Sentences with phrase «diet experience significant»

Plant - based diets appear to offer relief from a variety of menstrual symptoms, including bloating and breast pain (cyclical mastalgia), and women suffering with dysmenorrhea — painful, crampy periods — who switch to a plant - based diet experience significant relief in menstrual pain intensity and duration.

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The majority of these patients experienced significant improvements with a reduced frequency and severity of migraine attacks on the elimination diet (9)
A recent study of the gluten - free diets of new and experienced coeliacs found that significant numbers of adult female participants did not achieve the recommended dietary intakes (RDI) or even the population averages of thiamin, folate, calcium, iron or fibre.
He cites a study which showed that patients with ADHD and celiac disease experienced significant improvement after following a gluten free diet for six months.
My Comment: I experienced severe withdrawal on the second day of the elimination diet and had some but not significant clearing of symptoms.
Participants on the plant - based diet experienced an increase in insulin sensitivity as well, though it was not statistically significant.
Sometimes, all you need to do is make a few changes to your diet or lifestyle to experience a significant improvement in water weight gain.
The ketogenic diet is a high - fat / low carbohydrate [and low protein] diet that has been used since the 1920's to treat childhood epilepsy, with some studies suggesting that over 50 % of patients experience significant reductions in seizure frequency.
After eating any meal if someone experiences significant joint pain, doing an elimination diet on the foods in that meal would help them better understand what their trigger foods are and help them know what to avoid to keep from experiencing discomfort.
You might have experienced brain fog indeed, as the study I presented noted, there was significant cognitive impairment from the ketogenic diet.
If you are not experiencing significant symptom relief but have been on the diet for less than six weeks, you may want to try a little longer to see if a few more weeks of restricting high - FODMAP foods from your diet makes a difference in terms of your response to the diet.
Obviously, for best results, it would be great to work with an experienced herbalist and medical professional before making any significant changes to your diet.
In addition, they experienced several of the beneficial effects typically seen on keto diets, including weight loss and significant improvements in blood glucose control and insulin sensitivity (12).
I know people with other blood types that did not notice any benefit from the BTD, but our experiences have been significant enough to believe there may be something to the food sensitivity — Blood antigen type diet.
If you are experiencing consistent long term fluctuations in weight without having changed your diet in any significant way, then you probably have a gluten problem.
On rare occasions, an individual may experience significant improvement within weeks of eliminating gluten from their diet.
In another study of twenty overweight African American women engaged in a moderate diet and exercise regime, the group taking niacin - bound chromium experienced a significant loss of fat and sparing of muscle, as compared to group taking a placebo.
By using whole food nutrition along with specialty diets, supplements, gut function improvement and toxin reduction, some children experience significant gains and almost all children show some improvement.
The amount of weight loss varies according to the study design, but a significant percent of patients are experiencing weight loss, despite little or no change in diet.
The group following a Mediterranean diet with supplemental nuts had significant improvements in memory, while the group adding extra virgin olive oil experienced significantly better cognitive function.
Scientists observed that subjects experienced a small but significant decrease in testosterone levels while following a low - fat, high - fiber diet.
At the present time, I do not know if there is a significant advantage to using a bland or low fat diet but if your boyfriend's vet has had good experience with doing this I don't see any reason not to give it a try.
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