Sentences with phrase «dieback fungus»

Exeter scientists have discovered that asexual spores of the ash dieback fungus (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) are infectious and can germinate on leaves or infect seedlings via soil.
The ash dieback fungus could spread more quickly and affect more trees than previously expected, according to research at the University of Exeter.
Tens of millions of ash trees across Europe are dying from the Hymenoscyphus fraxinea fungus — the most visible signs that a tree is infected with ash dieback fungus are cankers on the bark and dying leaves.

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It was believed that the fungus only multiplied by sexual reproduction but this is not the case, and this must now be taken into account in efforts to stop ash dieback
The fungus which causes Chalara dieback of ash trees has the potential to defend itself against virus attacks, research by British scientists has shown.
Further research suggested that a fungus was causing the dieback.
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