Sentences with phrase «die than live»

He has committed many of his most egregious war crimes strategically — sometimes to eliminate civilians who would rather die than live under his rule, sometimes to neuter an international order that occasionally threatens to limit his power, and sometimes, as with his use of chemical weapons, to accomplish both goals at once.
Among this learned group, «I'd rather we all die than live that way!»
«I would rather die myself than live without my child,» she says, with a conviction that does not entertain ambiguity.
They'd rather die than live without the lust and desire in their sinful lives.

Not exact matches

More than 30 people died, and thousands of lives have been affected by the exposure to radiation.
Lastly, and most importantly, you need to live and die by these values if you expect them to be more than just lip service and words on a wall.
Keep this in mind: More than 100 billion people have lived and died on this planet — the vast majority without electricity, running water, or antibiotics.
Such policies also pay out a death benefit to your heirs when you die, but they are far more expensive than term life.
More than 1,000 people gathered Saturday in Houston, Texas, to honor the life of former first lady Barbara Bush who died Tuesday at the age of 92.
In 2008, more than 600,000 votes were cast to decide whether the Kokanee Ranger would live or die (he died).
More than 40 percent of Americans say they would feel a financial impact within six months if the family's primary wage earner died, according to a 2015 survey by Life Happens and LIMRA.
More than other drug companies, it lives and dies by its pipeline.
Unfortunately, Bertrand Russell's observation about life in general applies with unusual force in the financial world: «Most men would rather die than think.
Alexander Brangman finds comfort in remembering how long his daughter lived - 26 years, 11 months, 9 hours and 15 minutes - rather than the horrible and needless way she died.
Designed to provide a survivorship life insurance solution for clients seeking strong protection and accumulation guarantees, this new second - to - die whole life product can cover two lives more cost effectively than two comparable individual policies.
One of the key differences to understand is that while you can purchase much more term life insurance than permanent insurance for your money, if you don't die during the term, your favorite charity won't receive any death benefit.
Yes, but you neglect to consider that the money you save by opting to go with term insurance can be invested, and you'll probably be out way ahead with that money for your beneficiaries and heirs rather than if they wait for you to die and collect their benefits through a whole life policy.
I'll tell you what... if Copperfield (or anyone else) can publicly die at the hands of impartial (i.e. they don't care who their victim is) professional executioners and then come back to life — showing his injuries, allowing any doubter, named Thomas or otherwise, to place his or her hand in the wounds, then you've got something other than «parlor tricks.»
You have faith that there is nothing and I have faith in God and I realize that my life is to mean more than just living to die.
In «My Own Life,» a short autobiography composed shortly before he died, he wrote: «I had always entertained a notion, that my want of success in publishing the Treatise of Human Nature, had proceeded more from the manner than the matter, and that I had been guilty of a very usual indiscretion, in going to the press too early.»
So better I live and die in my country as honorable as I could rather than taking for immigration and living in other people's countries afraid and humiliated... it is enough what I read here about America & Europe ill treatment to Asian / MidEastern Muslim immigrants...!!
Sorry you feel that way, but as for me, I would rather live as if there is a God and die to find out that ther isn't, than live as if there is no God, and die to find out that there is.
It does not frighten me, and I am perfectly OK with the idea that I will not live on in any form after my body dies, other than the ways mentioned above.
Believe it or not, a true Muslim (the one who surrenders to the Will of his Creator) would rather die but not to keep silent about the disrespect of God's Words which take place at a country that had enough of disrespect to human life for more than a decade of aggression and atrocities.
Even worse, those very atheists who spend all of their time on forums like this and fighting against the truth (rather than being out enjoying the world in what little time they have) will ultimately die and go to hell only to then find out the truth — that they've been wrong about everything they've believed their whole life.
And remember this quote «I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is.»
When I die there will be nothing else, which as I see it is better than living forever.
On the subject of abortion, if all life is sacred and life starts at conception, why does God allow millions of the unborn to die from miscarriages and spontaneous abortions, more than die from abortions performed by humans?
They lash - out because they inately sense that there is more to life than born, live, suffer and die, but they can't convince themselves enough to believe.
Elderly spouses are not strong enough to care for their dying mates, often needing extensive care themselves And the cost of end - of - life care is growing faster than the rate of medical care generally.
So, an unstable person is more likely to want to die, rather than keep on living.
The bill allows «mentally competent» patients with less than 6 months to live to get prescription drugs that would speed up the dying process, as long as two doctors agree the patient qualifies.
Since the gospel is about way more than just receiving eternal life but is also about how God's people are to live their lives in this world, then the goal of living out the gospel is not primarily to rescue people from hell so they can go to heaven when they die.
The graduates who go forth each year are more skilled in consoling the dying than in converting the living.
Nobody ever expressed it better than did St. Francis in the closing words of his beloved prayer: «It is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life
More than a few Catholic theologians speak about a «final fundamental option» on the boundary of death, rather than a purgatorial option, as the latter has to do only with those who die as «just souls» yet to be fully cleansed (see Edmund Fortman, Everlasting Life After Death).
A good death, he says, «is finally nothing more or less than a death approached and performed in a manner consistent with a good, well - lived life... Dying well is a morally significant act insofar as it bears evangelical witness to our most profound theological convictions.»
P.S. «I would rather live my life as if there is a god and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is.»
When the sun rose, God prepared a harsh, east wind and the sun attacked Jonah's head and he became faint and begged with all his life to die, saying, «Death is better to me than life
Christ Jesus who died — more than that, who was raised to life — is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.
Indeed it is much easier to imagine the souls of the dead living on in some new kind of existence than it is to accept as fact that they have really died.
Martin Luther King was not a better Christian when he died than while he lived.
They can't come to terms with the idea that there may actually be nothing after we die so they latch on to a belief that gives them comfort... belief in an afterlife, eternity or any version of «god» is nothing more than a coping mechanism for those who can't accept that we are in fact finite creatures that are born, live, and die and are not meant or destined to exist for eternity.
For it can surely not be seriously denied that, according to Mt 25, a man may encounter Christ in his neighbour more truly and decisively as his Saviour than in a eucharistic communion which, despite the Real Presence and its sacramental efficacy ex opere operate is but the sign and the means of that union with Christ in the Holy Spirit which happens in the difficulties of our daily life even unto our «dying in the Lord».
The God we encounter there is the God in whom we live and move and have our being, the God who rejoices over His children with signing, the God who spreads Her wings over Her children like an eagle over her chicks, the God who loved the world enough to experience all of its pain alongside of us, the God who — as Nadia Bolz - Weber puts it — «would rather die than be in the sin accounting business anymore,» the God who loves to watch us play.
When my father died, shortly after I was ordained a priest, I discovered that I had many more questions than answers and that some very safe assumptions about the goodness and permanence of life had been shattered.
To think that He died for me, and rather than live for Him, I lived only for myself.
What you do with your life is far more important to him than the date of your Earthly death, your going to die anyways.
I hope that when my earth - body dies and my eternal soul is uploaded into the heavens via God's Galactic Internet that my file folder is judged as appropriate for download into a mansion that is more heavenly than this one, but that does not change that life in this mansion is what it is.
He'd rather believe in God while living on earth, being a good and moral person then die and found out there was no God, than to not believe there is a God, do whatever he pleased, to die and find out there is a God.
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