Sentences with phrase «dictatorship as»

Also, I don't see dictatorship as being about the lack of voting, to me it's about the control of the state by an individual or small oligarchy; and totalitarianism is not about the invasiveness of the state, it's about total state control of the individuals actions.
The political model followed by most corporations is, literally, Medieval, and about as close to a dictatorship as one can get without formally adopting «1984» as the company operations manual.
The script, cowritten by Iannucci with David Schneider, Ian Martin and Peter Fellows, doesn't so much joke about dictatorship as find the very existence of authoritarianism to be one of humanity's sickest, saddest, oldest jokes — a fine distinction, but an important one, because it prevents the film from feeling exploitative, instead lending it the feeling of a lament in which the storyteller laughs so that he won't cry.
His comment has been described by some as a sign of indirect dictatorship as it is not in his place to say who should be approved by Parliament.
14 / Liberationists might see a dictatorship as very much of the Devil — and so separate themselves radically.
Large capital investments in the Third World on the part of multinational business will increasingly require political commitments from the host nation — and such commitments are most easily secured in such rightist dictatorships as Brazil and Chile.
The democracy index by The Economist (also see Wikipedia) is almost systematically classing countries that were recently dictatorships as less democratic than the longer term democratic countries.

Not exact matches

On Trump as president: «Trump stands for a form of government that is a dictatorship or mafioso state.
«They are coming as refugees and there will be a place for them in Uruguay if they want to bring their families,» said Mujica, who spent 14 years in prison before and during his country's 1973 - 1985 dictatorship.
Ramasamy's assertion raised eyebrows around the lecture hall, particularly among the several Guatemalan participants, whose experience of dictatorship, as one woman pointed out to Ramasamy, was far from positive.
And its transition from a military dictatorship to parliamentary democracy is held up as a model for others.
The Terror of 1936 - 1938 was therefore understood as the culmination of a drive to create a personal dictatorship.
As the international community marks World Press Freedom Day, The Gambia's journalists are finally able to return to work without fear of intimidation following two decades of dictatorship and repression.
Belarus, known as Europe's last dictatorship, will legalize cryptocurrencies, ICOs and mining in the country.
The election that never should have happened is in the books and the result proved that personal arrogance masquerading as public policy is a poison unless you live in a totalitarian dictatorship.
With the help of Mr. Levant, he nastily branded Ms. Kennedy - Glans as a «Liberal saboteur» and a «bizarre cross between a radical feminist and an apologist for a women - hating Arab dictatorship
Barhydt went on to point out that these sorts of issues with decentralized governance have not necessarily existed on this scale in the past, using Linus Torvalds's benevolent dictatorship over Linux as an example of how things are usually operate in open - source software projects.
Torture (and that's what the «enhanced interrogation techniques» amount to, even if it is not torture as heinous as that routinely practiced by dictatorships) is definitely not an «American value.»
There are also countries run by Kings (a form of dictatorship, depending on what political science book you read) that are our allies and doing as well for their people as congress does for ours.
Rehabilitation here means not that of individual criminals but of entire societies that have suffered war or dictatorship, as when supporters of international tribunals describe punishment as «overcoming a culture of impunity.»
«It should be troubling — to «progressive» Catholics as well as others — that political operatives like John Podesta, who has been associated with Clinton campaigns and administrations for decades, admits that his organization set up (with funding from the Koch Brothers... I mean, George Soros) groups with the purpose of promoting a «revolution» — a «Catholic Spring» — «in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic church.»
While Chang acknowledges the late Kim Jong Il's brutal dictatorship and his refusal to liberalize North Korea's economy as millions of people were dying of starvation, he remains cautiously optimistic about the prospects of reunification under the young new leader, Kim Jong Un.
As church peace activists relentlessly chanted, during the Cold War America was often racist, indifferent to poverty, supported dictatorships, deployed nuclear weapons that could kill millions, and slew countless thousands in proxy wars.
It was not banality as such but the quotidian nature of the Nazi dictatorship that made coming to terms with Nazism so difficult after as well as between 1933 and 1945.
The Guardian: Cameron calls on Islam to embrace democracy and reject extremism Democracy and Islam can flourish together, David Cameron will declare on Thursday as he uses a landmark speech in Indonesia to tell the Muslim world that it can reject a «dead - end choice» between extremism and dictatorship.
That means opposing the self - contradictory «dictatorship of positivist reasoning that excludes God from the life of the community and from the public order, as well as acknowledging... human rights, and especially the freedom of faith and its exercise».
If we are going to rule by executive order and the whims of the President we might as well just shut down Congress and become the dictatorship that Obama obviously wants.
What came of it was an orthodoxy, a statism, more rigorous and coercive than the one it displaced; a morality just as hypocritical as the old one, a social conformism just as blind, and a dictatorship that fooled the people with its lies.
(of) dictatorships of the right or left but also pseudodemocracies turned shortsighted by obsessions such as anti-communism.»
Rubio, 40, campaigned heavily as the son of exiles and reported on his website that his parents fled under the dictatorship of Castro.
The purpose of the elders is to oversee, that is to keep heresy out of the church, and to allow the church to function as a body, not a dictatorship.
Terrorists or dictatorships who persecute innocent people because they claim it's part of faith are not welcomed — their use of Islam as a scapegoat, does not make Islam what they portray it to be, in fact those false persecutors will be punished themselves by God, «God is the only judge.
U.S. policy toward Latin America has fluctuated between open support of dictatorships and hostility toward movements of liberation, and advocacy of a «restricted democracy,» in which a limited amount of political space is allowed so long as it does not rock the boat too much internally and in the hemisphere.
George Weigel calls for the Church to «discipline itself» into a narrow public witness addressing religious freedom and life issues only, what he sees as «the points of maximum confrontation with the dictatorship of relativism.»
In the United States, health care providers and others involved in the health care system (including employers and insurers) are threatened by the dictatorship of relativism in the guise of the Obama administration's Department of Health and Human Services, as the bishops of the United States have warned.
Dictatorship that deny human rights such as to life and security have been more pronounced in the poor countries during the post World War II period.
One is called upon not to fear physical death, so as not to lose one's very self, panicked by fear of death (Q 12:4), which is the greatest threat of evil forces, from unbearable pain to dictatorships.
Indeed, the list of Third World governments committed to the goal of shaping the demographic pattern of their societies seems to cover the political spectrum, including not only dictatorships and one - party states (Haiti, Indonesia), but also monarchies (Morocco, Nepal) and a number of genuine constitutional democracies (such as Barbados and Botswana).
As an African who sees the reality of everyday life, poverty and political dictatorship, it is not much different from our brother in Iran who pays the price of Islam dictatorship.
It is important to note this distinction, because the religious persecutions which took place in Russia under the dictatorship of Lenin are contrary to the spirit of Marx, as is evident from the last statement of the preceding paragraph.
By republican structure, of course, I mean the separation of powers and the elaborate checks and balances that the founders of our country wrote into the Constitution as the main bulwarks against dictatorship and tyranny, which they greatly feared.
Martyrdom in the early churches as well as in the contemporary churches has provided signs of a political witness against tyranny and totalitarian dictatorships.
We may well join authentic non-Christian liberals in trying to make future social conditions as tolerable as possible, while avoiding the totalitarian dictatorship of classical communism such as is still practiced today.
He added: «As President Trump has said, the cruel dictatorship of North Korea is little more than a prison state.
The president of Business International, Orville Freeman, describes the period following World War II, a period in which the United States solidified its relationships with dictatorships in Latin America and throughout much of the world, as an exemplary time of freedom.
Consistent with the Hoover Report's recommendations that the United States had to reconsider «long - standing American concepts of fair play» and «learn to subvert, sabotage and destroy our enemies,» the shadow government built alliances between U.S. government officials, the Mafia, and international drug cartels; assassinated many thousands of civilians in Southeast Asia; carried out or attempted assassination of foreign leaders; trained death squads and secret police forces; worked to shore up unpopular dictators like the Shah of Iran and the Somoza dictatorship in prerevolutionary Nicaragua; worked to destabilize «unfriendly» governments such as Allende in Chile and the Sandinistas in Nicaragua; cooperated with the Colombian drug cartel to plot the assassination of the former U.S. ambassador to Costa Rica, Lewis Tambs, with the intention of justifying a U.S. invasion of Nicaragua by blaming his death on the Sandinistas; contracted with the Reagan administration and the National Security Council to find ways of circumventing a congressional ban prohibiting aid to the contras, including the trading of arms to Iran in exchange for hostages and money for the contras; illegally shipped weapons from the United States to the contras and allowed returning planes to use the same protected flight paths to transport drugs into the United States; 11 targeted the U.S. people for disinformation campaigns; and helped prepare contingency plans for declaring a form of martial law in the United States that would have formally suspended constitutional freedoms.
After twenty years of dictatorship and deviations from the rules of Islam, Mu`awiya got the confirmation of the people for Yazid, his son, as successor.
Also, God's use of power and wrath being employed against the wicked is a great comfort, and even can be a source of joy, to those people who are being dominated by evil authorities, which perhaps is not as evident in the USA today but think of the joy for the people when an evil dictatorship is squashed.
In his scenario, the country fell under a military dictatorship early in the twenty - first century and the Dark Years continued until 2044 when the Democratic Vistas Party, a «coalition of trade unions and churches,» toppled the regime and ushered in an era of egalitarian fraternity (or, as some insisted, «siblinghood»).
For someone who hates socialism so much that is kind of ironic as the only places you find that sort of behavior are socialist dictatorships.
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