contextual approach to the interpretation of Scripture involves a dialogue between the historical situation and Scripture, a dialogue in which the interpreters approach Scripture with a particular perspective (their world - and - life view) and approach their situation with a particular comprehension of the Word of God (their theology)... 8
Other tasks, too, besides interpreting Scripture face theologians, tasks both intramural (dealing with the church) and extramural (dialoguing with the world)- tasks of phenomenological analysis of theologies past and present and of apologetics, philosophical, evangelistic, and defensive - but these can not be spoken of here either.
Here again we are faced with the realization that evangelical theology is at its best an «art»; it is an entrusting to words what has been creatively perceived in the dialogue among Scripture, church, and world.
No one has said that women can't «evangelize» or «dialogue» to a man PRIVATELY concerning the scriptures (just as Priscilla, along with her husband Aquila, dialogued «privately» with Apollos).
Mormons are difficult to dialogue with; they are skilful with the Scriptures they are familiar with.
Regarding teaching Scripture, I once heard a person say, «We need to exegete the culture so we can dialogue with people through the metanarrative of Scripture
A massive conglomeration of texts from the Hebrew scriptures is gathered and interpreted in light of the Christ - event in the «Dialogue of Justin, Philosopher and Martyr, with Trypho, a Jew.»
Spiritual direction typically includes reflection through dialogue with reference to Scripture led by a spiritual director.
As Eugene Ulrich and William G. Thompson conclude, «Scripture, which began as experience, was produced through a process of tradition (s) being formulated about that experience and being reformulated by interpreters in dialogue with the experience of their communities and with the larger culture.»
Maintaining Trent's fundamental teaching on justification, the sacraments, and the relation between Scripture and tradition is consistent with affirming a more comprehensive and balanced formulation of that teaching as a fruit of serious theological dialogue.
Wells» contextualization as application can be contrasted with Dyrness» contextualization as two - way dialogue between Scripture and world.
The illustration suggests that he should study the theological resources of Scripture, history, and doctrine; and study also, with equal seriousness, what he knows of the related meanings from his own authority of both traditional and contemporary experience; and how to recognize the authenticity of the dialogue, both historical and contemporary, be - tween God and man and the dependence of each on the other.
One difference is that today's commentaries hold very little knowledge of Torah culture and even the Jewish dialogue going on in the New Testament and although they have a lot of knowledge, it is diluted by a full cultural engagement which leaves a lot out with a very gentile understanding of Scripture.
The spirit of openness to dialogue in frankness and fairness has been received with warm appreciation, as well as especially the emphasis on prayer with and for each other and the positive focus on ecumenical texts of the scriptures.
Combining facets of Dark Water and Rosemary's Baby with Dante's Inferno, the Orpheus legend, and the Old and New Testament (via scripture - quoting signs and Rose and Sharon's symbolic names), the film is detrimentally overstuffed with backstory, unbelievable protagonist behavior, and video game - worthy dialogue that doesn't improve even when spoken by a wraithlike Deborah Kara Unger or a psychotic Alice Krige.
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