Sentences with phrase «die en masse»

Road deaths affect whole species, particularly when large carnivores (which reproduce slowly) and small amphibians (which die en masse) are involved.
Some scientists are concerned that — if the pyrosomes die en masse — they could create a large «dead zone,» as their decaying bodies suck oxygen from the water.
Rather than ceasing to divide, the cells of blind mole rats reach a point at which they die en masse in a bout of cell suicide that Gorbunova and her co-authors call «concerted cell death».
Most describe a brutal winter or spring storm in which the temperature plummets as low as minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit, fodder is inaccessible and animals die en masse.
We need bees, and bees are dying en masse, have been since about 2005, when a phenomenon called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) was first given a name.
When the natives, weakened by sickness, overwork, and trauma, died en masse, the illusion of reciprocity devolved into out - and - out slavery.
Instead the birds ate the chemical and died en masse, their corpses littering the parade route.
ApoE4 - producing mice racked up so many tangles in their brains that neurons died en masse — enough to see without a microscope.
Flocks of cedar waxwings died en masse outside Los Angeles after overdoing it on berries from the Brazilian pepper tree
A new Ant - Man and the Wasp trailer has arrived, loaded with jokes, action, and definitely not a bunch of scenes of heroes dying en masse.
Yet there is absolutely no evidence Emperors «died en masse» or were even stressed.
The CBD wrote, «The Emperor colony at Terre Adelie in East Antarctica» featured in the Academy Award - winning French documentary, March of the Penguins» plummeted by more than 50 % in the late 1970s during a warm period with little sea ice cover, when adults died en masse.
Matt Landos, an aquatic animal specialist and member of the Australian College of Veterinarian Scientists, said the mutant larvae at a Noosa River fish farm survived just 48 hours and were dying en masse.

Not exact matches

When you look at them en masse, patterns emerge: Facts die, and are born, at specific, predictable rates.
This causes damage to the surrounding tissue and eventually wears out the macrophages so they die off en masse.
When the blooms finally exhausted all the available food in their given region, they died off en masse.
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