Sentences with phrase «diet compositions showed»

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An extensive, year - long study at South Dakota State University (SDSU), shows that a diet enriched with Fibersym RW, which performs like a prebiotic fiber, can lower blood cholesterols and improve body composition.
FRANCESCA ORLANDO: So there are no studies in the human model that show that breast milk composition changes according to diet.
The examination of the isotope composition of individual amino acids in the collagen shows that the bears lived on a strictly vegan diet.
She comments «This is the first report showing that diet can alter the nutrient composition of human uterine fluid, which nurtures the early embryo.
«Humans show considerable individual differences in the composition of their gut bacteria due to genetics, age, diet, time of day, and pets, among other factors, and therefore likely their responses to indomethacin,» Liang said.
«We therefore had to use a different method, so we measured the composition of carbon isotopes — the ratio of protein and mineral content — in the fossilized sloth bones,» explains Bocherens, and he continues, «Our measurements show that Megatherium lived on an exclusively vegetarian diet
Coprolites are fossilized feces that can be used to provide information on the composition of the intestinal microbiota and, as we show, possibly on diet.
Research shows that TEF accounts for about 10 % of our total daily energy expenditure, with amounts varying based on the macronutrient composition of our diets.
«There are studies showing that what we eat can alter the composition and products of the gut flora — in particular, that people with high - vegetable, fiber - based diets have a different composition of their microbiota, or gut environment, than people who eat the more typical Western diet that is high in fat and carbohydrates,» [senior author Dr. Emeran] Mayer said.
People who eat diets high in plant fiber show a more beneficial composition of gut bacteria compared to those who eat a typical western diet.
The delicate balance between the human microbiome and the development of psychopathologies is particularly interesting given the ease with which the microbiome can be altered by external factors, such as diet, 23 exposure to antimicrobials24, 25 or disrupted sleep patterns.26 For example, a link between antibiotic exposure and altered brain function is well evidenced by the psychiatric side - effects of antibiotics, which range from anxiety and panic to major depression, psychosis and delirium.1 A recent large population study reported that treatment with a single antibiotic course was associated with an increased risk for depression and anxiety, rising with multiple exposures.27 Bercik et al. 28 showed that oral administration of non-absorbable antimicrobials transiently altered the composition of the gut microbiota in adult mice and increased exploratory behaviour and hippocampal expression of brain - derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), while intraperitoneal administration had no effect on behaviour.
Studies have shown that ketogenic diets have a lot of favorable effects on your body, such as less oxidative stress, reduced inflammation, an improved body composition (meaning, more muscle, less fat) and increased insulin sensitivity!!
Eating a plant - based diet that emphasizes vegetables not only provides more vitamins, minerals, and fiber, but these studies show it also fosters the composition of gut bacteria to promote leanness and prevent obesity.
The weight - loss effect of transplanting thin bacteria was shown to work only when accompanied by a high - fiber, lower - fat diet which affects bacterial composition in the gut.
The composition of the study diets is shown in Table 1.
I think this study shows that a high - fiber diet does very little in altering the composition of gut flora, while a high RS diet makes immediate changes, favoring butyrate producers, and creating an environment hostile to pathogenic species.
Comparisons between germ - free and conventional rats showed that transcriptional and serum metabolite differences were mediated by the microbiota and were not the direct result of diet composition...»
Although short - term randomized clinical trials have shown a beneficial effect of high protein intake, 3,4,20,21 the long - term health consequences of protein intake remain controversial.8,9,22 - 25 In a randomized clinical trial with a 2 - year intervention, 4 calorie - restricted diets with different macronutrient compositions did not show a difference in the effects on weight loss or on improvement of lipid profiles and insulin levels.26 When protein is substituted for other macronutrients, the dietary source of protein appears to be a critical determinant of the outcome.
A number of studies have shown that variations in the human gut microbiome are associated with different diet compositions as well as a number of medical conditions.
These findings show that there are differences in urine composition between different breeds of dog fed the same diet.
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