Sentences with phrase «dictatorship which»

In addition, despite the presence of an all - powerful police state dictatorship which can rip young people from the arms of their families at will, the populace dresses like rejects from any city's Gay Pride parade, with hairdos similar to the Whos of Whoville.
Yes of course have understood what you meant after all the country is a country of all Egyptians whether Muslim or Christian or Jewish if any... those all have suffered for 30 years in the hands of this dictatorship which cared less for the people of Egypt only was there a greed for their money beside the control of their life and destiny... but above all only people with true faith can achieve what they have achieved, as people with no faith have not that will and power within granted by God to his believers...
The church is a dictatorship which pays no taxes.

Not exact matches

Puigdemont would be not the first Catalan leader to govern the region from abroad — Josep Tarradellas also ran Catalonia while in exile in Paris from 1954 to 1977, during which time Spain was a dictatorship.
The Colorado Republican said passage of his bill is time sensitive given the actions taken by the Maduro regime and the suffering within the country, which he warns could become the next Cuban - style dictatorship.
Catalonia has talked of separation from Spain since the founding of Estat Català — a political movement which began in 1922 - and throughout the 36 - year dictatorship of Franco, however, the resurgence of the pro-secession movement over the past few years is due primarily to Spain's economic woes, a 2010 constitutional court decision to lessen Catalonia's sovereignty, and a distrust of Madrid or the centralized Spanish government.
IMF riots break out, the government falls and a dictatorship oriented to serve global financial institutions is installed, friendly to the capital flight which strips the economy of its resources all the faster.
This escalation proves the supreme importance to the Deep State financial elite of the maintenance of their gold price dictatorship, which is a vital component of their long term, systemic campaign of financial plunder.
The monks» enemies are not of flesh and bone - their enemies are things like intolerance, fanaticism, dictatorship, cupidity, hatred, and discrimination which can be found in the heart of men.
He directed some final jabs at Michael Dell, reiterating that he still thought the founder's buyout offer was too low, and compared the company's board — which postponed the shareholder vote numerous times and changed the voting rules to better Michael Dell's takeover chances — to a dictatorship.
«It should be troubling — to «progressive» Catholics as well as others — that political operatives like John Podesta, who has been associated with Clinton campaigns and administrations for decades, admits that his organization set up (with funding from the Koch Brothers... I mean, George Soros) groups with the purpose of promoting a «revolution» — a «Catholic Spring» — «in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic church.»
♦ Then there's Sandy Newman, president of Voices for Progress, writing to John Podesta in 2012 when the HHS mandate was announced: «This whole controversy with the bishops opposing contraceptive coverage even though 98 % of Catholic women (and their conjugal partners) have used contraception has me thinking... There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic church.
(Once more we find here a justification of dictatorship (but which?)
It was argued that the devastation such weapons would cause outweighed the dangers of a cruel dictatorship, which they might prevent.
Citizens of the dictatorship are forced to worship the Kim family, and anyone who does not is subject to immediate punishment — arrest, torture or death, which could come in the form of a public execution.
U.S. policy toward Latin America has fluctuated between open support of dictatorships and hostility toward movements of liberation, and advocacy of a «restricted democracy,» in which a limited amount of political space is allowed so long as it does not rock the boat too much internally and in the hemisphere.
Free a $ $ embly of any type is generally oppressed by dictators, which is why religion is either controlled, or suppressed in dictatorships.
One is called upon not to fear physical death, so as not to lose one's very self, panicked by fear of death (Q 12:4), which is the greatest threat of evil forces, from unbearable pain to dictatorships.
It is important to note this distinction, because the religious persecutions which took place in Russia under the dictatorship of Lenin are contrary to the spirit of Marx, as is evident from the last statement of the preceding paragraph.
Nonetheless, military coups, however decorous, are not part of the American tradition, nor that of the officer corps, which might well worry about how the citizenry would react to a move toward open military dictatorship.
By republican structure, of course, I mean the separation of powers and the elaborate checks and balances that the founders of our country wrote into the Constitution as the main bulwarks against dictatorship and tyranny, which they greatly feared.
The presence in our body politic of such a party is the only means by which democracy can be saved from its present moral chaos, from the tyranny of entrenched interests, from the insolence of a predatory officeholding party system, and from the peril of a fascist dictatorship of big business, on the one hand, or of a communist dictatorship of the proletariat, on the other [December 31, 1932].
What it does is like dictatorships to mass killing which is something most people ought to know.
The president of Business International, Orville Freeman, describes the period following World War II, a period in which the United States solidified its relationships with dictatorships in Latin America and throughout much of the world, as an exemplary time of freedom.
Also, God's use of power and wrath being employed against the wicked is a great comfort, and even can be a source of joy, to those people who are being dominated by evil authorities, which perhaps is not as evident in the USA today but think of the joy for the people when an evil dictatorship is squashed.
Interpretations of where it is «morally imperative» to intervene remain selective, and intervention is never purely based on high moral or humanitarian grounds; there are a number of humanitarian emergencies and nasty dictatorships throughout the world in which the international community has not stepped in.
Noll and Nystrom seem less perturbed than they might be by the ways in which the individualism endemic to Protestantism may have contributed to the contemporary «dictatorship of relativism» castigated by Joseph Ratzinger on the eve of his election as Pope Benedict XVI.
The base was used as a detention centre during the 1973 - 1990 dictatorship, during which around 40,000 people were killed, tortured or imprisoned for political reasons.
It was religious before, and all that resulted was corrupt dictatorships that the Church supported, with extreme divides between rich and poor which religion did not alleviate, and extreme injustice which religion did not fight.
We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism whichdoes not recognise anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one's own ego and one's own desires...» Great stuff, it was, I thought; And that's what I was expecting from his pontificate.
Hitchens, who won the vote among the 2,700 capacity audience by a factor of 2:1, characterised religion as «a cruel experiment whereby we are created sick and ordered to be well» creating a «celestial dictatorship» which was «greedy for praise from dawn to dusk.»
How can one identify with a set - up which, in most parts of its program, flatly promotes the consumer society and often obeys political dictatorship!
Fifth, what of China, which attempts to combine elements of economic freedom with political dictatorship?
Uly, the government is not always supposed to do what the people want — we have a constitution that limits what government may do, which is the real difference between us and a dictatorship.
In that regard, any ruling party that is powerful of it's own - i.e., has intrinsic power not derived from voters; a power to stick to ruling despite the changing desires of people - is antidemocratic; so a «democracy through strength» is a danger that might (not always, but a possibility) turn into a dictatorship; and a «democracy through weakness» which is unable to do so and needs to re-estabilish it's power (and right to exist) at every single elections is a preferrable system of governance that would pay more attention towards their people, and be better for the people (as opposed to their own nomenclature).
Togo, he said, is currently under the dictatorship of President Faure Gnyassingbe which is unconstitutional and against the rights of the citizens.
The NLC, which accused Dr Nkrumah of unbridled dissipation of the country's wealth and dictatorship, failed to continue with his lofty vision and handed over political power to the Progress Party (PP), led by Dr Kofi Abrefa Busia, after elections in 1969.
But the communist revolutionaries themselves described their state as «dictatorship of proletariat» which they considered the highest form of democracy.
The wider point I was making was that electoral democracy is only the first step on the pathway to civilisation, and a society in which it was universally applied would be hellish — the dictatorship of the majority over every aspect of life.
Reactionary politics is killing democracies all over the world and making people distrust this process which is the only process that is viable if you don't want to have complete dictatorship.
In 2009 Der Spiegel published an article which found half of East Germans were sympathetic to the former communist dictatorship.
Violence was accepted as a political tool against foreign as well as domestic enemies of their cause, which was to be achieved by a national revolution led by a dictatorship that would drive out the occupying powers and set up a government representing all regions and social groups.
Because implicit to their opinion, is that only money matters (which doesn't explain the survival of impoverished dictatorships).
But they wouldn't have been invited on if their words don't fit what, if it were Fox News, people would know to call RT's «broader narrative», which is that western democracies are no better than Putin's dictatorship.
In a speech which cited the west's tendency to back dictatorships in the Middle East, Mr Alexander praised the Arab Spring, which has seen a wave of revolts across the region.
When you said «which aspects of communism,» I believe you wanted a comparable answer to pre-Khrushchev Soviet Union, Enver Hoxha's Albania, Mao's China, etc., i.e. socialism, i.e. dictatorship of the proletariat.
So while Blair was making inspiring speeches about the war on terror and the need to overthrow dictatorships, he failed to ensure adequate preparation for a war he knew was coming and which he was actively trying to make possible.
The UN's role will now be relegated to helping the country prepare for elections, a process which will take some forethought in a country which has been under a dictatorship for so long.
Chinese constitution refers to «democratic dictatorship led by the working class», which is basically a definition that was first made by Lenin back in the 1900s.
The protesters held placards some of which read «No to Imposition of Candidates», «This is not our change», «We detest dictatorship», while another screamed, «Respect our views».
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