Sentences with word «dicussion»

These and so many other topics about race needs to be brought more into the front for dicussion.
I haven't seen any very convincing rebuttals, but am of course open to further dicussion on that score.
Dave Chappell is a great example — his show at its best (the black white supremacist skit, for instance) horrified a lot of people (ultimately including Chappell), but it was still amazingly funny for a bunch of us and actually got a fair number of dicussions about black / white cultural issues started, at least in the bars I hang out in.
And, as the party's state director Bill Lipton writes in a fundraising email, the debate over increasing the state's minimum wage to $ 15 is now at the forefront of the national political dicussion.
Thursday, State Education Commissioner John King called for more civil dicussion moving forward.
«It's a good start and good dicussion,» Silver said.
Hi You commented on my etsy dicussion, I followed you, follow back?
However, for now, it seems Intel's work has passed one milestone, graduating to larger dicussion and consideration.
9:00 - 9:30 — Case history / discussion 9:30 - 11:00 — Live Interview 11:15 - 12:00 — Case Forumation and feedback from extership / group dicussion
When you realize a character behaves in a way you do, it opens a non-threatening floor for dicussion, for you to own up to things you've been doing well — or not so well — as a partner, he says.
I welcome opportunities to have dicussions with Clients about my Business Model.
@Doc Vestibule I see no reason that theory could or should not be brought into the dicussion.
Following a dicussion of the people's challenges, Mr. Debrah assured that «the many other issues that you raised, the upgrade and renovation of the hospitals, we will take them up.»
Assemblyman Daniel O'Donnell and Sen. Jim Alesi will headline a dicussion of the same - sex marriage law at a LGBT forum at Albany Law School on Oct. 13.
When I have this dicussion in writing groups, especially those with a lot of noobs or vanity - press refugees, I lead with:
The fourth article involves a dicussion of covered writes as they relate to the individual investor.
A dicussion breaks out obviously about this console as well as the PS4 Pro, and the...
A dicussion breaks out obviously about this console as well as the PS4 Pro, and the confusion of 4K gaming.
Toykyo Game Show has come and gone, and a dicussion about Final Fantasy 15 and Kingdom Hearts 3 breaks out.
I have been reading the dicussions on this site for a while now but this is my first post.
However, I find that this kind of dicussion is counter-productive, even detrimental to the cause of healthy skepticism.
They are interesting reading, but what I find most interesting is that this is the first time that I've seen any dicussion of how the police manage the feeds and access to recordings.
When I am back I suspect I will not be able to resist getting back into our dicussions.
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