Sentences with phrase «did my eyes suddenly»

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How many times have I seen myself and others on the path towards wisdom suddenly regress to our former ways of thinking simply because the darkness was lasting too long and we didn't give our spiritual eyes time to discern truth in the new environment?
I had come in seeking an explanation for why I was suddenly seeing double out of my right eye, and she didn't even do a check on me before she was telling me that the best thing I should do was to visit the emergency room.
There is a hungry baby, blinking eyes at the light of life and a mama longing to nurse, open mouths and wonder at what you have just done, arms that suddenly don't feel quite attached to our body unless there is that little person in them.
The fun of college life will be lost on you if you do nothing but wander aimlessly, wide - eyed at all the decisions your parents suddenly can't make for you.
«Sometimes, when I have come to my work empty, I have suddenly become full; ideas being in an invisible manner showered upon me, and implanted in me from on high; so that through the influence of divine inspiration, I have become greatly excited, and have known neither the place in which I was, nor those who were present, nor myself, nor what I was saying, nor what I was writing; for then I have been conscious of a richness of interpretation, an enjoyment of light, a most penetrating insight, a most manifest energy in all that was to be done; having such effect on my mind as the clearest ocular demonstration would have on the eyes
With a salad similar to the lovely one below in the fridge leftover from my mother's New Year's Day tradition of eating black - eyed peas for good luck — it was good, but unremarkable enough that I didn't photograph and post (such salads are a dime a dozen)-- it suddenly occurred to me that I could use it as the basis for a bean burger.
Suddenly the doe - eyed hawk took wing.
And suddenly, your child won't need diapers anymore, and they'll pull on their Hello Kitty underwear all by themselves, and you'll look back with a tear in your eye and think «what I wouldn't give to do it all over again».
The «cold silent treatment» is just as obvious to children, since parents who suddenly do not speak to each other, or who are no longer affectionate with each other mark a significant change in a child's eyes.
Suddenly how I saw the risk of a 1/40, 000 changed and reading the pamphlet the second time around was eye - opening to the sorts of issues out there and I finally comprehended that these can and do happen to real people.
An ophthalmologist with Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, Dr. Gordon Plant explained that after they stopped reading from the smart phone and got up to do other things, they might suddenly lose vision in the eye they had been using to read, adding however, that the experience is temporary, with no risk of long term damage.
«What we found is that we go from soft - bodied ancient aquatic arthropods with no eyes, or at least eyes that don't fossilize well, to suddenly eyes that look like the eyes that we see on insects and land animals today, with basically nothing in between these stages,» says Morehouse.
Although the program is not a perfect solution — the fit isn't always right, interns must keep one eye out for their next job, and their short tenure limits the type of work that can be done — it offers a life preserver to recent graduates floundering in a suddenly troubled job market.
All the things that go wrong in the eyes — unless you suddenly wake up and can't see — these little niggling diseases that people don't pick up on, they're slow diseases.
Then the AS and fibromyalgia flared up suddenly and also one eye started aching so have stopped the starch (don't want iritis again) and am back to the drawing board trying to optimise glucose and minimise fructose intake from fruit and veg.
The screenplay, by the suddenly - ubiquitous Simon Kinberg (also the scribe behind the upcoming X-Men 3, Fantastic Four, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith — let me go on record first saying that this film does not bode well), is a foul compost of flaccid catchphrases and boggle - eyed declarations, squeezed like old cheese between action sequences so poorly conceptualized and executed that not only is it impossible to ever tell for a moment what the hell's going on, but the film also actually reminded me in its over-processed way of outtakes from Tron.
Yes, it's got a cool scene where a zombie grapples with a shark (I still don't know how — or why — that was done), and another where a woman gets a wooden splinter through the eye (Fulci's late - career imprimatur), and another where a maggot - infested corpse suddenly awakens from a lengthy dirt nap; Fulci's a quasi-pornographer in that he steals resonance by being extreme.
I recently started having a problem with the font sizes on my fire hd, don't know if there was a software update or my eyes just suddenly got worse.
Although I do check for consistency (making sure Sally doesn't suddenly change eye color, for example), I don't make global comments about your book.
What she doesn't expect is for her parents to suddenly change everything and send her spiraling into a life she didn't want for herself, especially after meeting one blue eyed boy she can't stop dreaming about.
Unlike popular belief, puppies don't just open their eyes suddenly.
Does your dog seem to suddenly have small bald patches around his face, forelegs or eyes?
Question: Hello Dr My dog has suddenly started losing weight rapidly in addition he has a lot of build up mucus in his eyes and I have noticed him drinking a lot of water and also trembling I am very worried Can you please advise me what to do Thank you Regards, Kimberly
If your dog suddenly comes up with a sore or red eye, the best thing to do is to flush the eye with large quantities of contact saline solution.
15 year old, neutered 18 lb siamese cat; found prone, responsive but unable to lift his head emergency animal hospital performed all primary diagnostics: blood test, x ray, abdominal sonogram, urinalysis: nothing abnormal after 24 hours at hospital, they started him on steroids and antibiotics; 48 hours later, he is scooting around, able to raise and hold his head up and eat / drink; still can't get up upon release, he continues to show improvement on third day, but still unable to stand up vets have no idea what it is hoping my dear boy recovers I'm with him 24/7, feeding him, administering meds, and keeping him clean his vision is compromised; he reacts if a hand comes towards him suddenly, but will not make eye contact he does not seem to be in any pain
Through all of this — and this is why I remember it so fiercely (her eyes staring as she danced, her cheeks suddenly flushed, the way she twirled herself about in the street at 1 a.m. and then stood still for a photo, «so you'll always remember that girl in Iceland»)-- we didn't do much more than probe and try to fathom the nature of the Other.
So, does even the CTR3 have something to suddenly keep a close eye on?
FitBit's been trying to do this forever, but suddenly, we have people having their eyes wide open because Apple is telling them that they need to stand up or do something.
Do your best to book yourself a favourable appointment slot, but, having confirmed your time, don't then take your eye off the ball, believing that the ride has suddenly become a lot easieDo your best to book yourself a favourable appointment slot, but, having confirmed your time, don't then take your eye off the ball, believing that the ride has suddenly become a lot easier.
Your eyes glaze over, and suddenly you are either daydreaming about a vacation or you are thinking about other work you should be doing.
But after 30 minutes with nothing much to do, even the mating habits of the yellow - breasted sear - sucker can suddenly seem interesting, especially if it keeps you from making eye contact with anyone who may take that as an opportunity to give you a blow - by - blow run down on their latest sacroiliac procedure.
But I loaded into the hobby shed and wouldn't you know, I suddenly needed a gift basket and it didn't take me long to eye this lamp shade as a potential unexpected gift wrap candidate.
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