Sentences with phrase «did make that choice»

She's not active in the church, as I said, even now, but we're still friends, and she told me recently just how significant it was for her that I did make that choice.
From what Iâ $ ™ ve seen, people do make choices.
From what I've seen, people do make choices.
if so, at what age did you make this choice?
I also believe that not only do we make choices that are as free as they can be for a human (and that truly is significant), God predetermines history down to atoms.
Just because we are human beings we are not automatons; we do make choices and decisions, we do exercise this power of personal initiative.
when did you make that choice?
How do you make the choice to do those and at that time.
once he does make a choice to part the focus will be on yet another football talent whose began capturing the imagination of arsenal fans, critics, commentators and football pundits — because arsenal re-produce a lot of stars — i do nt see that stopping anytime soon.
But I do object to the judgment cast against parents who do make this choice, masquerading as tolerance in the statement, «well, none of us is perfect.»
We can and do make choices to sidestep these evolutionary imperatives, but they must be informed choices and we must understand the potential risks involved, and ways to compensate for these deviations (if they exist).
It is hard being a mom and we do make choices all the time every single day, sometimes we make choices, sometimes we don't.
Berkeley did make that choice when Berkeley elected to raise funds to support the school district and their Nutrition Services Program.
How do you make a choice on deciding which supplement to buy and which not to buy?
Why do they make this choice?
Given that, it does make choices a little difficult because do I want to use my gunlance which is powerful but slow or something faster like a sword?
Why did each make the choices he made, for good or for ill?
In Blink he examines the process of snap decision making: How do we make choices in the blink of an eye, apparently without conscious thought, and why are some people brilliant decision makers, while others are consistently inept?
If you do make the choice to go with an online provider make sure you thoroughly check them out before providing them any of you personal information.
I have had clients who did make the choice to take pet health insurance early on in their pets» lives and they were glad they had it when they needed it most.
If you do make the choice to let your cat go outside, we strongly recommend he or she is vaccinated against feline leukemia.
So, how do you make a choice?
More than once did I make a choice thinking it was the best and most morally good decision to find out that in the long run it was actually a pretty terrible idea.
Given that, it does make choices a little difficult because do I want to use my gunlance which is powerful but slow or something faster like a sword?
Why did you make this choice and what kind of advantages do you expect in terms of performance because of it?
When the evidence is obviously effected by the decisions to leave outliers out of the system, when the scientists involved can not explain the outliers, then people are going to start asking why did you make that choice.
Why do you make the choices you make and do the things you do?
How do they make choices?
So, how do you make that choice?
It is important to take care of a few details here if you do make this choice.
So how do you make a choice?
How do you make your choice?
However, many non-graduates do make the choice to attend higher education later in life, mainly due to qualifications providing more job opportunities.
The question is, «How do you make choices that are the best for you and your family?»

Not exact matches

I was just thinking about this and I think that this happens because people don't really think this through and believe that the marketing strategy will make their product a better choice than those of the competition.
But it does represent a conscious choice you need to make as a leader.
Namely, you have a choice to make: do you want to be respected or loved?
People who make decisions particularly well engage in what's known as probabilistic thinking, which means recognizing that most choices don't have binary outcomes.
I knew that I didn't want to sit behind a desk and work with computers all day, but I took a leap of faith, and ended up making a good choice.
Did I make the right choice?
You create a habit of taking chances on yourself and making bold choices in service to doing what you love.»
The crew member then questions Kirk on why he made that decision, since he didn't have any information that would indicate that left was a better choice than right.
«Start pursuing what actually does matter to you while being prepared to make radical choices by reinventing yourself.»
We could spend all day discussing why they chose to do so, but the more immediate takeaway was this: any choice made in a workplace to stifle the input of another person reduces that organization's capacity to perform and innovate.
After analyzing the answers, the researchers concluded that contact with other ways of doing things forces folks to make explicit and confront their own beliefs and choices.
Much has been made of the service's plan to raise rates, but a look at its financial status shows that it really doesn't have a choice.
I believe in people and their desire to do the right thing and make the right choices in life.
When people whose opinion you respect use a product or service not because they are paid to do so but because they made an informed choice — a choice that actually impacts their art, or their profession, or their passion — that sends a powerful message.
Still, you can do your best to model a good marriage relationship and simply make sure they understand that the choice of who to spend your life with is probably the most important choice most people make.
Staff will make choices on accounting policies for making estimates, and you need to understand how and why they do so, and to detect potential manipulation.
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