Sentences with phrase «did hire some help»

We did hire some help last year to create our pea gravel patio and we are so glad we did!
I made the best of it with container plants and did hire some help to dig some holes for a few plants this summer.

Not exact matches

One of the best things it does is help hire great people.»
I hired a website consultant to help me with the technology I didn't understand, as well as consultant to help me further structure my business.
The takeaway is simple: The key to success is to start with a great idea and a solid business plan, hire the right people to help you and let them do their thing.
You don't necessarily need to put out the next viral marketing video or hire an expensive marketing agency (although both would probably help) to achieve a high rate of traffic.
To help ease the appearance of conflicts of interest, the company said it would not enter into any new international deals, promised to hire a compliance officer and ethics adviser to vet domestic deals, donate foreign profit from its hotels and refrain from doing anything that could be perceived as exploiting the office of the presidency.
LaborX helps companies with high turnover do a better job in hiring, linking them to high need populations, and its founder, Yscaira Jimenez, says the company is currently running pilots with Google, Yelp, and Pandora.
But best of all, from the interns» perspective, if you don't have the means or the intention to hire any of your interns, you should at least connect some of the most promising candidates with colleagues in your field and help them find their footing after they conclude their internship.
This inspired Schultz to have a better understanding of how to help, and what to do to hire veterans.
Giving new hires a few small, manageable tasks (and be sure to provide plenty of details about what they entail) their first day will help them to get their feet wet and see the kind of work they'll be doing, without feeling overwhelmed.
If you want some help cleaning your apartment, getting groceries delivered, or if you're in need of a handyman, you can hire a helper from TaskRabbit to help you get it done.
So besides being a bonding experience and sort of baptism into the company culture, giving new hires have a customer's - eye - view of the business helps them clarify priorities and be more innovative when they do start in their «real» role.
Do I really need to explain how hiring helps the banks and techs and the industrials?»
If the time has come to admit you can't do it all, this guide can help you figure out just who you need on your executive team, where to find them and how to hire them.
«If you don't build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs.»
There's actually a pretty good answer to this question — one that's especially relevant for startups — and a pretty simple guideline that can help you determine exactly (a) when is the best time to start hiring some qualified sales managers and (b) whether the time is right for the CEO to take a step or two back from the front line, hand off the ball to the sales team, and focus on doing more valuable things for the business.
I know it can be hard to figure out what you want and a lot of times, the person you hire will help you do that.
If you're trying to hire an ad agency to help you with your Google AdWords campaign, don't bring any firm on board until you've done your homework.
In this special feature of «Ask Entrepreneur,» Facebook fan Candy Sweeney asks: I've grown my business to the point where I need to hire help, but I don't have the money yet to hire.
These days, when I hire help, I don't look at the resume all that much.
While you don't need to be able to do everything required in the job, it helps if the company can see an immediate return on their hiring investment.
On YouTube, there are one - man shows that grow to a point where they physically can't do that and then are forced to collaborate or hire people they trust to help them run their channel.
Existing employees can do their part to help new hires feel welcome in their new work environment.
For the first year and a half, Hardwick ran the blog alone, doing all the coding, writing and photoshopping himself, until, awash in TV work, he had to hire writers and an editor to help keep the content fresh.
If you are a senior executive — or if you're hiring one for your growing business — you're likely going to need to craft an employment contract that helps protect both the employee and the company in case the relationship doesn't work out in the end.
The hire caused many to speculate that Deneve was brought on to help market wearable technology once Apple does release a product in the category.
«I try to make it clear to older employees, who were hired for a skill I may not know well, that my objective is not to tell them what to do but to help achieve a mutually beneficial outcome,» Tomlinson says.
And it doesn't sound like Facebook's new «head of news» will help the social network figure out its role in this evolving media landscape — the company announced Friday that it has hired former NBC host Campbell Brown to be its head of news partnerships, but said she will not be involved in content decisions.
«Just because you pay your interns doesn't mean you should only provide them with basic administrative duties and nonessential activities, like making copies or fetching coffee,» says Nathan Parcells, co-founder and CMO of InternMatch, an online platform that helps students find internships and companies hire talented students.
Even if you do not hire a naming company, Contis suggests hiring trademark help, since nothing will deflate an exciting startup like a cease - and - desist letter.
One of the women who helped develop the Facebook «like» button, for instance, «has installed a web browser plug - in to eradicate her Facebook news feed, and hired a social media manager to monitor her Facebook page so that she doesn't have to.»
Why: We only hire people with a clear enthusiasm for what we do, because those are the only kinds of employees who will help you innovate and who can grow with your company.
If we hire the right people, who take ownership of problems and are not here to do a specific job, this transparency will empower them to go the extra mile and help us find solutions.
Dig Deeper: How to Choose Life Insurance How to Properly Insure Your Business and Employees: Hiring Help If you're overwhelmed by the process, don't worry.
Hiring a social media agency can help, but do your own homework.
You don't want to the added headache of bringing on another employee, and you figure hiring a freelancer is an effective way to get the help you need — without having to deal with payroll, benefits, and all of that other pesky administrative stuff.
Maybe you have no idea how you would even go about finding and hiring an assistant, or perhaps you've hired such help before and it didn't work out.
If you find that no one is doing the job well, I would suggest you hire a coach to help you find and train the right person.
I have a client who would not hire anyone to help pack and ship her products because she had a system and no one else could do it as quickly as she could.
At Firebrand Group, I'm often looking at résumés and investigating potential hires, and weekly I'll do three or four informational interviews to help professionals who are on the market.
We'll help you understand the legal requirements of hiring staff so you don't hit any rough waters down the line.
The benefit of our franchise model, is that there's no need to invest in equipment or inventory, nor do you need to spend much on payroll, or hire many employees to help you run the business.
Not only does it help market your website in many ways, but it's so easy to use that you won't need to hire anyone to do it for you.
Instead of hiring someone to implement the same strategy you've proven ineffective, either drop the time and money investment, or hire a strategist to help you change what you're doing to get better results.
When we are engaging with a potential new hire, we do a number of checks to ensure they bring a high level of passion for our mission, to help individuals and businesses get more aligned, stay focused and ultimately succeed.
If your client didn't need your help, they wouldn't have hired you.
It recoils from the idea that it should help startups do their hiring.
Do it right and hire your help.
But how do you know the person you hire is someone with the knowledge and expertise to help your business succeed?
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