Sentences with phrase «diaperbag with»

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One issue is that hospitals routinely send home «failure» packets of formula with new mommies «just in case,» which sit temptingly in pretty, complementary diaperbags waiting for the inexperienced new mommy to face her first breastfeeding hurdle, her first feeding worry, her first sleep - deprived need to find any reassurance that she's doing a good job feeding her baby during those first weeks.
Lydia battles the lack of breastfeeding support at the hospital and triumphantly goes home a breastfeeding mother, formula «fail» packet tucked securely in the chic little complementary diaperbag in the trunk along with stacks of information about how healthy formula is and lots of lovely formula coupons.
Being out on the go with baby will make every trip at least twice as long, and 26.7 times as hard, so having some item with you to soothe fraying nerves is a good use of diaperbag space.
Now, it can be tricky getting a whole back up clothing change into the baby bag, but with some planning and determination it can be done without sacrificing critical diaperbag space.
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