Sentences with phrase «died that day do»

The people who died that day don't care about that stupid I - beam why should you.
Die Another Day did not go down well, when it was first released.

Not exact matches

«And we always say, our obituary one day, when we die: We don't want to say we optimized banner ads online,» Turner told us during an episode of Business Insider's podcast «Success!
It's not uncommon for established companies to lose touch with the do - or - die, innovate - or - else mentality of their early days.
Chris thought back to the man who had died in his arms a few days earlier and knew what he had to do.
Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
The people who died did so partly due to the fact that someone in Bangladesh made a very bad decision: police had ordered the building evacuated the day before, due to structural defects, but factory managers ignored that order.
An opposition lawmaker from Merida, Carlos Paparoni, said four people had died and 10 were injured in the chaos over the last two days, but he did not specify the circumstances.
Did you know that, according to the World Health Organization and UNICEF, more than 5,000 children die every day from diseases that could have been prevented simply by washing their hands?
Social media represents a new plot twist for America's dying retailers: How do you toast a brand's final days when the world is watching?
And at the end of the day, the fact that this conspiracy refuses to die says something about how Facebook users view the company: as a stalker that creeps on their privacy, and then can't be believed when it tells you, «no, trust me, we don't do that.»
He died three days later, on Sept. 17, with Do at his side.
A slim majority of BC MLA's oppose TMX — cue the backlash In the dying days of his administration before the pivotal inauguration of John Kennedy, outgoing Republican president Dwight Eisenhower sounded a note of caution, the echoes of which we would do well to reflect upon today.
I was thinking this the other day, when a lot of the Facebook executives get on Twitter and feel victim - y, they're doing their victim - y dance right now a lot of the time, and at one point, Boz, Bosworth, when he said, «Maybe people will die,» that memo, and instead of being like, «Oh god, we really have to be more mature about this,» their thing was, «We can't talk now.»
They saw classmates die and took cover as bullets flew on Valentine's Day, but when the slaughter stopped, the survivors of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High stood up and did not shut up.
You can absolutely dominate the App Store because your product provides totally new features that everyone is dying for (which is what Instagram did — twenty - five thousand downloads on its first day — and later Snapchat).
Yesterday was do or die day for stocks and commodities to breakout but they failed once again at resistance.
-LSB-...] 59 Peter Brandt's chart affirms Poly's view that Judgment Day for PMs is here: Precious metals are at «do or die» spots on charts PeterLBrandt -LSB-...]
What I do not understand is that, if your end game is that you are going to die, and, even if you are extraordinarily influential, that your influence will one day fade, what motivates you in life?
Did any other God you are aware of, die on a cross, and arise 3 days later?
So as Chirstians when we ask Mormons if they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, that they believe Jesus died and rose again on the third day to take away our sins and they say yes, they are not saying that they believe by confessing this that they automatically will live in the mansion where God the Father and Jesus Christ are and when they acknowledge our faith they don't believe that we will automatically be there based only on the blood of Jesus alone either.
So this is what I got from reading this article: god is all everything but can't or won't stop bad things from happening... he's ok with suffering and will very generously comfort us from the suffering that he provides, all you have to do to receive this gift of comfort is to live with the suffering until the day you die.
Christians, on the other hand, believe that we will be in the presence of God the Father and Jesus Christ solely by our faith in Christ and what He alone did by dying on the cross and rising again on the third day, so we believe it is a free gift of God and it doesn't just come after all we can do as Mormons believe.
And as Jesus told them, his seed, people believing him then, the 12 apostles, that would grow like a mustard seed in to a huge tree... which it did, 33 % of the 7 billion people on the planet believe Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit, performed miracles using the Holy Spirit, and later sent the Holy Spirit to the followers after dying on the cross and raising again on the 3rd day of being in the hands of sinful men.
It's incredible that anyone could be so IGNORANT and HEARTLESS as to support the beating of slaves with rods as long as they DID N'T DIE in a «DAY OR TWO».
Faith - You said «Did any other God you are aware of, die on a cross, and arise 3 days later?
Don't worry, I'm sure many atheists feel the same way about religious chaplains spewing fictional nonsense in their dying days.
The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died.
Now, Job after his bought with «pride» he ask YHWH for his forgiveness, and was later blessed with more sons and daughters who did the law, who were good children and an even better wife, and he lived for four generations of his children and their children, and died a very happy and fulfilled life, knowing that all of his family was left with love, and peace and togetherness among each other, now this is true life, living righteously and wholesome by ourselves and by others around us is what we are all suppose to live like, caring for your neighbors faithfully, and all be as one now not after it is too late but now we need the law of righteousness from YHWH, the 10 commandments, the sabbath, a day of rest, and the passover to remember the ones who died innocently, and to remember the freedom of our lives given by YHWH and do good by one another and not let each other fall, right now is what we need in this world today people.
I didn't mean that the dying's comfort is not important - I just lost my aunt and it was very important every day for her to be as comfortalbe as possible.
Even so I agree that «millions of American are doing fine without God» until the day they die...
Live and let die, live and let live, religious people do neither as we can see with our own eyes every day.
You must not eat the fruit of that tree; if you do, you will die the same day
This led Luther eventually to conclude that the Roman Church was irrevocably committed to the claim that the authority of the pope stood even above Holy Scripture and it was in this context that he came, over the next several years, to believe that the papacy was the prophesied Antichrist of the last days, a conviction he then held to his dying day with a literalistic fervor that his modern interpreters have rarely been willing to take as seriously as he did.
John, how do you think the Jewish and Muslim family members (of which there were many) of those that died that day in those buildings feel every time they visit the memorial and see only a Christian symbol.
How did you spend your days during the fight that I and so many died for freedom that you might live in an abundant society making your own dreams a reality to become true?
If there were, it sure doesn't give a rip about all the children it lets starve and die every day.
That said, there are eye witnesses that went to their deaths saying that they saw Jesus die on a cross, and saw him again days later alive, then later still saw him raise up into heaven, all the while proclaiming he is the Son of God sent to do that for others sins so they could be saved.
It's a fact the sun rose the day your dog died, but that fact doesn't suggest any of the possibilities is any more likely than any of the others, so it's not evidence.
It's also obvious that Jesus died for our sins and raised again the third day, for those that believe him and repent, and do the will of God.
The man that picked sticks on the 7th day died, actually they were to do nothing on the saboth, not go to church (NOTHING)!
Tears quietly streamed down his face as he watched himself recount his work as a hospital chaplain in Brooklyn, the day he held the shiny bald head of a man named Albert who looked into his eyes, said, «Don't be afraid,» and died.
And I certainly don't think we need a bunch of stuffy church people sitting around discussing Genesis 6 all day while people around them are dying and going to hell (that would be, a place of shame, right?).
In a Good Friday article about Holy Week, NPR inaccurately described Easter as «the day celebrating the idea that Jesus did not die and go to hell or purgatory or...
God's answer to slave owners taking a rod and beating their elderly female slaves (even breaking their bones as long as they didn't die «in a day or so») was there was to be NO VENGEANCE taken on them.
What does God say is the PUNISHMENT if a slave owner takes a rod and beats his elderly female slave, but she doesn't die «in a day or so»?
If you look at chapter 2 He states «the day you eat you shall die» I do not think the Lord would ever make such a strong statement without backing it up.
At Judgement Day we will only come through when we have overcome our bad old nature through the power of Jesus death and resurrection — Jesus didn't die only for our forgiveness but also in order to set us free from egoism.
If they believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, and if they believe that three days after his death, Jesus Christ rose from the dead and if they believe all of these things, but don't believe in Jesus for eternal life, that person is not saved.
Most people don't realize this can happen, and so just assume that Jesus died on Friday, because that is the day before the Sabbath.
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