Sentences with phrase «dictatorship when»

I met you on my first trip back to Ethiopia, from where my family had emigrated during the dictatorship when I was two years old.
Lord Hailsham issued his warning about an elective dictatorship when Labour was in power.
Even in a dictatorship when the ruling party loses an election, and then ignores its outcome, it attempts to provide a plausible reason to justify their actions,» Icahn said.

Not exact matches

Venezuelans who oppose the regime argue that when banks buy the government's bonds, they extend a financial lifeline to a dictatorship.
Rehabilitation here means not that of individual criminals but of entire societies that have suffered war or dictatorship, as when supporters of international tribunals describe punishment as «overcoming a culture of impunity.»
♦ Then there's Sandy Newman, president of Voices for Progress, writing to John Podesta in 2012 when the HHS mandate was announced: «This whole controversy with the bishops opposing contraceptive coverage even though 98 % of Catholic women (and their conjugal partners) have used contraception has me thinking... There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic church.
When the Chinese dictatorship is replaced by a more humane regime» and one may reasonably think it is more a matter of when than if» the Christian proposal could have a world - transforming effect in aligning that society with the cause of human dignWhen the Chinese dictatorship is replaced by a more humane regime» and one may reasonably think it is more a matter of when than if» the Christian proposal could have a world - transforming effect in aligning that society with the cause of human dignwhen than if» the Christian proposal could have a world - transforming effect in aligning that society with the cause of human dignity.
When the military dictatorship cracked down in South Korea and the human rights movement heated up in the 1970s, my parents took up the cause of the Korean struggle for justice.
Since when should the USA model itself after a dictatorship?
Also, God's use of power and wrath being employed against the wicked is a great comfort, and even can be a source of joy, to those people who are being dominated by evil authorities, which perhaps is not as evident in the USA today but think of the joy for the people when an evil dictatorship is squashed.
In his scenario, the country fell under a military dictatorship early in the twenty - first century and the Dark Years continued until 2044 when the Democratic Vistas Party, a «coalition of trade unions and churches,» toppled the regime and ushered in an era of egalitarian fraternity (or, as some insisted, «siblinghood»).
We also capitulate to the dictatorship of relativism when we substitute the sociological idea of «religious identity» for the objective reality of religious fact.
Will you keep saying the same thing when the conservative fascists continue to turn this country into a theocratic dictatorship?
In Nicaragua the people had begun living a different future when they made the decision to participate actively in the movement to overthrow the U.S - backed Somoza dictatorship.
Also prayer is a personal thing between humans and God, none of this fanatical ideology goes down well, in the west nor in the east, when it becomes this way it turns into fanaticism and dictatorship.
When liberation theology first appeared in the late 1960s and early 1970s, most of the regimes in Latin America were military dictatorships.
We need to say «no» when a «no» is necessary: no to the killing of the unborn, no to the redefinition of marriage, no to encroachments on religious freedom, no to the dictatorship of relativism.
When the preparatory emphasis in religious mass communication is retained, there is also a greater chance of remaining open - ended and thus controlling the dictatorship of the medium.
For the answer to the messiness of pluralism, when it risks turning into the full - blown dictatorship of relativism (or other forms of dictatorship), is not to construct monistic castles in the sky — an effort in the twenty - first century that will, like similar efforts in the 1930s, come to grief, and from both left and right.
(CNN)-- One of the most perplexing aspects of the Syrian revolution is the deep ambivalence felt by so many of the country's Christians when faced with the prospect of freedom after four decades of authoritarian dictatorship.
And when we stand together, as one humanity, each of us in our little place, but one in our consciousness, one in our solidarity, one in our common commitment to Seed Freedom, and Food Freedom, we are a bigger power than the most brutal corporations, and their dictatorships.
when not, it's run like a dictatorship & club for the good» ol boys club.
When a governing body goes unquestioned at all times, its activities are not being scrutinised, dictatorship is born.
The only club in top 5 leagues in europe not to sign a single outfield player when it was clear that there were deficiencies in KEY areas.We are going to exit the champions league for a sixth successive year only at round 16 stage.The frenchman was waiting for the FA to be a scapegoat for was had already been a dump season.i can sense and feel that the REIGNS OF WENGER ARE COMING TO A CLOSURE and we will finally be free from the shackles of dictatorship!!!
Similarly, there have been regular, severe economic crises, the most recent being in 2001 - 02, when the strain of over-indebtedness during periods of both dictatorship and democracy and IMF - backed neo-liberal policies pushed the country to major default, devaluation and 25 % unemployment.
However, the day will come when Latin America's most recent dictatorship will fall — that is for sure
The prospect of elective dictatorship has always seemed attractive when you expect to be one of the elected dictators.
According to her, dictatorship is actually enthroned when the rule of law is trampled upon by those who are the custodians of the temple of Justice.
«In 1999 when the then President Obasanjo was elected on a national consensus on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), there were a lot of expectations from Nigerians, haven come out of a dictatorship from the hands of the military.
When you said «which aspects of communism,» I believe you wanted a comparable answer to pre-Khrushchev Soviet Union, Enver Hoxha's Albania, Mao's China, etc., i.e. socialism, i.e. dictatorship of the proletariat.
You may be thinking about a) anarcho - socialism b) anarcho - unionism c) the socialist society that is supposed to be implemented when the proletarian dictatorship is obsolete (cf Karl Marx; the dictatorship is in theory not supposed to last forever)
This may seem confusing, but this was the important distinction back in the day when the term became widespread, because it also meant the difference between dictatorship and democracy.
We accepted it when William Hague praised democracy movements in the region while refusing to comment on the Saudi dictatorship.
Funny moment on Today this morning when Sarah Montague said «Shadow cabinet ministers have 26 outside dictatorships».
It is worth noting however, that the period of dictatorships in East Asia, was during the Cold War when western allies were busy forming alliances as opposed to the situation now where they act as global watchdogs for human rights and respect for the rule of law.
The book captures my coming of age in the late sixties until the early 1990s — a period when the initial euphoria of independence had faded and we had become entrapped in a revolving door of military dictatorships.
When OPEC shut off oil supplies, the Brazilian military dictatorship began the push for one of the most successful biofuel industries in the world
The campaign marked a sharp change from the 1970s, when the federal government, then a military dictatorship, had encouraged clearcutting.
The beige and grey are not the problem; it's the dictatorship over choice that I oppose, when style comes from within.
The producers of God's Not Dead takes on the Biblical epic with the low - budget, faith - based production Samson (2018, PG - 13) and 1987: When the Day Comes (South Korea, 2017, not rated, with subtitles) dramatizes the historic public outcry against the military dictatorship that led to the birth of South Korean democracy.
I'd been a big fan of the director's previous two pictures, «Tony Manero» and «Post Mortem,» dark, but quite different pictures that both looked at his nation in the years when it was being ruled by General Pinochet's dictatorship.
Corruption is a disease that plagues societies all over the world, particularly when under the rule of a dictatorship.
It's no surprise, then, when these online dictatorships don't get the desired traffic.
When we show our enthusiasm for fractions or an analysis of totalitarian dictatorship or whatever, we're showing our students that learning about these things has value, and giving them more opportunity to become interested.
When a dictatorship seized power, the influx of foreign cars was nearly severed.
The artist built a similar structure in 1983 when Argentina's dictatorship fell, and at the end of the installation period, they tipped the structure over so people could get the books.
During the 1970s, he formed an avant - garde group called infrarealism with other writers and poets in Mexico where he lived after leaving Chile when it fell under military dictatorship.
But then there was a quieter spell, a time of especially intense corruption and dictatorship, when Sani Abacha was in power, and the literary scene seemed to fade.
Gabriel García Márquez numbered as one of his many fans, but it is assumed that Conti's life was cut short when he was «disappeared» by the Argentine dictatorship in 1976.
That tropical paradise is going to bloom and boom when Castro's dictatorship comes to an end.
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