Sentences with phrase «diet high in sugar»

Extended diets high in carbohydrates could have similar results to an extended diet high in sugar.
And diets high in sugar put you at risk of diseases like diabetes as well as unwanted weight gain.
A body fueled primarily by our modern diet high in sugars, grains, and processed foods will over produce glutamate, a leading cause of brain fog and bad focus.
This is because people consume diets high in sugars, sweeteners, and refined carbohydrates — pasta, white rice, breads, pastries, soda — that quickly spike blood sugar.
The fungus thrives on sugar so diets high in sugars, processed carbohydrates, and alcohol feed allow a candida infection to take root and thrive.
-- Bad lifestyle, unhealthy diet high in sugar, processed refined foods, nutritional deficiencies, artificial sweeteners, lack of exercise, stimulants, drugs, medication.
A typical diet high in sugar, carbs, and artificial chemicals and low in critical nutrients can kill off huge swaths of beneficial flora, while allowing levels of bad bacteria to skyrocket.
-- Other factors that contribute to this condition include lack of exercise, lack of zinc and B vitamins, medications, refined diet high in sugar and white flour products, use of stimulants (caffeine, alcohol, illegal drugs), artificial sweeteners, and lack of probiotic bacteria in the gut due to bad refined diet, antibiotics, consumption of meat and dairy products, sugar, stimulants, overgrowth of harmful bacteria and candida (yeasts), toxins, stress, lack of dietary fibre, etc..
In a carefully controlled study of healthy adult individuals, a four - day diet high in sugar and other carbohydrates, but low in fibre, resulted in less deep NREM sleep and more awakenings at night.
This lifestyle, coupled with a SAD diet high in sugar and toxic additives «generally regarded as safe» by the FDA, contributes to increased body fat and cortisol levels from chronic stress.
Rodents fed high - fat high - sugar diets, but not high - fat diets only, show a decrease in BDNF level17, 18,19, which could be a mechanistic link between diets high in sugar and depression.
Our canine and feline companions are showing us that what we're eating and feeding to them is closely associated with the cascade of health issues we face today — in part from biologically inappropriate diets high in sugars and starches.
Our bodies are designed to have a slightly alkaline pH, but with our modern diet high in sugar and exposure to everyday toxins — from the air we breathe to the water we drink to the phones we're addicted to — most of us have become acidic.
-- Bad lifestyle, unhealthy diet high in sugar, processed refined foods, nutritional deficiencies, artificial sweeteners, lack of exercise, stimulants, drugs, medication, and in particular excessive stress, depression and pessimism may lead to the oversensitivity of the immune system which changes its nature and starts attacking own body.
While the sugars are natural, a diet high in sugar can increase your chance of weight gain and obesity, according to the American Heart Association.
Magnesium deficiency is a common day epidemic due to diets high in sugar and low in green foods.
The World Health Organization estimates that there are more than one billion people that are overweight and over 400 million that are obese, which many attribute to diets high in sugar.
We knew stevia was a better alternative to diets high in sugars and artificial sweeteners — and it simply tasted great!
Diet: a diet high in sugar including dry fruit, sugary treats, especially those that are sticky and do not dissolve, fruit juices, and sodas
Diets high in sugar are a contributing factor to childhood and adult obesity.
Not only is a diet high in sugar or salt not healthy for a baby, babies exposed to it early in life develop a preference for sugary and salty foods.
BUSM researchers attempted to answer this question by measuring the inability to withhold an impulsive response in experimental models that were exposed to a diet high in sugar daily for one hour.
Further research will need to fully explore this link, and any potential effect of a diet high in sugar
A diet high in sugar and saturated fat creates a state of systemic inflammation.
Glad you asked - a diet high in sugars and carbohydrates.
When you're on a diet high in sugar, a hormonal response is triggered in the body in a wave - like fashion, where it takes you up and crashes you down afterwards, making the body crave more of it.
And of course, as I mentioned above, the most common cause I see in my functional medicine clinic is from a diet high in sugar, refined carbohydrates and alcohol.
This can manifest in several different ways, and often occurs in those eating a diet high in sugar, alcohol and refined carbohydrates.
Other reasons for blocked and clogged pores include a diet high in sugar, dairy, fried food, hydrogenated oils and processed food, heavy makeup use, beauty products with pore clogging ingredients, persistent sweating, high humidity and....
Research has shown that insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, and type 2 diabetes are likely induced by a diet high in sugar.
A diet high in sugars and grains also puts you at risk.
Eating a diet high in sugar also increases your exposure to AGEs.
These microbes help to recolonize the gut by destroying pathogenic strains like candida that may have gained dominance over the years through the use of antibiotics, other drugs, and a diet high in sugar and processed foods.
Staying on a diet high in sugar, high in fat, caffeine and salt will clog your body and you will have a lot more toxins which can be harmful to your immune system and have a higher risk of getting more diseases.
Eating a diet high in sugar and processed foods is stressful to the body, as is an unmanaged autoimmune disease, or hormones that are out of whack and causing miserable PMS or menopausal symptoms.
Although genetic predisposition plays a role, PCOS is a hormonal imbalance frequently caused by the same things that cause high blood sugar: a diet high in sugars and processed carbohydrates, lack of plant fiber, overeating, and lack of exercise.
A diet high in sugar or a diet involving moderate but frequent sugar intake teaches the brain to want to eat more often, he notes.
Solid evidence exists that diets high in sugar and refined carbohydrates are the primary CAUSE of acne.
But when inflammation goes on and on (as it does for those eating a diet high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, and trans fats), the wounds never heal and the body has to keep sending more and more raw materials and energy sources (including cholesterol, saturated fats, and lipoproteins) to the area to help repair the damage.
Diets high in sugar, trans and «bad» fats, and highly processed foods don't feed the body quite right.
Another study reported by the American Heart Association found evidence that diets high in sugar are slightly lower in important nutrients, compared to diets containing moderate amounts of sugar.
Overeating and eating a diet high in sugar and starchy foods causes insulin resistance.
Eating a diet high in sugar and saturated fat puts stress on your body, including your liver and digestive system.
, a diet high in sugar was shown to increase symptoms of anxiety.
Within one study, published in Life Sciences, a diet high in sugar was shown to increase symptoms of anxiety.
It's been found within a number of studies that a diet high in sugar and processed foods actually damages the brain, worsening symptoms of both depression and anxiety.
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