Sentences with word «dicynodont»

Before this point, the only evidence of dicynodonts in the southern African Late Triassic was from questionable footprints: a short - toed, five - fingered track named Pentasauropus incredibilis (meaning the «incredible five - toed lizard foot»).
A new study has re-discovered fossil collections from a 19th century hermit that validate «phantom» fossil footprints collected in the 1950s showing dicynodonts coexisting with dinosaurs.
Mosasaurus, then known from little more than a head, was conveniently portrayed emerging from the lake, coyly hiding its body, but the equally poorly known dicynodont and labyrinthodont came a cropper, with turtle - and - toad - like bodies respectively.
In the background is a herd of the herbivorous dicynodont Ischigualastia.
Cynodonts and dicynodonts predate dinosaurs and may be an evolutionary link between reptiles and mammals.
Before the dinosaurs, around 260 million years ago, a group of early mammal relatives called dicynodonts were the most abundant vertebrate land animals.
To my great surprise, I immediately noticed clear dicynodont jaw and arm bones among these supposed «dinosaur» fossils,» says Kammerer.
These «phantom» prints were so out - of - place that they were disregarded as evidence for dicynodont survival by paleontologists.
In this artist rendering, Teleocrater, an early dinosaur relative, is shown feeding on Cynognathus, while hippo - like dicynodonts look on.
A new study has re-discovered fossil collections from a 19th century hermit that validate these «phantom» prints and show that dicynodonts coexisted with early plant - eating dinosaurs.
One of the lineages, the dicynodonts, is now extinct, but the other one, the cynodonts, gave rise to the mammals.
This was exciting — despite over a century of extensive collection, no skeletal evidence of a dicynodont had ever been recognized in the Late Triassic of South Africa.
This is a skeleton of the dicynodont Placerias, a close relative of the newly - discovered Pentasaurus, with dicynodont trackways (Pentasauropus).
However, in the 1950s, suspiciously dicynodont - like footprints were found alongside dinosaur prints in southern Africa, suggesting the presence of a late - surviving phantom dicynodont unknown in the skeletal record.
In recognition of the importance of these tracks for suggesting the existence of Late Triassic dicynodonts and the contributions of «Gogga» Brown in collecting the actual fossil bones, the re-discovered and newly described dicynodont has been named Pentasaurus goggai («Gogga's five -[toed] lizard»).
«60 - year - old paleontological mystery of a «phantom» dicynodont
«As I went through this collection I found more and more bones matching a dicynodont instead of a dinosaur, representing parts of the skull, limbs, and spinal column.»
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