Sentences with phrase «dichotomous variable»

A dichotomous variable is one that can have only two possible values or categories. It is like a choice between two options, such as yes or no, true or false, or present or absent. Full definition
Relative risk (RR) was calculated for dichotomous variables along with 95 % confidence intervals (CIs).
Because they presented bimodal distributions, the hospitalization and injury outcomes variables were analyzed as dichotomous variables with logistic regressions using the same hierarchical model design.
When dichotomous variables are used, divorce was not associated with any statistically significant change in the psychological well - being of unhappily married adults.
We formed a composite indicator of family SES consisting of six dichotomous variables measured at study entry.
Independent t tests compared total score differences on the BGMC questionnaires across dichotomous variables (e.g., sex).
To enhance the clinical relevance and interpretation of our findings, maternal BMI values and maternal CES - D score were treated as dichotomous variables (maternal obesity, BMI ≥ 30; maternal depression, CES - D score ≥ 16) in the analyses.
However, the path coefficient from the internalizing x externalizing interaction factor to the intercept of dichotomous variables was not statistically significant when the intercept was specified at W6 and W7, βs = − 2.12 to − 3.12, ps > 0.30.
On the basis of a standardized scoring system, a dichotomous variable was created identifying fathers with symptoms consistent with probable major depression if they responded affirmatively to at least 3 of 7 follow - up questions.24, 25
This variable was coded as a dichotomous variable with a Likert score of 1 — 3 indicating «disliked breastfeeding» and a Likert score of 4 — 5 indicating «liked breastfeeding.»
where Yis alternatively represents an outcome — academic achievement, cognitive ability, and academic effort — for the ith child and in school s. Asianis is a dichotomous variable indicating that child i is Asian (vs. white).
They are, thus, positioned, along with the dichotomous variable reflecting the building level (elementary / secondary) at the left side of the model.
Item scores are summed and the total score is recoded into a dichotomous variable indicating psychosocial impairment.
Many researchers have treated conflict resolution as a dichotomous variable (e.g., resolved or unresolved), but there may be different approaches to conflict resolution.
Based on past work, 17,18 responses were assigned a score (0 for never or not in the past year, 1 for event occurred once, 2 for twice, 4 for 3 — 5 times, 8 for 6 — 10 times, 15 for 11 — 20 times, and 25 for > 20 times), and we created a dichotomous variable considering domain scores in the top 10th percentile as high risk for maltreatment.
We also examined media exposure as a dichotomous variable (≤ 2 hours per day vs > 2 hours per day) based on AAP media exposure guidelines.
The main outcome measure, TV - viewing time, was analyzed as both a continuous (in minutes) and dichotomous variable (upper quartile vs lower quartiles).
On the basis of this information, we identified obesity in parents (BMI ≥ 30) and siblings (BMI ≥ 95th age - and gender - related percentile), which led to 3 dichotomous variables.
These included age (in years), gender (1 = male, 2 = female), education (1 = less than high school, 2 = high school diploma or equivalent, 3 = some college / vocational education, and 4 = college education or higher), and ethnic background (coded as a dichotomous variable, 1 = White vs. 2 = non-White).
The estimated effects of continuous outcomes are presented as a standardised effect size and dichotomous variables as OR.
A dichotomous variable indicated high quality as parents more than agreeing that support was provided.
The total score is re-coded into a dichotomous variable with cut - off score of 30, indicating presence of psychosocial dysfunction or not.
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