Sentences with phrase «dictatorial power»

And North Korea flowered following a surprisingly benevolent relinquishment of dictatorial power.
The scientists are merely useful tools to them, used to get control of the public so they and their friends can enrich themselves via carbon taxes and carbon trading schemes and redistribute your wealth to the poorer countries under the guise of saving the planet (where I'd venture a guess the vast majority will disappear into a numbered bank accounts someplace), all while enriching themselves and attempting what I feel could be a part of an attempt to gain dictatorial power over an entire planet.
Hrag over at Hyperallergic exercised his dark dictatorial power and removed me from commenting at that site.
But, along the way, on his road to near - dictatorial power, Stark begins cutting deals, bullying his enemies, and turning his state into a piggy - bank for himself and his cronies.
And perhaps the next governor should adopt emergency - like dictatorial power.
Ivan replacing Wengers dictatorial power on many levels.
Somebody should whittle down Wenger's dictatorial power that is affecting the Club negatively.
So insistent are the pressures that even peoples who are not yet prepared to assume the responsibilities of self - government claim their independence and then pay a heavy price in internal chaos and strife, with the likelihood of having to settle for order by dictatorial power rather than by consent.
Much contemporary theology has been attempting to undo the assimilation of the idea of God into that of a controlling and dictatorial power.
I.e., if he keeps dictatorial power past the three months, Egypt's revolution will have traded Mubarak for a Muslim Brother Mubarak.
He saw the demoralizing implications of the concordat between the Hitler - led German government and the Vatican that was signed in 1933 as Hitler was consolidating dictatorial powers.
The Reichskonkordat was a treaty signed on 20 July 1933 between the Holy See (Catholic Church) and Nazi Germany, guaranteeing the rights of the Roman Catholic Church in Germany, giving moral legitimacy to the Nazi regime soon after Hitler had acquired dictatorial powers, and placing constraints on Catholic critics of the regime, leading to a muted response by the Church to Nazi policies.
When that red millennium comes to pass, time class struggle will cease, the Communist state will surrender the dictatorial powers it has had to assume during the struggle, and everyone will live happily ever after.
This, then, is about the Derby field that I would pick if I had dictatorial powers.
Others said Heastie and Flanagan had not only failed to deliver on their promises to open the Legislature's notoriously secretive processes to greater public scrutiny but also abandoned their pledges to reduce the near - dictatorial powers that leaders have over individual legislators.
«He was all about essentially dictatorial powers to bypass what was then a very limited parliamentary power.
Now, these people I mentioned are credited with using their dictatorial powers to put in place strategies and firm systems that ensured, among others, policy consistency and the accelerated development of their countries, before transiting into western style democracies.
If you have dictatorial powers, as Snow does, and control over the media, as this government does, then how can you not besmirch a name?
As he settles into his new life, the country is experiencing its own turmoil: an oil embargo has led to martial law and civil war, with the government being led by a man with Fascist ambitions who uses the energy crisis, violent street demonstrations, and a mass shooting to give himself new dictatorial powers and establish a force of Special Police.
The engrossing tale hinges on the dictatorial powers of the Captain Nemat, who acts as salesman, matchmaker and power of attorney for the trusting residents of the slowly - sinking ship.
If local communities counted, school reform would never be a top - down affair; but school reform in Connecticut IS a top - down affair, precisely because dictatorial powers are needed, by the «reformers,» to get around local resistance.
They believe dictatorial powers will soon be claimed by Washington's political aristocracy.

Not exact matches

Amid a perfect storm of investor - owned units, powerful condo boards and tenants who have limited powers to fight back, a democratic living ideal is rapidly turning into a dictatorial nightmare for condo - dwellers.
The dictatorial source and direction of state power had many sources in both Germany and the Soviet Union, and some of those sources doubtless derive from imperialism.
When the proletariat takes power, it may be quite possible that the proletariat will exert towards the classes over which it has triumphed a violent, dictatorial, and even bloody power.
But that has the consequence of meaning that oppressive, dictatorial governments are never doing anything wrong so long as they stay in power.
Though the term arose when the nations were monarchies, and it had a more realistic symbolism then than now, it connotes power exercised, not in arbitrary dictatorial authority, but in loving concern.
It is because we are unconvinced of the power of persuasive love that we want to invest God with dictatorial coercive power.
No; it simply means you have power, managerial power, which very often brings out the weaknesses of a person's character: their self - assertiveness, their inability to learn from failure, their dictatorial bent, their intolerance of others.
churchill was a war leader... brilliant and ruthless at that... no more, no less... our democracy brought him to power because we felt we needed a dictatorial leadership style, the antithesis of democracy in a way... and, in a way... it worked.
Note that even people supposedly wedded to democratic ideas easily slide into «I want moar power to achieve this beneficial goal» and as much as possible, sliding into more dictatorial and less democratic process.
Iannucci and Soviet Russia: on paper, it's a match made in heaven — both an opportunity to capitalise on anti-Russia sentiment and a chance to jab one of history's most notorious autocrats in the ribs at a time when dictatorial, power - drunk figures are actually in power.
In this sequel, Tris is still hiding from the dictatorial Jeanine (Kate Winslet), who spends this sequel searching for divergents so she can open a mysterious box that she believes would help keep her in power.
They had inherited that dictatorial sense of top - down power that an obvious reality could not be contradicted.»
And let's not be so dictatorial about it, no greater worthy than James Lovelock, who invented the Gaia theory, has demanded that nuclear power form part of any response to climate change.
Just prior to Melanie Aitken's August 2009 appointment to the federal Competition Bureau's top job (Commissioner), the government implemented sweeping legal powers, dictatorial and unconstitutional in nature, in my opinion, that enabled Ms Aitken to impose «Administrative Monetary Penalties» (AMPs) on businesses that she alone determined to be in violation of the Competition Act.
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