Sentences with phrase «diet high in fat»

At first, it may seem like a paradox that we tend to eat diets high in fat, yet fail to have reliable vitamin E nutrition.
Low fiber diets are associated with diets higher in fat and carbohydrates, both of which are associated with an increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease, weight gain, and diabetes.
When you eat a low carbohydrate diet high in fat and protein, fatty acids are burned for energy, however they also accumulate in tissues like your muscle and liver.
Dogs who are fed diets high in fat or those who are fed greasy «people food» are at high risk for the condition.
Women who are severely overweight when pregnant tend to have poor diets high in fat and low on nutrients.
Eating a 5,000 - calorie diet high in fat will certainly put you in ketosis, but you probably won't lose weight because those excessive calories have to go somewhere.
They eat an organic diet high in fats and protein, with no sugar or wheat.
An unhealthy diet high in fat, giving your cat lots of treats or «human» food, as well as a lack of exercise may all contribute to weight gain.
Puppies, high performance dogs, lactating animals and underweight pets, however, may need diets higher in fat and calories than average house pets.
University of Adelaide researchers have found that men who consume diets high in fat are more likely to feel sleepy during the day, to report sleep problems at night, and are also more likely to suffer from sleep apnea.
A secondresearch focus is on the function of syndecan - 3, a protein that we showed controls body weight and important in development of obesity on diets high in fat much like the «American Western» type diet.
The article «A gestational diet high in fat soluble vitamins alters expression of genes in 1 brain pathways and reduces sucrose preference, but not food intake, in Wistar male rat offspring» by Sanchez - Hernandez et al. was published in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism.
Ketogenic diet = diet high in fat, moderate in protein and low in carbs.
However, a Westernized diet high in fat and sugar has also been shown to cause a more porous intestinal lining, the consequences of which include systemic access to food antigens, environmental toxins, and structural components of microbes, such as lipopolysaccharide endotoxin (LPS)[60].
The WAPF diet high in fat helps all cases of insulin sensitivity.
Whereas diets high in fat have been shown, again and again, in a large body of clinical trials, to lead to improved measures for heart disease, blood pressure, and diabetes, and are better for weight loss.
All of the healthy people groups that Dr. Weston A. Price studied ate diets higher in fat than those we eat today.
In the research setting, scientists induce insulin resistance and diabetes by feeding laboratory animals a low carbohydrate diet high in fat and protein.
People with diets high in fat, for example, have a different microbiota than do vegans, though in humans it is far more difficult to identify a core microbiota.
Diets high in fat and heavy in dairy and high - glycemic sugars, like bread and pasta, have been linked to increased risks of acne.
When I do break my fast I eat a diet high in fat, with an equal amount of protein and carbohydrate.
Eating a diet high in fat can make it harder for you to safely lose weight, and a diet high in saturated fat increases your risk of heart disease and stroke.
As many of you might know, the PK Protocol emphasizes a diet high in fat, in order to support the IV and oral supplements that I take.
Remember, babies need a diet high in fat to support growth during infancy.
A diet high in fat may cause less magnesium to be absorbed.
Previous research has shown that diets high in fat, particularly saturated fat, carry risks for people with Type 2 diabetes.
Professor Henneberg says: «It would be irresponsible to interpret these findings as meaning that it's okay to keep eating a diet high in fats and carbohydrates.
Clues to the influence of genes on the composition of the microbiome emerged from experiments where mice were raised in a germ - free environment and challenged by a diet high in fat and sugar.
The effects of a diet high in fat may extend beyond memory.
Biological susceptibility, a diet higher in fats and red meats, increased likelihood of smoking, social and economic disparities, and low use of screening methods have been implicated as potential contributing causes.
Diets high in fat and low in carbohydrates, such as the ketogenic or modified Atkins diet, may reduce seizures in adults with tough - to - treat epilepsy, according to a review of the research published in the October 29, 2014, online issue of Neurology ®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
In our study, type 1 and type 2 diabetes both induce changes in glucose transport in the kidney, but junk food or a diet high in fat causes changes that are very similar to those found in type 2 diabetes.
In the current study, published in Cell Reports, the researchers investigated the relationship between p75 NTR and a diet high in fat — often the cause of these problems.
The study showed that the mice fed a diet high in fats and calories gained significantly more weight, had abnormalities of their metabolism and increased insulin levels, and had marked pancreatic tissue inflammation and development of PanIN lesions.
LA JOLLA, CA — New research from scientists at the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology shows how a diet high in fat and cholesterol depletes the ranks of artery - protecting immune cells, turning them into promoters of inflammation, which exacerbate atherosclerotic plaque buildup that occurs in cardiovascular disease.
LA JOLLA, CA — New research from scientists at the La Jolla Institute For Allergy and Immunology shows how a diet high in fat and cholesterol depletes the ranks of artery - protecting immune cells, turning them into promoters of inflammation, which exacerbate atherosclerotic plaque buildup that occurs in cardiovascular disease.
Comparing these six diets «gave us a much more precise way of saying, What is the role of fructose versus glucose in the diet, and how bad is it when it's added to a normal diet versus a diet high in fat,» says Kahn.
Feeding pregnant female mice a diet high in fat derived from common corn oil resulted in genetic changes that substantially increased breast cancer susceptibility in three generations of female offspring, reports a team of researchers led by scientists at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.
«This very well may be true, but more studies need to be carried out to ensure that there is not a different underlying cause that might be common amongst women with a diet high in fat and processed foods,» Bernik said.
But some other factors — such as obesity, and diets high in fat and processed carbohydrates — can be changed, the institute suggests.
It's no secret that a diet high in fat and processed sugar will contribute to heart disease and diabetes, but excess sugar can create an acidic environment in the body, in which cancer cells thrive.
In a new study, researchers found that a diet high in fats and sugars and low in fiber impaired memory inhibition — that's the useful ability to block out memories that are no longer useful, such as pleasant images of food when you're full.
Chronic stress (think holiday shopping) combined with a diet high in fats and sugar may lead to a stomach looking very much like a bowl full of jelly.
«Your primary objective dictates whether you need to include starchy carbohydrates in your diet or stick to a diet higher in fat.
Almost everyone you know will tell you that a diet high in fat will lead you straight in the hands of the heart surgeon.
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