Sentences with phrase «die because»

If the law we campaign for were enacted tomorrow, Paul Lamb would not be able to use it to secure help to die because Dignity in Dying's desired law change is based on two core criteria: mental competence and terminal illness.
The writer narrates how he had to sleep with a corpse in the same room and how his mother had to die because of poverty, how young men became rich in his family yet lost everything overnight; which was what the «family altar» said concerning his family.
Was it a pride to throw bombs at the massively attended rallies of the great CPP in the 1950's for thousands of innocent men, women and children to die because of Political Power in Ghana?
The Child is going to die Because the mother's milk has given out Mama o Mama the child cries If you want your child to get well Give it KLIM milk
If you lived 200 years ago, would you just let your baby die because you did nt want to breastfeed?
There were times I was scared to go to bed, fearing that my daughter and I would die because my blood sugar would be so uncontrollable and high.
the bill could still die because there might not be enough time for the usual haggling between the Senate and the House, which passed its own version last year.
The woman with a small pelvis may have been able to survive by outrunning wild animals, but when it came time to give birth, she was more likely to die because that small pelvis could not accommodate a large neonatal head.
You may as well lay there and die because by the time you come back to reality your house will be unrecognizable.
Do babies sometimes die because they are «overlaid,» or suffocated by the parents?
No concern whatsoever that her baby or someone else's might DIE because of her irrational refusal of vaccination.
So, MANA, what you're willing to say is that the extra babies per thousand who die because they were born too far from medical care don't matter.
When babies die because of the philosophy of normal birth, they have two choices to reduce cognitive dissonance.
When babies die because of aggressive breastfeeding promotion, they have two choices.
So you think the kind thing would be for us to sit back and let more and more babies die because women get encouraged by idiots on the internet to do foolish things.
Baby Safety from House Fire According to US Fire Administration, seven people die because of a house fire every day.
H1N1 was the big health scare at the time, and I vividly remember sitting in front of the television bawling my eyes out because I was sure that my son was going to get H1N1 and die because I could not nurse him.
Sometimes babies and moms die because of what was done to them at hospitals.
«Did Uncle John die because he did something bad?»
It was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life and I wanted to die because of the pain.
Do Not Forget to Take Your Child Out of the Car Every year babies die because their parents accidentally leave them in the back seat of the car.
When I was in college, Matthew Shepard was tortured and left to die because of his sexual orientation.
However, at that point of the movie, it would make no sense for Ren to die because Snoke already had.
Should you be forced to die because of the unfortunate set of circumstances that place you in harms way?
Having said that its not like the sport is going to die because of this.
exactly lets all ley down and die because the board is happy with the income and don't much care for big titles because of the financial cost, and why should they care when the likes of you Budd sport them unconditionally,
Cos the only way we get change is if they die because they're not going anywhere of their own accord.
It gets the highlight but there are so many other times attacks break out into space on the right side that is left by attacking players and simply die because Leerdam forces it back or slows it up until others can join in defense.
Wenger and the board are going to Hell when they die because of all the suffering he has caused Arsenal Fan's.
I'm not kidding, I will die because of this!
We die because of our sin; Jesus dies atoning our sin.
As I read Dr. Altizer's paper,» I was reminded of Paul Tillich's comment in The Courage to Be (Yale University Press, 1952) that the God of theism is dead and deserved to die because he was an enemy of human freedom.
If more Americans go broke or die because they do not have health insurance, more Americans may ask, what would Jesus do?
Wait, I'm confusing her with the woman who let her kid die because doctors were against her religion.
The issue here is that we are allowing people to die because they are poor or can not earn enough to buy insurance.
jesus would support wars, attacking iran, letting people die because they didn't get health insurance, shooting 17 year old kids with skittles, bombing villages, gitmo... isn't that what the good «Christians» say?
Is this your same logic you use when you help to put an end to Obama Care, yours are looked after soon to heck with the poors children let them die because they were stupid enough to be born to poor people, is this your idea of christian values, well they match the republician and tea parties ideology right down the line worship money loath things that help the common man... Very christian indeed!
Jesus Christ didn't cease to be God either; it was the man Jesus whose body had to die because of our sins.
I pray for blasphemers to repent before they die because if they do not, they will wish if they were not born while they perish forever.
For a year and a half I have lived everyday believing I'm going to the worst part of hell when I die because I have had those types of thoughts.
The third answer to the worst kind of suffering — seemingly senseless death — is: «God saves some people and lets others die because he favors and rewards good people.»
What remains of the Roman government decides to let people suffer and maybe even die because it refused to recognize the right of the US federal government to rule over it.
But (there's always a but), why do I think that it will be the folks like Jonathan who will scream, curse, whine, and cry the loudest when his kid is critically injured and we tell him that his kid will die because he chose to not get insurance.
You will not die because you don't have them.
Some are to die because there are no rules, others are to die because the rules demand that they die.
As an atheist, I definitely hate to see a living creature die because of silly myths.
The fishermen all die because they refuse to lose their fish.
It has to do with your attempts to fill children's brains with your nonsense, or to allow innocent people to die because you've decided god would rather you save a little slurry of three - day - old j1zz instead.
Jefferson in his many words is todays paul by basically testifying to a lost society by preaching «The heart «that is what God wants not the shell which will rott away.I can stand with this truth until the day I die because I also have had disagreements in my church about this same topic.I dispise religion and encourage salvation which come from having a relationship with Jesus.Many may ask how do i have a relationship with him?by simply asking God through prayer, not what we know as pray but simply given up and telling God he win.That is what being righteous means saying «lord your're right and i will believe and obey that.Last i will like to thank jefferson for this clip, becuase for so long I have been feeling like todays churches in not like the first churches.They are stuck into their four cornered walls preaching to those who already obtain the word and people who already think they are perfect, but what about the weak and the sinners who we are suppose to love, go after, preach to, help and deliver the same way as Christ camed for the sinners so do we also be like him.Jefferson basically telling all us young people and old no matter who have suffered in the world, the church, or no matter what party or the past that there is hope and «God wants that person» not the sin but the person.Jefferson wants us to know that God can become personal with us and we do exist or can exist in the christian world not because we are perfect but because «he is perfect and he saw our broken spirits and rescued us!
Jesus did not die because he preached grace to a Judaism opposed to it.
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