Sentences with phrase «diet high»

At first, it may seem like a paradox that we tend to eat diets high in fat, yet fail to have reliable vitamin E nutrition.
In general, mice that ate diets high in protein were more likely to die younger.
They found evidence of decay in more than half of the surviving teeth, a prevalence of dental disease comparable to that of modern, industrial societies with diets high in refined sugars.
As mentioned above, the relationship between potassium and sodium is critical to the health benefits of diets high in potassium.
Dogs who are fed diets high in fat or those who are fed greasy «people food» are at high risk for the condition.
Many diabetic pets also benefit from diets high in dietary fiber.
Thus, traditional societies may follow diets high in carbohydrate without evidence of obesity or Type 2 Diabetes.
A nutrient poor diet high in processed foods high in refined flour and sugar causes imbalances too.
That's one reason why diets high in buckwheat have been tied to lower cholesterol.
Likewise, they are in line with research that shows diets high in refined carbohydrates might increase the risk of an array of adverse health effects.
Numerous studies have linked diets higher in plant protein than animal protein to reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, and other health ailments.
An unhealthy diet high in fat, giving your cat lots of treats or «human» food, as well as a lack of exercise may all contribute to weight gain.
While diets high in foods rich in fat like meats, cheeses, butter, dairy, and egg yolks are popular, they don't come without some consequences.
The most recent and reliable studies indicate that less than 1 % is converted in people consuming a typical western diet high in omega - 6 fatty acids.
Country by country, populations become obese when they adopt an American diet high in animal fat and simple sugars.
Copper can enter the body through diets high in this mineral, or through copper in the environment.
One recent study looked at diets high in animal proteins, including cheese.
For example, I had a 52 - year - old patient who started a vegan diet high in veggies and without refined grains or sugar.
They eat an organic diet high in fats and protein, with no sugar or wheat.
Protein is in the spotlight these days, with articles touting diets high in protein and advertisements for protein powders in the media.
Those who have poor diets, especially diets high in refined and processed foods under stress will be more susceptible.
Therefore, a weight loss diet high in carbohydrate (45 - 50 %) is recommended to maintain energy levels.
Study volunteers followed carefully planned diets high or low in carbohydrates and with high or low glycemic index scores.
Might he have been one of the few people who thrives on a carefully designed diet high in fruit and vegetables and low in animal foods?
A childhood diet high in soy — 1.5 servings or more a week — was associated with a 58 % reduction in breast cancer risk.
Kids can improve their bone health by eating diets high in calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus.
Low fiber diets are associated with diets higher in fat and carbohydrates, both of which are associated with an increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease, weight gain, and diabetes.
Although dogs prefer meat - based foods, they can exist on diets high in vegetable proteins - as long as other missing nutrients and amino acids are added.
For example, meat from chickens fed diets high in vitamin E show less evidence for free radical damage to their fats over 10 days of storage.
Poor diet high in trans fat, processed sugars and additives that lead to thyroid antibodies in the blood.
That's why diets high in zero calorie sweeteners have been consistently linked to obesity and diabetes.
Raw dog food diets high in liver contain excessive vitamin A. It's tough to find the right ratios of nutrients when feeding a raw diet.
We knew stevia was a better alternative to diets high in sugars and artificial sweeteners — and it simply tasted great!
This is because people consume diets high in sugars, sweeteners, and refined carbohydrates — pasta, white rice, breads, pastries, soda — that quickly spike blood sugar.
Puppies, high performance dogs, lactating animals and underweight pets, however, may need diets higher in fat and calories than average house pets.
A plant - based diet high in fiber can flush excess estrogen and cholesterol out of the system.
Diet: Ferrets are true carnivores and therefore require diets high in protein.
To continue: «For example, many people who currently inhabit tropical or equatorial regions have a strong hereditary need for diets high in carbohydrates such as vegetables and fruits and grains and legumes.
«Bears not bothered by diet high in saturated fats: Grizzlies show no clinical signs of disease following short - term consumption of saturated fats but scientists question long - term health.»
«Mediterranean diet high in healthy fat does not lead to weight gain, according to randomized trial.»
The fungus thrives on sugar so diets high in sugars, processed carbohydrates, and alcohol feed allow a candida infection to take root and thrive.
Rodents fed high - fat high - sugar diets, but not high - fat diets only, show a decrease in BDNF level17, 18,19, which could be a mechanistic link between diets high in sugar and depression.
To understand how obesity occurs and how it may be treated requires an understanding of the genes that regulate body weight and how their function is influenced by environmental factors such as diets high in calories and dietary fat.
Arthur Gilbert, of Somerset, England, says he follows a balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables — and he especially loves bananas.
Modern diets high in processed grains and low in nutrient dense fats and minerals may increase the likelihood of nutrient absorption problems and make it even more important to reduce phytic acid levels in food.

Phrases with «diet high»

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