Sentences with phrase «died laughing when»

I puzzled and puzzled and died laughing when it...
I died laughing when your recipe posted and I thought, well I will just point them over here now, haha!

Not exact matches

Cashin, a 50 - year Wall Street veteran, drew more laughs from the audience in his first five minutes than all the other speakers combined, recalling how he got his start after his father died when he was a high school senior.
Sadly, you won't be laughing when you die and appear before the Living God Jesus Christ, face to face.
I just realized that I am an idiot, i have to argue as a theist christian that god created us so we will fill the almost empty heaven when we will die, and laugh at those sinners who are languishing and crying in hell, maybe thats why there sadist and masochist in us idiots.
And when those stories weren't enough, when the words themselves would not suffice, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, laughed among us, wept among us, ate among us, told more stories among us, suffered among us, died among us, and rose among us.
I do nt know about you, but anytime someone talks who wears magic underwear and thinks they get to be the king of their own planet when they die, i listen... then I laugh at them.
He cried with her when her mother died and laughed with her when her dad got her a puppy.
lol soon enough youll be playin with snakes, and when you die ill laugh like i did when i read this article.
, writer Charlie Blakeman nearly laughs when Sophie, his ex-girlfriend and a Catholic convert, says she plans to save the soul of her dying father - in - law, an atheist: «I don't think I knew a single person who would have spoken in that way about saving someone's soul,» Charlie observes.
Laughing because it has the scent of desperation all dying traditions have when they try to enforce tighter and tighter orthodoxy as a pathetic effort to save themselves from extinction.
I feel like when we are at our lake house during the summer, somehow infomicerals always end up on and we die laughing at them all!
My husband is in his third year of dental school too, and I know he might fall over and die if he sees these cupcakes (especially if I've correctly molded lower first molars for him;)-RRB- I made him these when he was studying for his boards — thought you might get a laugh out of them too!
Hahahah... I died laughing... Are little girls as obsessed with their genitalia when they get to that age?
He yells at me when I start walking — then laughs when I tell him to quite complaining I am dying back here!
At the time it was a lot of work or stressful (especially when my phone died mid shoot), but I can really laugh about it now.
One of my friends posted a picture of her next to Ariel from the Little Mermaid when she's in the rope and sheets... I died laughing so I had to repost.
We stayed at Wailea Beach and basically did everything you're supposed to do when you're on a family vacation - die of laughter, eat, sleep, and laugh some more.
You Again — When Jamie Lee Curtis relives her cheerleading days in this movie, I about died laughing.
When asked about whether dogs dying in his films were «a thing» his response was «[Laughs] I know we killed one in Royal Tenenbaums.»
I, Tonya follows in the tradition of edgy black comedies Fargo and To Die For, with moments like the one we experienced in Fargo, which provokes laughs when Steve Buscemi is fed through a wood chipper, and only later do you wonder if there is something seriously wrong with you.
When you realize that featured lampooned films like Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, and Basic Instinct provide far more laughs than Loaded Weapon 1, you can only conclude that this weapon has been loaded — with blanks.
Platoon is laughably bad, with horrible acting, narration, dialouge and over use of its score.This film fails at every level, every character is an over the top, cardboard cutout.Every white southerner is a drunken, racist, maniac.Every black soldier is a drug addict or coward, or both.When scenes make you laugh, when its intended to be moving?That's a problem.Full metal jacket is much MUCH more powerful and original.It has a black comedy / horro / thriller / element that has allowed this film to age so beautifully.Platoon's plot, is devoid of any tension.Once one of the 3 main characters die, we KNOW what's going to happen, and it DOES!
When her mother dies in the hospital, the nurse has one of those wonderfully inappropriate laughing fits.
We cry when the main character courageously dies for the noble cause, we wince when a character is experiencing excruciating pain and we laugh when a joke is planted just right.
Retro gamers are so used to losing and dying and starting over that half of us laugh when we make some epic mistake and have to start over.
SONIC CD brings back memorys i was yelling my head off cause when i dies thoughs stupid back round laughs got me so mad!!!! yet i manged to beat it sonic cd is one of the best sonic games i have ever played and i cant wait for SONIC GENERATIONS GO GO SONIC GO GO SONIC.
We were so sad when Groot died, but we were laughing our heads off when we saw him dancing to music at the end.
It reminds me of my little brother when he was about 5 and he came out with underware on his head, we all about died laughing.
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