Sentences with phrase «dictated by the conventions»

As dictated by convention, he challenges the lieutenant to a duel and throws his wife out of their home.
The Shadow Master never does this again in the rest of the series, even though all villains including himself keep failing over and over again, as dictated by the conventions of the genre.

Not exact matches

And our days are dictated to a far greater degree than we understand by the 5 C's: conversations, conventions, comparisons, compromises and chores.
George Mason, a member of the Con - sti - tu - tion - al Convention and recognized as The Father of the Bill of Rights submitted this proposal for the wording of the First Amendment All men have an equal, natural and unalienable right to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience and that no particular sect or society of Christians ought to be favored or established by law in preference to others.
«The structure of a Constitutional Convention allows for every part of the process to be dictated by the voting public,» Kolb wrote.
«Silver, by the power he amassed as speaker and all the power he has — he's gotten people jobs in the courthouse — also had sway at the judicial conventions because the delegates from his Assembly district and sometimes adjoining districts was able to dictate, on occasion, who would be a judge,» Flacks said.
The convention grows out of common sense and is dictated by the generally small budgets we have available to shoot our book trailers.
The conflict between sticking to the conventions dictated by realism and breaking new ground has, arguably, stifled variety.
This is because Belgium argues that Swiss Courts are under an obligation to stay proceedings brought in that country not only as a result of the Lugano Convention but also because this result is dictated by the rules of general international law relating to jurisdiction.
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