Sentences with phrase «did mod podge»

Cathy, Yes I did Mod podge the music sheets.Sorry I did not mention that.And I finished it off with a clear spray varnish.
Did you mod podge the sheet music in the drawers?
I did the mod podge first so I had a smooth surface to draw on as when i have tried to draw straight onto salt dough in the past it has looked a bit bumpy.
Also, I do the mod podge first, place the paper on, let dry, then add more paper etc. until the end when you can apply the last coat of mod podge to get the «finished» look.

Not exact matches

There are a million things you can do with fabric scraps and, if you combine them with decoupage or Mod Podge, there are even more possibilities.
How to Mod Podge a Drawer with a Recycled Map This is a project I did in 2013 for my craft room at the time.
They are not necessary but sure do come in handy with you are working with Mod Podge!
My Mod Podge was old — does that make any difference?
It uses a beloved formula that doesn't get quite enough attention around here: Sparkle Mod Podge.
I didn't want to use Mod Podge with the thinner fabrics, because it would leach through.
So, falling back on much experience of doing something without sewing I tore fabric strips and then Mod Podged them to a plastic eggs.
I used Mod Podge, but mixing Elmer's glue with a little water will also do the trick!
I love mod podge, it can do so much!
I thought awhile about how to go about attaching it, but in the end, I figured Mod Podge would do the trick!
I also today did one more thick coat of mod podge and it's drying, but already it even looks quite sealed!
I think I might eventually do another coat of Mod Podge on top for a glossy finish, but I'm quite happy with how well it worked!
I did use mod podge to put them on and then covered them with another coat when they were dry.
Hi Kelsi, If I Mod Podge on a horizontal surface (or with thin paper), I'll do a few layers for extra protection.
Hi Barngirl, I know that Annie Sloan Chalk Paint will adhere to metal, and from the bit of research I've done, Mod Podge should work fine on metal too.
And you did the priming with the Mod Podge / PVA glue?
I've done a similar DIY where I Mod Podged fabric onto my shoes and they became very stiff afterwards.
I'm tempted to do the same to some thrifted shoes but I worry that the Mod Podge will make them very stiff.
Which Mod Podge did you use (as they have different ones) and also how did you apply it?
Hi Debbie, I used the Matte Mod Podge (I usually do, because I like that it dries clear).
If you don't have wallpaper paste, Mod Podge that is specially formulated for paper would probably work too.
While decorating my eggs, I came up with the idea of painting them in chalkboard paint so I could easily reuse and redecorate them, in case I do want to mod podge inside.
If you don't have a sewing machine you could use a hot glue gun or Mod Podge.
Since I didn't want to be finding glitter in every crack and crevice around the house for the next however many years, I decided that another layer of Mod Podge would be needed.
If you don't have Mod Podge, just regular white glue will work.
I did have to use a small spatula a few times in order to get the white mod podge off the bottom.
There are a million things you can do with fabric scraps and, if you combine them with decoupage or Mod Podge, there are even more possibilities.
I didn't apply Mod Podge on top of the paper this time — but I think I did before on the black desk from a few years ago that I also shared a photo of in the post.
I've also heard the trick about mod - podging the edges of a stencil, but the one time I tried it, it did not end well.
I don't have mod podge on hand... do you think craft glue would work or is that a fire hazard?.
YOU are the Mod Podge Expert so I'm glad you don't mind my rumpled egg.
I think to use smaller paper, it's easier to mod podge, that's how I do it anyway.
I have done few things with Mod Podge, the first was clipboard.
I've only ever mod podged flat surfaces... well, if you don't count the corners and edges of a binder.
But really like what you did with some cheap doilies and mod podge!
You did such a fab job with the mod Podge.
Amy Anderson from Mod Podge Rocks and I did craft kit LIVE on Instagram and FB.
Amy from Mod Podge Rocks is the guest judge this week and you have to check out all the great projects she does with Mod -LSB-... Read More]
Hint: Two of the books below didn't coordinate well so I covered them with Mod Podge and wrapping paper.
Good old Mod Podge, is there anything this stuff can't do?!! This excellent Tutorial by Katie at Matsuke explains how to use this technique to Transfer onto Wood.
All you need to do is cover the area where you want the wallpaper to go with mod podge, then put the wallpaper on top and using an old credit card just smooth over the area to get rid of any air bubbles.
To make sure the paint does not seep under the vinyl Mod Podge around all the edges.
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