Sentences with phrase «dieback disease»

«It's strongly suspected that ash dieback disease was imported by timber movements from East Asia.
The committee's report has attracted headlines for its concerns about the harshness of the cuts faced by Defra, which has been under strain dealing with the consequences of ash dieback disease, horsemeat contamination and flooding.

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A young ash tree dying from ash dieback fungal disease.
Researchers at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) have successfully decoded the genetic sequence of the ash tree, to help the fight against the fungal disease, ash dieback.
Tighter controls on timber and plant movements into Europe are necessary to prevent further disastrous effects of plant diseases, a new study of the ash - dieback pathogen advises.
Ash dieback is a serious disease of ash trees which causes leaf loss and crown dieback, and usually kills affected trees.
A Queen Mary scientist will embark on a new project to decode the ash tree's entire genetic sequence in the hope of stopping Britain's trees from being completely devastated by the Chalara ash dieback fungal disease.
Under climate change, increased water stress, increased peak summer heat stress causing increased mortality, vulnerability to disease and subsequent fire, as well as decreased reproduction rates could lead to large - scale dieback of the boreal forests (77, 86), with transitions to open woodlands or grasslands.
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