Sentences with phrase «diem expenses»

The bill would require that state lawmakers disclose details of their sources of outside income, even law clients, and that they prove they were actually in Albany, using an electronic card swipe system, before they are entitled to per diem expense payments.
Legislators» base pay has been $ 79,500 since 1998, but most lawmakers also receive stipends for chairing legislative committees as well as per - diem expenses for the time they spend in Albany.
One provision in the ethics regulations would treat lawmakers like factory workers — they'd have to prove they were in Albany to get their per diem expenses by swiping in with an electronic card.
The plan would also reform the per diem expenses paid to members of the legislature for their time spent in Albany.
He is already talking to Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli about per diem expense reforms and will propose limiting legislators» outside income or prohibiting it while increasing their state pay.
Heastie proposed a series of reforms to the chamber on Monday, following a spate of recent arrests, and questions about his own fund - raising and per diem expenses since Heastie became the front - running to replace Silver.
Until less than a year ago, there was no oversight of how lawmakers used, or misused the per diem expense payments they receive while in Albany.
The bill would require that state lawmakers disclose details of their sources of outside income, even law clients, and that they prove they were actually in Albany (using an electronic card swipe system) before they are entitled to per diem expense payments.
Nolan demurred, too, when asked if lawmakers should reconsider their support for Heastie given reports about his high rate of reimbursement for per diem expenses, missed votes, heavy reliance on itemized campaign finance expenditures (which drew the attention of the now - defunct Moreland Commission), as well as member items being directed to campaign donors.
In the Senate, Catherine Young had the biggest per diem expense, a total of $ 23,485, although the Olean Republican trailed nine others for total reimbursements, including Sen. William Stachowski, $ 34,436, who flew from Buffalo a lot, costing $ 12,782; Suzi Oppenheimer, $ 28,898; Martin Dilan, $ 28,734; Velmanette Montgomery, $ 27,285; and former Sen. Dale Volker, $ 26,478, who also flew occasionally.
Gov. Paterson has called lawmakers back this Wednesday and he's saying he'll keep them here until the budget is completed — which means more per diems expenses.
Heastie also pledged to create new accountability and openness on per diem expenses, and promised to work with the office of state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli (a former assemblyman from Long Island) on new oversight.
ALBANY — Governor Andrew Cuomo announced late Tuesday that he and Assembly Democrats have agreed on an ethics package that would require legislators to disclose their business and law clients and to use swipe cards to prove they were in Albany on days when they claim per diem expenses.
Since 2010, Heastie was second in per diem expenses to only Assemblyman William Scarborough, who has been criminally charged for misusing the expense - account system.
In May, Heastie announced new rules for acceptable documentation to prove a member is in Albany when he or she claims per diem expenses.
Not after the government and local officials and foreign consultants, with their five - star hotels and travel and per - diem expenses, have all taken their share.
The Swiss Arts Council covers the costs of travel, insurance and per diem expenses.
Munger suggests that directors should serve without compensation like members of the boards of trustees of universities in the U.S. who do not receive compensation other than some travel and per diem expenses.
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